In the evening, the sudden light rain caused the dense crowd of pedestrians on the street to disappear without a trace.

There was a hint of coldness in the rain in early spring. The originally clear rainwater flowed all the way from the eaves, and became turbid after being mixed with dust.

And just under the eaves dripping with muddy raindrops, dirty events that are difficult to wash away with rain are taking place in a dark alley.

"What...are you doing?!" A slightly frightened voice came from the dark alley. Unfortunately, the alley was deep enough to suppress the cry for help coming from it.

The person who spoke was a girl with long hair and a very outstanding appearance.

She is obviously wearing a school uniform, but she looks quite mature. She has regular facial features and a petite face. She looks cute but has a slightly sharp outline. That delicate sense of balance makes her look like a doll.

Her long straight hair hangs down her back, but the hair around her ears is tied into a bunch, placed on her chest in a symmetrical shape. Paired with the uniform of an aristocratic school and her elegant temperament, you can tell at a glance that she is a young lady from a wealthy family.

Because she was a little panicked, her dark red eyes trembled slightly, but it still couldn't change her endearing image.

A good girl like this should have appeared on the school's podium or in a high-end restaurant, which is completely incompatible with the dirty and dark alleys now.

"Young lady, you can really joke. It is of course an honor for us to meet a beautiful girl like you in a place like this." A slightly tongue-licking voice sounded from the darkness in front of the girl.

The five gangsters surrounded the girl at the end of the alley in a semi-surrounding manner. Everyone's eyes revealed lust and darkness.

Although he was facing a good girl who would not resist at first glance, the gangster in the lead was still fiddling with the knife in his hand, trying to make the "prey" in front of him obey.

Seeing that his words made the prey in front of him look more frightened, but his weak and pitiful posture could not arouse the little gangster's pity, but made the desire in his eyes even more swollen.

He greedily took a few glances at the prey, especially the bumpy figure that even a school uniform similar to a nun's uniform couldn't cover. Coupled with this, even though he was in such a dangerous situation, he still had no expression like a doll. With his face, the little gangster wished he could take off his clothes right there and execute him on the spot.

However, he took another look at the street outside the alley, and finally chose to play it safe, planning to take the prey to his "secret base" and then do whatever he wanted.

After all, although the view in this alley is relatively dim, it is not very soundproof. If the other party really shouts loudly, it is likely to attract people.

"Let's go and have a drink with us. You won't give us this face, will you, miss?" While speaking, the leader of the gang showed off the dagger in his hand.

The remaining four gangsters also waved weapons such as clubs in their hands and approached the girl in front of them with lewd smiles on their faces.

After being looked at by these gangsters with real eyes, the body of the girl leaning on the corner trembled involuntarily. However, due to the habit of staying at her stepfather's house all year round, she still maintained her expressionless posture.

After hearing what these gangsters said, she wanted to refuse, but whether it was the cowardly character she had cultivated since childhood or the weapons in the hands of those gangsters, it was obvious that there was no room for her to refuse.

Seeing that the prey in front of him was still hesitating, the leader of the gangsters took a step forward without hesitation, further compressing the small space between the two of them to create as much pressure on him as possible:

"What's wrong, young lady, we sincerely invite you to go out to play. Do you want to let down our good intentions...ah!!!"

Before he finished speaking, the gangster leader's originally extremely arrogant expression suddenly changed sharply, his entire face became distorted, and a tragic wailing came from his mouth.

The other gangsters were startled by their boss's sudden change, and then they saw a leg kicking their boss's crotch at some point.

Originally, the sight of a beautiful woman made his blood boil. After such a heavy blow, the gangster leader lost his dignity as a man.

However, the owner of the foot didn't seem to want to give up. It seemed that the attack just now allowed him to test the opponent's physical endurance level. Seeing that the little bastard was still screaming miserably from the top of his head, he kicked him again without hesitation.


After a short whine, the gangster leader ignored the water on the ground in the alley, covered his crotch with his hands and knelt on the ground.

"Who are you...Ouch!"

The remaining brothers originally wanted to avenge their boss, but unfortunately the attacker did not give them such a chance. They gave each of them a kick very simply, causing them to follow their boss and lie on the ground and squirm in pain. .

"If you are only at this level, don't try to imitate others. With your professional ethics, if someone I knew before saw this, you would be filled with cement and sink into the sea." Accompanied by With a deep voice, an unusually tall figure slowly emerged from the shadows of the alley.

After taking a look at the five gangsters lying on the ground who had stopped moving and looked as if they were dead, Zheng Shu curled his lips. It seemed that his skills were indeed rusty.

In the past, when he was picking eggs for hybrids in the dragon world, he could only damage the reproductive system without damaging other organs.

But looking at the five gangsters on the ground, not to mention the reproductive system, the entire hip bones and part of the lumbar vertebrae were probably crushed by his kick.

When these guys wake up, they will probably lie in bed incontinent for the rest of their lives.

Of course, Zheng Shu also felt that part of his decline in skills was due to his body shape.

With his current height of over two and a half meters, one foot is larger than half the back of an average person, and even his thick calves are about the same size as a human waist.

Even if you restrain your strength, an ordinary person wouldn't need to kick his entire hip bone with such a big kick.

Ignoring the few gangsters who had passed out due to excessive pain, Zheng Shu lightly kicked their bodies aside with his feet and came to the front of the girl.

After looking at her with interest, especially her eyes, Zheng Shu finally spoke amidst the frightened eyes of the other party.

"Miss Asakami, remember to go home early after school next time. If you really want to go shopping, it's best to do it in a busy area and don't come to such a dark place alone." Zheng Shu glanced at Asakami Fujino.

Although he could feel the fluctuations of fear in her spirit, her expression still did not change much, and she looked like her face was paralyzed.

But Zheng Shu knew that this was not her original state.

The girl rescued by Zheng Shu is named Asakami Fujino. She is a very important character in the realm of the sky. She is also one of the four most famous girls in the world of Xingyue who have been severely persecuted.

As for the scene just now, it was probably a turning point that led to the tragic fate of Asagami Fujino.

In the original work, after Asakami Fujino was robbed by these gangsters, these gangsters would continue to violate her for nearly a year.

Disgusted by her doll-like face that never changed, the gangsters inflicted more injuries on him, even hitting her vertebrae with baseball bats.

However, these also led to Asakami Fujino's subsequent killing spree in order to find the escaped gangster leader after awakening the twisted demonic eye, and was eventually defeated by the two rituals.

Just now, Zheng Shu deliberately paid attention to Asakami Fujino's eyes when he saw her. To be honest, it was because there were not many capable magicians in Kanfuko City, otherwise Asakami Fujino's eyes would have been exposed long ago.

Even without contact, Zheng Shu could feel the huge magic power accumulated in her eyes, like a volcano that was suppressed and could not erupt but could only continue to accumulate energy.

Although the short-term awakening time of the magic eye is delayed, the performance of the magic eye will be greatly improved after awakening.

The reason why this happened was because Asagami Fujino's stepfather was afraid of his abilities.

Asakami Fujino had the ability to bend objects without touching them when he was young. However, he was regarded as a cursed child by the villagers and was persecuted for this.

Since the age of six, Fujino Asagami has lost his abilities along with his sense of pain.

Nominally she is said to suffer from painless disease, but in fact her stepfather Yasuzou Asakami deliberately asked doctors to give her painkillers after she contracted neuromyelitis optica, and used a method of blocking sensation to seal off her abilities.

It is also for this reason that Asakami Fujino's power continued to accumulate, and eventually her "distorted demonic eye" after awakening reached the rainbow level, the highest level of the demonic eye.

The level of the magic eye starts from the lowest level of artificial magic eyes, followed by green or red, then gold, gems and rainbow.

Generally speaking, it is not uncommon for magic eyes above "gold" to contain great magic that has been lost in modern times. And if "gems" and "rainbows" are used, they may even contain something beyond great magic──that is a mystery that cannot be reproduced even by all magic in ancient and modern times.

The level of the Distorted Demonic Eye should not have reached the rainbow level, which represents the "rainbow", but Asagami Yasuzo used such a simple but ridiculously clumsy way to achieve the level jump.

If those magicians who are struggling to pursue this method knew about it, they would probably be so angry that they would find a rope to hang themselves on the spot.

However, it is precisely because the awakening of the magic eyes has been suppressed that Asakami Fujino's eyes have accumulated too much magic power. Any slightly serious magician can basically easily sense that Asakami Fujino's eyes are on the verge of exploding. The magic eye.

But it is precisely because of his inability to perceive pain correctly that Fujino Asagami has difficulty conveying his inner feelings to others, making him unable to integrate into society.

Having lost her physical senses, she can only pretend to have pain sensation, just "integrating" into common sense instead of "living" in common sense.

This is also the reason why in the original work, Asakami Fujino was violated by a gangster for nearly a year but did not resist at all.

In addition to her own character being a bit cowardly due to family reasons, the pain of missing also made her lose the most intuitive feeling towards the aggression of others.

The emptiness in the heart of a human who cannot come into contact with "real" life is unimaginable, so Asagami Fujino gradually transformed from a victim to a murderer after awakening the evil eye of distortion.

"Who...are you? Why do you know my name?" Although the gangster who originally pestered her had been defeated, Asakami Fujino's inner fear did not decrease but increased.

But this is normal. After all, the person in front of her is far beyond the "normal" limit in terms of height and strength.

Although the famous Asakami family in Nagano has declined, and even Asakami Fujino, who was originally the head of the family, followed his remarried mother to the branch Asakami family, a small part of the relevant knowledge is still retained.

Asakami Fujino also vaguely heard about those special human beings when he was a child. When he saw Zheng Shu, because of the divinity emanating from him, the equally special Asakami Fujino immediately recalled that he had almost completely disappeared when he was a child. Forgotten knowledge.

"What's your name?" Zheng Shu tilted his head and showed a very scary smile in Asagami Fujino's eyes, "Of course it's because I picked up your student ID card. By the way, be careful next time and don't throw it away casually. Something."


The atmosphere at the scene suddenly changed, and even Asakami Fujino's expression that had remained unchanged for thousands of years showed obvious confusion.

Zheng Shu ignored the expression of the person in front of him, but looked through his pocket, and then took out a relatively simple-looking wallet.

Asagami Fujino could tell at a glance that it was his wallet. He had lost it because he was too eager when he was chased by a gangster.

"I saw you dropped this wallet on the road, so I rushed over to return it to you. I didn't expect that something like this more careful next time." Zheng Shu smoothly picked up the wallet he picked up. Returned to the owner.

I feel like the red scarf on my chest has become a little brighter (chest up).

However, it was no coincidence that Zheng Shu was able to pick up Asakami Fujino's wallet. After learning that the city in front of him was Kanfuko City, Zheng Shu immediately launched an investigation.

Unfortunately his investigation was severely frustrated.

The power of the local magicians in Guanbuzi City was frighteningly weak. Zheng Shu walked around the entire city and saw almost no serious protective spells.

After all, most of the local powers in Buzi City in the original book are "superpowers" rather than "magicians".

In addition to the difference in strength between the two, superpowers will also decline due to the degradation of bloodline, so that the local magic power of Guanbuzi City has declined seriously in recent decades.

For example, the Yangyi family has even weakened to the point where it can only control local gangs.

Although they are still quite cool in the eyes of ordinary people, to the magic world they have declined terribly.

In addition to the local magic power, the two powerful magicians who moved in from outside are also not simple. Whether it is the "stillness" origin possessed by Araya Soren or the "highest-ranked" magician studio Aozaki Yuko, It's not something that a half-time magician like Zheng Shu can detect.

Therefore, after being unable to insert the "plot" for a long time, Zheng Shu finally chose the simplest and crudest method-carpet search.

The hard work paid off, and a week later, Zheng Shu finally found an entry point: Liyuan Girls' School.

However, the timing was not coincidental. When Zheng Shu came here, it happened to be during the transition period of the plot of Sky Realm. The whole city entered a calm stage, which resulted in him having to wander around several kilometers around the school every day to look for the plot. point.

Then under this kind of crazy-like action, Zheng Shu finally discovered a new situation after persisting for more than half a month.

(It’s not easy. I finally finished sorting out the plot. I should be able to update more tomorrow.)

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