Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 334: Is it Assassin who did the illegal summoning of Caster this time?

Chapter 334 The illegal summons belongs to Caster... Was it Assassin who did it this time?

"A big melee of sixteen people... I didn't expect that old guy Ahad to be quite courageous." Zheng Shu sighed with emotion.

I feel that what Ahad did this time is completely different from my original impression of the old guy who knelt down and apologized on the spot after being kicked in the door.

"So how is Ahad doing now? If he did such a thing, the Clock Tower would be very angry." Zheng Shu couldn't help but laugh when he thought that the people in the Clock Tower had suffered such a big loss. .

"Ahad is dead." Matou Kariya said calmly.

"Huh?" Zheng Shu frowned and sat upright seriously, "Dead? Is the reaction from the Clock Tower so intense? No, this is not in line with their past behavior."

Although the Clock Tower acts domineeringly, and is an outsider in foreign wars and an expert in civil wars, there is no doubt that they do worship knowledge and technology very much.

Therefore, although Ahad's behavior would make the Clock Tower angry, they were not angry that Ahad had tricked them, but that they were angry that they had not thought of such a situation and would feel that their intelligence was being compromised. People suppress.

Therefore, instead of taking immediate action against Ahad, he will plan to show his strength and wisdom by subduing him with absolute power in the Holy Grail War.

" fact, not only the Ahad chief, but also the six master candidates prepared in advance by the Clock Tower were killed." There was some disbelief in Matou Kariya's voice.

Now Zheng Shu became interested: "Interesting, all the people sent by the Clock Tower are dead? Who did it? You won't tell me that the old guy Ahad can do it, right? He doesn't have anything like this strength."

"The specific identity of the murderer is still not very clear. The only thing that is known is that he has been hunting everyone in Fuyuki City who has the qualifications to be a master. Unless the person who becomes the master is an ordinary person with no magic foundation, otherwise, Anyone with a magician background who becomes a candidate for master will be assassinated by him." Speaking of this, Matou Kariya was also a little frightened.

At that moment, it could be said that the entire Fuyuki City was in panic, and even he was considering whether to leave here first just in case.

After all, both Ahad, who gained the identity of Master immediately after changing the Holy Grail's mode, and the six candidate Masters who were protected in the Clock Tower, were all quietly assassinated.

Especially the six Master candidates selected by the Clock Tower. After receiving the spell, they came to Fuyuki City to build their own magic workshops.

However, they were still found dead in the magic workshop they had constructed, and they died silently, seemingly without any room for resistance.

"Such a violent approach? It seems that the guy who secretly usurped the Master position is not a good person."

Yes, Zheng Shu knew as soon as he heard that the person who could do such a thing must be because this Holy Grail War was very important to him. The biggest suspect was naturally the guy who usurped Ahad's original master position.

"But after suffering such a big loss, didn't the Clock Tower show any reaction?" Zheng Shu was a little curious.

This kind of assassination is completely different from the guys like Ahad who exploit loopholes to make profits for themselves. It has violated the bottom line of the Clock Tower, so the Clock Tower will definitely not give up so easily.

What's more, the Clock Tower had just been beaten by me a few years ago, and it was in urgent need of finding a target to establish its authority. No matter how short of manpower it was, a large number of executors would definitely be sent to deal with such a situation.

"Yes, they sent out an execution team composed of thirty magicians, and the people leading the team even included magicians of sexual rank." Matou Kariya shook his head, "But they are all dead, and they were killed by the man behind the scenes. All the servants commanded by Black Hand were killed without even falling to the ground, not even a single one was left alive."

"Servant?" Zheng Shu raised his eyebrows, "The servant summoned at this time, if I remember correctly..."

"Yes, theoretically speaking, the only servant that can be summoned during this time is Assassin."

No matter how you say it, the Holy Grail War is actually a relatively complex ritual. As a ritual, it must have various restrictions in terms of time, location, materials, incantations, etc.

In particular, the most important ritual of summoning followers is a top priority for all aspects of needs.

Of course, because the Holy Grail War is essentially a superficial ritual that is affected by the Great Holy Grail, after the Servant reaches the appropriate time point for the summoning ritual, the demand for other aspects will be further reduced, even to the level of ordinary people. It can also be summoned directly through strong thoughts.

On the other hand, if the magician's level is high enough, he can also use sophisticated enough magic rituals and consume a lot of resources to summon the followers in advance after obtaining the qualifications of the master.

However, the servants summoned in these two cases are generally not very strong. The other main limitation is that they cannot summon a powerful enough class.

After all, in the Holy Grail War, going up to the third level does have obvious advantages, and the Saber class can be regarded as the strongest among the seven classes.

And if you want to summon the four classes of sword, spear, bow or madness, you can only summon them at the right time.

Whether summoned in advance or behind, generally only the third level of Cavalry, Technique, and Kill can be summoned.

The greater the time difference, the worse the classes that can be summoned.

Theoretically speaking, a servant like this who was summoned at least a month in advance could only be Assassin.

"And even for Assassin, because the summoning time was too early, it is estimated that the inherent skills, individual attributes and even the power of the Noble Phantasm have been suppressed to the limit." Zheng Shu stroked his chin and inferred carefully.

Matou Kariya suddenly sighed at this moment, took out a remote control from his side, pressed it, and turned on the TV in the hall: "Yes, I originally thought so, but judging from the pictures sent back , it seems that the one summoned by the other party is not Assassin."

The picture on the TV unfolded. Judging from the angle, it should be a surveillance picture taken by a camera hanging on a telephone pole.

"This is what the cameras we put up on the street captured a week ago."

"Ah?" Zheng Shu turned to look at Matou Yanye in surprise.

Matou Kariya coughed awkwardly, knowing what Zheng Shu was surprised about: "The method you asked me to install surveillance cameras in the sewers to find the Master last time seemed very useful, although this time the Matou family did not intend to participate. Holy Grail War, but just in case, I asked the city government to install simple cameras on all the streets in Fuyuki City."

"City government?" Zheng Shu tilted his head.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that although the Gosan family in Fuyuki City seemed to him to be quite weak, in fact they were also large landowners who had been here for hundreds of years.

It is no exaggeration to say that even more than half of the people in the city government have some unclear relationship with them, and important positions such as mayor are personally held by members of their family.

If this were not the case, no matter how influential the Holy Church was in the secular world, it would not be possible for the media to call such a huge explosion a gas explosion without any hesitation.

After thinking about this, Zheng Shu continued to turn his head and look at the picture on the TV.

Perhaps due to technical issues with the monitor, the picture did not look very clear, and it was still black and white, but it already showed enough information.

In the picture, there is a group of people running away in a hurry. It seems that there are about a dozen people in number.

Judging from their costumes, Zheng Shu could tell that these were probably the team of magicians sent by the Clock Tower.

Although the magic power fluctuations cannot be sensed on the monitoring screen, judging from the fact that the opponent's leader can still quickly release magic while running fast, it shows that his magician level and actual combat experience are quite high.

Moreover, the other magicians are also quite organized, forming a formation even while running fast, and constantly using magic to support each other. From this point of view, this group of magicians should be considered good among magicians. On the elite.

However, in the next second, just when all these people's figures appeared on the monitor, they had completely turned into corpses.

No, it's more like debris than a corpse. Zheng Shu's eyes widened as he looked at the picture in front of him. In the surveillance picture, he didn't even find a fragment larger than a human head.

Neither the magic costume nor the magic barrier released in advance seemed to be able to block this unknown attack for them. In just a moment, this elite team of magicians was completely killed.

"That's it, do you need me to slow down?" Matou Kariya asked.

"No, I can see it clearly." Zheng Shu looked at the repeated scene of this second and clenched his fist in surprise.

The surveillance equipment technology of this era was not very high, so the number of frames used when recording video was not very high either.

Therefore, in this short period of one second, Zheng Shu only saw three frames with enemies in them, and the characters also had very serious shadows.

Because the picture is black and white, it is impossible to see the other party's hair color or eye color clearly, but Zheng Shu can also roughly see what the other party looks like from these three frames.

In addition to the muscular body, exaggerated sword-shaped weapons, and the very simple-looking black patterns on both arms, the most eye-catching thing is probably the line on the opponent's chest that seems to run through the entire chest, and by the way Huge gashes that cut open the entire body.

The wound was right at the opponent's heart. If this huge wound was real, ordinary people would have died long ago. Even if they were lucky enough to survive, such huge damage should be enough to make them lose their ability to move for the rest of their lives. .

But for heroic spirits, the moment they are summoned as a servant should be their strongest fighting state. In other words, the servant in front of them has reached the peak of his life power after suffering such a heavy blow. .

Because the picture was too blurry, and only three short frames were captured, it was impossible to see the opponent's fighting skills, but even so, it was enough for Zheng Shu to confirm the opponent's identity.

At this time, Tong Yanye also pressed the remote control again, changing the TV screen to a frozen pattern. It was the picture that preserved the opponent's image most completely among the three frames.

"Although we guess that the opponent's class should be Assassin, judging from this guy's combat mode and displayed attributes, he is definitely not an assassin."

"Of course this guy is not an assassin, or in other words, as long as he is summoned, he cannot be an assassin." Zheng Shu leaned his back on the chair with a playful smile on his face.

"Do you know his identity?" Matou Kariya's eyes lit up.

"Of course, I am very familiar with him. This guy is definitely not Assassin, but Berserker." Zheng Shu did not explain to Matou Kariya in detail why he was familiar with him.

In fact, the reason why he was able to recognize who the person in the video was was not because he had seen him after traveling through time, but because he had "met" him while playing the game before traveling through time.

Before Zheng Shu traveled through time, when he first started playing FGO, he was not very lucky, so he never got the appropriate five-star mad level in the first half a year.

The guy in front of him had been the four-star mad-level servant who supported him in that half-year period: Beowulf.

Zheng Shu is sure that he is not an assassin. In addition to Beowulf's own character experience not suitable for an assassin, "Beowulf" itself is also the source of the term "Berserker".

Just like as long as Assassin is summoned in Fuyuki, he can only summon Hassan, once Beowulf is summoned, he can only be Berserker.

"Berserker?" Matou Kariya looked at the figure on the screen thoughtfully.

Although it is just a static picture, you can still see the terrifying murderous intention and momentum emanating from the opponent.

Moreover, Matou Kariya also felt that the guy on the screen completely regarded killing intent and fighting will as the fuel for his movement. Once fighting, he would completely ignore it. No matter who the enemy was, he would attack without hesitation.

Judging from this momentum, the opponent should indeed be Berserker.


"This is impossible. Such an advance summoning should theoretically not summon any class other than Assassin."

"No, what you said is a normal situation, but there is another possibility..." Zheng Shu shook his head.

Matou Kariya was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he turned to look at Beowulf on the screen as if he remembered something: "Servant!"

"Yes, for modern magicians, it is not easy for even a Clock Tower Monarch-level existence to fully understand and change rituals such as the Holy Grail War, but for those ancient and even ancient magics For teachers, a ceremony of this level is just a 'simple subject' for them."

"Using the Servant to summon a Servant, I didn't expect that there is such an operation method. this time, it is very strange even if the summoned Servant is Caster himself."

"No, who said you have to be a Caster to have such skills?" Zheng Shu stood up from the sofa and patted the folds of his clothes.

"A Servant is only one aspect of a Heroic Spirit, so as long as there are corresponding deeds in his life, even a Heroic Spirit who is a magician can summon a Servant of the Assassin class.

Anyway, for the servants, no matter what class they are summoned by, their memories are the same. If it is other classes, it may be affected a little, but for a magician, knowledge itself is power. Classes will only affect the efficiency in the early stage, and the impact will be greater as you get to later classes. "

Zheng Shu walked to the door, ignoring Jian Tong Yanye's trying to hold back, and waved his hand casually:

"If you don't want to participate in this Holy Grail War, then I'd better advise you to leave early. After all, according to the existing intelligence, the impact of this Holy Grail War may be larger than imagined. By the way, I lived there before That house should still be empty, so I’ll go out for a walk first. I haven’t been back for so many years, and this city has changed a lot.”

Seeing Zheng Shu leaving without any regret, Matong Yanye opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

After leaving the house, Zheng Shu walked on the familiar yet unfamiliar streets, feeling emotional.

"There are a lot more changes here than I thought."

Fuyuki City at this stage can basically be divided into two parts. One part is the area caused by the Holy Grail War or a real gas explosion ten years ago.

Because this part of the area was severely damaged, the latest planning and new buildings were used when organizing personnel to rebuild it.

This has led to the fact that although Japanese cities have been experiencing a trend of modernization at this point in time, Fuyuki City's modernization development is quite prominent among most cities.

In a sense, this can be regarded as the only positive impact that the Holy Grail War brought to the city.

The streets that were not destroyed remained, and the streets that were destroyed were rebuilt, so that even though they were only separated by a river, obvious differences in style could be seen.

For example, the Matou family and the Tosaka family were not damaged much, so even the Tosaka family with a bungalow can still see the obvious antique style, but as long as you walk a short distance, you can see the obvious difference.

"Not only has the place changed a lot, but people's hearts have also changed a lot." Zheng Shu sighed slightly, although he knew that ten years is a long time.

But after seeing such obvious changes in his old friend, he still had some unspeakable emotions.

He still remembered the first time he met Matou Kariya. Although the other person looked miserable on the outside, his inner will was strong enough.

Even though he was mentally immature in a lot of ways at the time, he was still dazzling enough.

But only ten years later, the original Matou Kariya who was willing to give up his life to save someone had disappeared, and was replaced by the sufficiently "mature" head of the Matou family.

Matou Kariya said that he had no intention of participating in this Holy Grail War, but he installed a large number of monitors in Fuyuki City in advance, and was constantly testing his attitude when talking to Zheng Shu, even with this time All kinds of information related to the Holy Grail War have been collected.

What is a person's intention? Don't look at what he is saying, but look at what he is doing.

It was the conversation with Matou Kariya that made Zheng Shu suddenly realize that the other party had changed so much. Just ten years later, the upright "Matō Kariya" from back then no longer existed.

If it were Matou Kariya now, maybe Zheng Shu wouldn't take out his medicine to help even if he saw him die.

"Is this the power of time? Do gods feel the same way about mortals? No wonder, no wonder the gods of the Gods have always emphasized the brilliance of the soul. It turns out that human souls can become so powerful..."

After sighing slightly, Zheng Shu put this matter behind him and started thinking about the Holy Grail War.

"Obviously he is an Assassin, but he has Caster's level of magic. He understands the Holy Grail so well without having any contact with it, and he can even forcefully obtain the Master qualification..." Zheng Shu recalled all the characters he had seen in the original work, "Amakusa ……"

Characters that appear in FA: Shiro Kotomine and Shiro Tokisada, the original name of Amakusa, are the Rulers who were summoned together during the Third Holy Grail War because the Einzbern family illegally summoned Angora Newman to trigger the Holy Grail mechanism.

He is also an extremely paranoid partner of justice. After being given a body by the black mud, he wandered around the world, looking for a way to save the world.

The reason why people in FA disguised themselves as members of the Holy Church to fight in the Holy Grail War was because the magic power inside the Great Holy Grail had been purified by the Millennium Tree over sixty years, turning the Great Holy Grail into something that could grant human wishes again. of treasure.

The servant is Semiramis, whose rank is Assassin. His famous saying is "I also know a thing or two about magic", and his title is "the oldest poisoner in mankind".

With this empress' level of magic, she could indeed summon Berserker illegally before the start of the Holy Grail War.

In this way, everything is in line with Zheng Shu's previous assumptions, and according to the information revealed in the FA, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada should have prepared Semiramis's holy relics very early, so it is very certain He will summon this empress.

"It would be interesting if it was really these two people."

The reason why Amakusa Shiro Tokisada participated in the Holy Grail War in FA is because the Holy Grail has been purified and can grant human wishes.

So, since he is preparing to appear in Fuyuki City this time, does it mean that he has received some information and knows that the Holy Grail in Fuyuki City will also be purified?

"Magician Association... That's right. Thousand World Tree, a group of losers who are despised by the Magician Association, can purify the magic power of the Great Holy Grail. There is no reason that the Magician Association can't. It seems that I still have some problems. We underestimate the technical level of modern magicians." Zheng Shu immediately thought of the greatest possibility.

"No wonder you suddenly granted me this qualification a few days ago. It seems that the Magicians Association is moving much faster than expected. It purifies magic power so quickly." Zheng Shu stopped in his tracks and looked up. The sky stretched out its hand as if to catch the sun.

On his exposed arm, there were dense red lines, which were command spells one after another.

"Do you want me to be the referee? But I am obviously asked to be the referee, but there are no restrictions. Why, are you not afraid that I will blow the whistle?"

Zheng Shu seemed to have thought of something, and grinned.

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