Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 335 People from all walks of life gathered (Part 1)

In the evening, Fuyuki City Airport.

After ten years, Sakura Matou set foot on this land again.

He looked down at his watch and found that he had plenty of time, so he looked up and looked around.

She was not disappointed. Matou Sakura saw an extremely tall figure in the crowd, and a bright smile appeared on her face. Her beautiful face even made the passengers around her look sideways.

Several young teenagers seemed eager to move after seeing Matou Sakura's gentle smile, and seemed to plan to come up and get acquainted.

But immediately after the terrifying figure that could cover the light approached, these young people with spermatozoa calmed down as if they had been splashed with cold water, and walked away without looking away as if nothing had happened.

"Berserker, you're here to pick me up!" Matou Sakura smiled and ran towards Zheng Shu with open hands.

When he was about to get close, he lightly pushed his feet, and his whole body hugged his neck as easily as a dexterous bird. With a little force on his hands, he turned his body and skillfully sat on Zheng Shu's shoulders. .

"Be careful." Zheng Shu easily stretched out his hand to support her body.

Although Matou Sakura is now much larger than when she was a child, Zheng Shu's body width can still allow her to sit on his shoulders.

"You have changed more than I thought." Zheng Shu said with emotion in his tone.

Matou Sakura looked like she was a child, holding one hand around Zheng Shu's neck and swinging her feet on her shoulders. When she heard this, her eyes almost narrowed with laughter: "Of course, I am now She’s a serious young beautiful girl!”

"Although there are changes in this aspect..." Zheng Shu smiled and shook his head. He was never talking about the changes in the opponent's body shape.

He had already seen what Matou Sakura would look like in anime or illustrations. What Zheng Shu was talking about was the change in Matou Sakura's personality.

At this time, Matou Sakura was wearing a black coat with a hood and a black shirt underneath. The coat hung down to her calves, covering her whole body without exposing any skin.

And his expression was as careless as if it would never change, as if he didn't care about anything.

The little girl who looked like a doll in Zheng Shu's memory. As long as he didn't talk to her or ignored her, he would stay quietly in one place and let his sense of existence disappear. totally different.

In the past, she was very gentle but carried a heavy package, but now Matou Sakura is completely different. Although her eyes also revealed a happy light after seeing Zheng Shu, Zheng Shu could feel that her eyes were deep. The most subtle "malice" hidden everywhere.

If Zheng Shu really had to explain in detail, the current impression of Matou Sakura to him is probably that of a school girl who is young, beautiful and lively, but also likes to do little pranks and has a personality like a little devil.

"The change is much bigger than expected, but in a sense this is also a good thing." Zheng Shu also thinks that this is not a bad thing.

Although the nature of Matou Sakura's character surprised him a little, it was still much better than being gloomy all day like before.

"Huh? Did Berserker say anything?" Matou Sakura thought she had noticed something, lowering her head to Zheng Shu's ear.

"It's nothing. Let's go. I'll take you out for a walk. This city has changed a lot in the past ten years. You may need to get familiar with it again."

"Okay, let's go, Berserker!" Sakura Matou pointed forward with full energy, like a general commanding thousands of troops.

Zheng Shu didn't say anything, just smiled, lifted the luggage that Matou Sakura had brought over with one hand, and carried her out of the door.

The two figures left here under the attention of the entire airport passengers.

"Is this Fuyuki City? It feels a little more prosperous than Kanfuko City."

On the upper floor of a high-end hotel that survived the Fourth Holy Grail War because of Zheng Shu's existence, a man opened the curtains of the room and quietly looked at the scene of people coming and going below.

The person who spoke was tall and curvy, and was wearing clothes that looked like a nun's.

Obviously at this height, the pedestrians and vehicles below would be as difficult to see as ants, but she still looked at the flow of people below very seriously, as if she was looking for something.

"Holy Grail War... I think I heard it from Mr. Orange before. Recently, the Magicians Association seems to have suffered a lot because of this. So..." She raised her right hand, and there were three wonderful red lines on the back of her hand. , even if you just feel it roughly, you can feel the powerful magic power from above.

"Is this the Command Seal that represents the identity of the Master? I have obtained this identity just after arriving in Fuyuki City. It seems that the information obtained before is correct. Someone has indeed been hunting the Master candidate."

"But..." She continued to look down at the traffic below, "You probably came back here to participate in the Holy Grail War, so the guy who has been attacking the Master candidates should have given up. Wait for me. I will find you soon, Teacher Zheng Shu. I will never let you run away again this time!"

He reached out and smoothed his hair. Under the black hair, there was a pair of eyes with brilliant spirals.

Asagami Fujino looked up at Ryudou Temple in the distance, and through his clairvoyant magic eyes he saw the Great Holy Grail, which contained a large amount of magic power inside the mountain.

"It's such an amazing amount of magic power. Teacher Cheng Zi would be very happy if he saw it. And is it my imagination? Why does it feel like the magic power inside the Holy Grail is being constantly 'purified'?"

Asagami Fujino tilted his head, a confused expression on his pretty face.

With such a long distance and the ritual blockade, Asagami Fujino could not sense the changes in magic power fluctuations at all, but in her field of vision, the inside of the Great Holy Grail originally showed unpleasant, black sludge-like magic power. is gradually becoming transparent.

It looks like a water purifier is constantly purifying the polluted pool water and draining the purified pool water back into the pool.

Although the purified pool water will be polluted again, as the content of pollutants continues to decrease, the water inside the pool will eventually become clear and transparent again one day.

And according to Asakami Fujino's observations today, the purification speed of this "pool water" is quite fast, and I am afraid that it will be completely purified by the beginning of the Holy Grail War.

The only question is: what is a "purifier"?

"Such a large amount of pollution...if it were all gathered together, something terrible would probably happen." Asagami Fujino frowned slightly.

But she wasn't too worried because she knew that in this city, her "Teacher Zheng Shu" was also here.

During the years of studying with Zheng Shu, as his knowledge increased, Asakami Fujino gradually understood how terrifying his teacher was.

If there really is something he can't handle, then maybe there won't be anyone in this world who can handle the other person.

Lion Jie Jieli was walking calmly on the street, when suddenly there was a weak impact on his shoulder.

"Maybe I bumped into someone because I was thinking about something while walking." Lion Jie Jieli thought this way and planned to lower his head and apologize.

Unfortunately, what he saw when he lowered his head was an extremely stiff face. When he saw Lion Jie Jieli looking at him, he didn't say anything, but stiffened his body and ran away.

"Oh." Although he was very used to this kind of treatment, he still couldn't help but sigh.

For magicians, the effects of using drugs or magic can sometimes lead to strange changes in appearance.

However, this is by no means shameful. In a sense, it is even something to be proud of, because it means that this person's magic level has reached a certain high level. This is common sense among magicians.

But in the eyes of ordinary people, it is different.

Lion Jie Jieli felt that he had begun to hate this city. He was obviously just walking on the street, but he was stopped and searched by the police three times in a row.

Although I escaped every time by relying on the magic of suggestion, I would be questioned by security guards every time I wanted to enter a shopping mall. Even when I was walking on the street, I had already ignored the fearful looks from the people passing by. Its number.

Although Shishi Jiejieli wanted to protest to them, saying that this was prejudice and discrimination, those people would definitely reply:

"Sorry, you look too scary."

After getting such an answer again from a security guard who stopped him for questioning, Lion Jie Jieli was about to explode.

This was really too much. Lion Jie Jieli knew that his face was indeed a bit ferocious, and his clothes looked a bit wrong compared with others, but he remembered that he should always smile to ensure that he looked gentle. ah?


If anyone else heard him, they would probably tell him that he has no idea how terrible he is.

There is a conspicuous scar on his cheek, his eyes are as sharp as razors, his body is strong and strong, and he wears a black jacket sewn with the skin of Warcraft, and because he often travels to various battlefields as a bounty hunter, he is covered in They were all filled with the strong smell of blood and gunpowder.

To ordinary people, a being like Lion Jie Jieli is just like a beast that suddenly appears among the crowd.

When you suddenly meet a lion in the wild and smiles at you, anyone with a normal mind will not think that the lion is showing kindness to you, but that the lion is happy to have discovered dinner.

"Forget it, let's just find a tomb to rest tonight. According to the map, we should be able to reach Fuyuki City tomorrow." Lion Jie Jieli sighed helplessly again, regretting that he actually took on such a troublesome one. Task.

But... there's nothing I can do about it, after all, the reward is too eye-watering.

After walking around a corner and entering a deserted park, Lion Jie Jieli couldn't help but recall what he had met at the Clock Tower before.

"Actually, if you just smile, it'll be really scary."

The old man laughed loudly while comforting the unconvinced Lion Jie Jieli.

This is the personal room where the Clock Tower summons the Minister of Science, Rock Belfenbond.

Even though he was laughed at, as soon as Lion Jie Jieli entered the room, his eyes were still involuntarily attracted to the display shelves on the wall of the room.

There is a skull of a beast that looks like a combination of a monkey and an elephant. The scrolls next to it that are obviously over a thousand years old have not been properly collected and are just placed randomly. There is only a glass that looks particularly heavy on the top. A bottle with a small snake with nine heads soaked in formalin.

"It's still the same as before. It's really amazing."

Sitting on the guest sofa, Shishi Jiejieli was very sure that if his identification was correct, the snake soaked in formalin should be a unique thing in the world.

"It's nothing. Although it's valuable, it's just a rarity. They're all well-known things." Belfenbang said hypocritically and modestly.

"Is that Hydra baby soaked in formalin really just 'precious'?"

"That's fake."

Belfenbang laughed in amusement, while Lion Jie Jieli just glanced at him, not intending to continue arguing with him, and took a sip of herbal tea without saying a word.

Although the taste of the tea made him almost cough, the effect was comparable to some magic potions, so he drank it obediently.

After testing each other for a round, the two confirmed that the other party was still the old fox they knew, so the next transaction could continue.

"Okay, let's talk about something serious now. You should have received the information I sent in advance."

"Of course." Lion Jie Jieli nodded, "But let me ask a question in advance. Your intelligence stated that all the magicians sent by the Clock Tower have been wiped out."

"That's right."

"How many people died?"

This question made Belfenbang hesitate for a moment, but considering the future situation, he decided to tell the truth:

"Thirty people, we asked thirty magicians who are good at 'hunting' to go to Fuyuki City, but no one came back alive."

"Hiss..." Lion Jie Jie Li took a breath, and suddenly felt that the tea cup in his hand became stinging.

"Good at hunting" means that these people are actually traveling with Lion Jie Jieli.

Of course, they are not free magicians, but members of the Magician Association, but this also means that they may be stronger than themselves.

And there were a total of thirty people, which was a bit exaggerated. It is no exaggeration to say yes. Lion Jie Jieli could not imagine that any magician family could withstand such an attack.

"What do you want me to do? Let me explain in advance that I don't think I can beat that pervert who has been killing magicians wantonly." Lion Jie Jieli immediately issued a disclaimer.

"Of course I don't expect you to be able to defeat the opponent. After all, it is now confirmed that the opponent has summoned a servant."

"So that's the case. There really is no way." After hearing this, Shishi Jiejieli relaxed.

He had carefully read the information about the Holy Grail War on the way here, so he naturally knew what kind of existence the so-called Servants were.

If there are followers, let alone thirty, even if a hundred more are sent, the result will probably be the same. After all, the other party is a being who can become a heroic spirit, and modern magicians are simply children in their eyes.

"The familiar I sent over saw everything. The thirty-man magician team had no resistance at all. As soon as the enemy showed up, half of the team was killed instantly. The other half of the team was chased while escaping. No. It completely turned into pieces within a second." Belfenbang did not hide the scene he saw, describing the fighting power of the servant in detail.

"It's scary just thinking about it, so let me declare in advance that if you ask me to challenge a servant, I won't do it."

Although he knew it was impossible, for the sake of safety, Lion Jie Jieli still made it clear.

After all, with his power, even if he thought through all strategies and tactics thoroughly and captured the fleeting luck and miracles, it was basically impossible to defeat a servant.

"Although I am old, I have not yet reached the stage of Alzheimer's disease. My commission this time is to ask you to participate in this Holy Grail War." Belfenbang's lips curved into a sarcastic smile.

"What?" Lion Jie Jieli now really felt that the old guy in front of him was a bit senile.

Although the risks of the Holy Grail War are high, the rewards obtained after victory are also generous enough. Apart from anything else, just the fact that the winner can obtain the Omnipotent Cauldron that can easily realize most wishes is enough to make people excited.

With the magician's moral values ​​and character, no matter how high the risk is, it is estimated that such a spot will be snatched up in the clock tower.

"Hiss... think about it carefully, considering your age, if you have an illegitimate child, it should be about my age. This way, it will be clear, father, when can I inherit your family business? ." Lion Jie Jieli immediately showed his shamelessness as a bounty hunter.

"What a pity. Because I underwent magic transformation when I was young, I should not be able to give birth to a child with my body." Belfenbang's face twitched unconsciously. Even though he was well-informed, he faced The shamelessness of this group of bounty hunters is a bit hard to resist.


Listening to the slight clicking sound coming from the other side, Belfenbang's face twitched again. Fortunately, there were enough wrinkles on his face to hide his emotions.

"Ahem, we won't hide it from you. The enemies currently occupying Fuyuki City have been frantically hunting for Master candidates with Command Spells on their bodies. Any magicians related to the association will be targeted. Only those who are idle will be targeted. Only magicians can survive. It seems that the other party wants to use this method to nip enemies who are capable of competing with him in the cradle." Belfenbang decisively changed the topic.

"That's it." Lion Jie Jieli nodded thoughtfully, so that he could understand why the other party would find someone like him. "But I still have a problem. If I win, what will happen if I win?" What to do with the Holy Grail?”

"Haha, this is the agreement between us. After you win, we will get the Great Holy Grail. Of course, the thing that can realize your wish is right in front of you, and we can't confirm whether the surviving magicians are still there. Being able to stay calm.”

Lion Jie Jieli nodded.

I understand, in other words, as long as you win this Holy Grail War, you will have to take responsibility for whatever happens later.

It doesn't matter whether you want to realize your own wishes, prevent others from realizing their wishes, or destroy everything.

Of course, it is impossible that the old fox in front of him has not prepared any countermeasures. I am afraid that as soon as the war ends, he will immediately send out recovery troops.



If you can successfully evade the recycling troops, it means that you have a certain chance of realizing your wish.

Thinking of this, Lion Jie Jieli felt a surge of excitement running down his spine.

Belfenbang also noticed his excitement and nodded proudly: "So...are you going to accept the commission?"

Taking a deep breath to suppress the excitement in his heart, Lion Jie Jieli decided not to answer immediately. After all, if he accepted it without hesitation, he would only get a lower reward.

"I have a few questions, let me ask them before I decide whether to take them or not."

"Just say it."

"First of all, you shouldn't just entrust me with the task, right? I want to ask about the current situation related to our Master."

"Oh, because of time constraints, we only hired five people in total. The Clock Tower itself also sent a first-level lecturer: Fernde Wo Seberon, plus an inspector and master sent by the Temple Church. The other four people hired are the 'Silver Lizard' Beckinschen, 'Windwheel' Jean Lamb, and the 'United Twins' Pantel brothers."

Lion Jie Jieli nodded in agreement after hearing the names of these people. Each of these people is a well-known magician in the industry, and they are all monsters who can ruthlessly destroy enemies and specialize in fighting.

In addition to the first-level lecturer Sebolun, Shishi Jiejieli has also worked with the remaining four people, so there shouldn't be much of a problem if they fight together.


"Did the Holy Church also send someone this time?"

"This has always been the case. After all, that thing still bears the name of the Holy Grail. Naturally, the Holy Church will not ignore it."

"Okay, second question. To summon a servant, you must prepare a sacred relic as a medium. Have you prepared this?"

Belfenbang nodded silently.

In fact, strictly speaking, the so-called holy relics are not absolutely necessary, but if there is no holy relic as a medium for exchange, the result will not be about strength, but will summon a heroic spirit that has more in common with the spirit of the person performing the ritual. .

However, except for those ordinary people who are temporarily pulled in by the Holy Grail, most magicians will specially prepare holy relics as a medium in order to summon the followers they want.

(This should actually be considered out of context, but I have something to do today, so please allow me to stop here.)

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