Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 336 People from all walks of life gathered (Part 2)

In fact, in the Holy Grail War, even if you hold a holy relic as a medium, there is no guarantee that you will be able to summon your favorite servant.

For example, if the wreckage of the Argore that the Greek heroes achieved is used as a medium to summon, it is impossible to know before summoning whether the unparalleled hero Hercules or the betrayal witch Beauty will appear. Dia, or Asclepius, known as the god of medicine.

Of course, at least the holy relic can limit the summoned heroic spirits to a certain range.

And summoning without a medium is not completely without benefits, because the heroic spirit itself has more in common with the summoner on the spiritual level, so a trusting relationship between the master and the follower can be established in a short period of time.

After all, in the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City, the discord between the Master and the Servants was equivalent to holding a fatal time bomb, so there were countless situations that led to tragic endings.

Of course, for some people with special spirits, there are also cases where they cannot trust followers who have similar spirits to their own. These all depend on the individual.

To sum up, although the compatibility between each other is a factor that cannot be ignored, if no media is prepared, the risk of just taking a gamble is too high.

So if they have to choose, most people will still choose to find a more suitable holy relic as a medium for summoning.

Belfenbang stood up, took out an ebony box from his desk drawer, placed it on the table, and opened it cautiously.

Inside is a piece of wood with traces of processing. It doesn't look like there is anything worthy of special attention.

"This is?"

Although there seemed to be nothing special about it, when Lion Jie Jie left the mouth, he still felt that his voice had an inexplicable high-spirited emotion, as if the piece of wood had some special attraction.

"The 'Round Table'. In the past, many knights who could fight one against a hundred gathered in front of this round table to communicate. In order to protect their homeland of Britain, they did not hold swords but fought with each other with words."

"The Round Table of it King Arthur?!"

Lion Jie Jieli almost couldn't help but stretched out his hand to touch directly, but he hurriedly stepped on the brakes himself.

It is no exaggeration to say that each of the Knights of the Round Table is a legendary hero. Needless to say, King Arthur himself. The other Knights of the Round Table under his command are also unimaginably strong. In terms of the summoned servants, Each possesses impeccable strength.

the most important is……

"It's not pointing at a single knight, but the round table that represents all the knights of the round table? It seems that the clock tower really wants to win this time."

If it refers to a single knight, there may be problems with personality incompatibility, but the twelve Knights of the Round Table plus King Arthur each have their own unique characteristics, as long as they are not too extreme. , you can basically find a heroic spirit that suits your personality.

It is no exaggeration to say that this holy relic completely takes into account both the strength and relativity issues, and is definitely a first-class medium.

"That's natural. We spent a lot of effort to get rid of the guy who brought the association into disrepute." Belfenbang sat back on the chair, "Looking at your expression, I can assume that you are willing to accept the commission. Yet?"

Lion Jie Jieli just hesitated for a moment and nodded. Of course, in addition to the generous reward, the most important thing is that Lion Jie Jieli has a wish that needs to be realized by relying on the omnipotent wish machine, and Belfenbang also knows that This is why I chose him.

In other words, all magicians employed by the Clock Tower have the same characteristics.

Lion Jie Jieli lit a cigarette and took a deep breath, enjoying the pleasure of the poisonous gas filling his lungs, while Belfenbang showed an unhappy expression... He hated cigarettes.

"Then the deal between us is finalized. Now you can prepare to go to Dongmu City. I will contact the supervisor of the Holy Church and other masters. Others should take the initiative to contact you when you arrive."

"Don't worry, old man. Pay me half of the salary first. As long as you accept it, we will sign the contract."

Lion Jie Jieli's words made Belfenbang's wrinkled face tense up.

"Hasn't the initial deposit been paid? According to the usual rules, shouldn't the remaining remuneration be given after the work is completed?"

"The survival rate of this mission is too low. Of course, we must take advantage of it while we still can."

"Okay, you make sense, so what do you want?"

Lion Jie Jieli got up from the sofa, walked to the display shelf without hesitation, and picked up the Hydra larvae on it.


"...That one is fake, are you really sure you want it?" The corners of Belfenbang's eyes already tended to twitch.

Lion Jie Jieli did not speak, but nodded without hesitation.

So Belfenbang's face immediately darkened, because the stuff soaked in the jar of formalin was genuine, and even if Shi Jie Jie Li went bankrupt, he probably wouldn't be able to get 30% of the value of this Hydra.


Lion Jie Jieli accepted the things with a happy face, and took away the box containing the holy relics, preparing to leave immediately before Belfenbang could react.

"By the way, I just forgot to mention that because the situation of this Holy Grail War has changed too much, there is no guarantee that you can indeed become a candidate for Master. For this reason, the association hopes that you can rush to Fuyuki City as soon as possible. After all, the sooner this happens, the better. If you go too late and all the Master quotas are divided up, all your rewards will have to be returned."

When Lion Jie Jieli was about to leave the room, Belfenbang finally reacted and reminded him in a cold voice.

"Tsk, I understand. By the way, what is the name of the supervisor sent by the Holy Church?"

The reason why Lion Jie Jieli raised such a question was because if there was a case related to this kind of war, Shengshengtang Church would most likely send someone from the Eighth Mystery Society to come forward. In this way, he might encounter someone he knew. people.

"I haven't met him directly, but I remember that the document said... that he was a priest named Shiro."

What a pity, it is a name I have never heard of.

After Lion Jie Jieli left, he immediately boarded a plane from London to Japan. Fortunately, when he accepted the commission, he had already anticipated that this might be some kind of hunting job, so he had already made sufficient preparations for the battle in advance, so it was very easy. Fortunately, there was no need to waste time on the trip home.

The next day, Lion Jie Jieli woke up from a group of graves in the suburbs.

Nothing unexpected happened all night long, and the warning spells he arranged were not triggered by anyone. However, this was a natural situation. After all, in a place like his, usually no one would come to disturb him.

After advancing quickly for several hours while dodging people, Shishi Jiejieli looked at the city in front of him and took a deep breath.

Although the old guy from Belfenbang advised him to come to Fuyuki City as soon as possible, Shishi Jiejieli thought that his brain was not rusty yet, so of course he would not be stupid enough to fly here directly.

Judging from the information he has gathered during this period, the other party has been mercilessly killing magicians who dare to enter Fuyuki City. It seems that they are doing whatever it takes to prevent themselves from having too powerful opponents.

Under such circumstances, even if you were a stranger, just flying to this city in such a swaggering way would be quite an act of seeking death.

Therefore, Shishi Jiejieli decided to be as safe as possible and sneaked quietly into Fuyuki City from the mountains and forests. He would only choose to show up after he obtained the qualifications of a master and waited for him to summon his servants.

Anyway, Lion Jie Jieli is good at necromantic magic, and his favorite place to stay is various inaccessible cemeteries. At worst, he can just find a hidden grave to squat and hide before the summons starts.

As for what he should do if such behavior would make him move too slowly and lead to him finding out that his master qualifications had been filled up after arriving in Fuyuki City?

Shishi Jiejieli said that there is now a person in Fuyuki City who has summoned heroic spirits and is constantly hunting the master, so there is no need to worry about the master qualifications being filled up.

"But luckily I came earlier. According to the information from the old guy in Belfenbang, about a week ago, the man who had been hunting the Master suddenly disappeared. I don't know if he was lying in wait for enough prey. After that, I caught them all, but I really got stuck by something." Lion Jie Jieli wiped cold sweat while looking at the information displayed in the magic book in front of him.

"Having disappeared for so long, and the start of the Holy Grail War is approaching, those magicians who originally did not dare to come because of the risk are probably ready to make a move. It seems that I came at the right time. If it were a little later, , it’s really possible that you won’t be able to grab a spot.”

While secretly rejoicing, Lion Jie Li quietly touched a corner of the cemetery next to a church in the suburbs.

At this moment, he felt a numb pain running through his arm.

When he looked down, he saw a tattoo-like pattern on the back of his hand. This meant that the Holy Grail recognized Shi Jie Jie Li as its master, so it revealed the Command Seal.

"You're lucky. The next step is to find the summoning location. It would be better if you have some spiritual veins, right?"

Wearing gloves, he covered the command spell on the back of his hand.

Lion Jie Jieli searched everywhere along the location he sensed. For him, the place where the corpse was buried was the most suitable for him, so he could use it as long as there were one or two scattered spiritual veins under the cemetery.

"For a Servant, waking up in a tomb shouldn't be a happy thing..."

"Mom, so I really won't have anything happen to you. Mom, you are just too troublesome. Please take shelter for me! When my father participated in the Holy Grail War, I didn't see you being so stubborn." Tohsaka Rin dissatisfied He shouted at his mother.

Even so, Tohsaka Aoi still stood in front of the door of the corridor, looking at her daughter uneasily.

Tohsaka Aoi actually doesn't know exactly what will happen in the Holy Grail War, but the only thing she understands is how much damage the last Holy Grail War caused.

Whether it was a port that was completely destroyed and needed to be rebuilt, or a mountaintop that was directly destroyed by a sudden fire.

Such natural disasters would be considered bad luck in any city, but Tohsaka Aoi knew very well that these were not natural disasters, but real man-made disasters.

The so-called Holy Grail War was so tragic that humans had no power to fight back in the face of such a disaster. Aoi Tohsaka seemed a little at a loss when she thought that her husband had actually participated in such a war before, and now her daughter But we have to participate in such a war.

Today is the day before the start of the Fifth Holy Grail War. In fact, since last week, Tohsaka Rin has been urging his mother to take refuge as soon as possible.

The person who originally wanted to participate in the Holy Grail War of the Tosaka family was actually Tokiomi Tokiomi, but because of the incident with Ahad of the Einzbern family, in order to prevent the Gosan family from making any incomprehensible tricks again, the Clock Tower was He simply put Tohsaka Tokiomi under house arrest in the Clock Tower, preventing him from participating in the Holy Grail War.

After learning about this incident, Tohsaka Rin resolutely took his father's original position and decided to represent the Tosaka family in this Holy Grail War.

But I didn't expect something unexpected happened to Tohsaka Aoi.

Because her husband is not here, Rin Tosaka, as a "child", does not have any dignity in the eyes of Aoi Tosaka, so Aoi can still express her inner thoughts to her heart's content.

She actually really hopes that her daughter will not participate in such fatal things. Anyway, the Tohsaka family is living well now, and Tohsaka Rin can maintain the dual relationship between a magician and an ordinary person very well.

Whether he is studying in school or able to use gem magic easily, Tohsaka Rin can find the most suitable balance between two completely different lives.

Such a peaceful scene made Tohsaka Aoi, who knew how cruel the Holy Grail War was, begin to resist the idea of ​​her daughter participating.

It's a pity that although Tohsaka Rin is not old, his will is strong enough, and taking the next step forward is the common wish of every magician, and even Tohsaka Rin is not immune.

So when the command spell suddenly appeared on the back of Tohsaka Rin's hand, Tohsaka Aoi knew that she could no longer stop her daughter.

" still have to pay attention to safety. It doesn't matter even if you can't get something like the Holy Grail. After all, you can live well without the Holy Grail, right? If you really encounter an irresistible danger, it's considered surrender. It is also acceptable behavior to admit defeat..."

"Mom, you are too wordy!"

Tohsaka Rin pushed her mother out of the door, and Tohsaka Aoi had no choice but to pick up her luggage and prepare to leave in the car.

"Has the rebellious phase arrived? I feel like Rin has begun to dislike me."

"No, mom, you misunderstood, I'm just very busy!"

"Well, since it's your decision, Rin, I won't say much more. I can only offer you my blessings. Also, if you really encounter something that can't be solved, it's also good to go to the church for help. Actually, If that doesn't work, it would be a good idea to ask the young man from the Emiya family for help. Mom is very satisfied with him..."

"Mom, what are you talking about?!" Tohsaka Rin screamed, her face turning red visibly.

After forcing his mother into the car, Tohsaka Rin's mood became visibly depressed when he returned to the room.

In fact, she did not tell her mother that the reason why she wanted to participate in the Holy Grail War was because the Tohsaka family's fate was inevitable.

In order to ensure that their descendants would always be qualified to participate in the Holy Grail War, the Yusan family had added back-ups to the Little Holy Grail.

As long as you are a member of the Yusan family, the Holy Grail War will automatically come to your door. Even if you don't want to participate, you will be assigned the identity of the master because you are of the Yusan family's blood.

As long as you are still of the blood of the Yusan family, no matter how you veto or evade, you will eventually become a sacrifice in the Holy Grail War until someone reaches the third magic position.

In fact, the previous behavior of the Clock Tower gave the Yusan family a chance to break free from such a prison of fate, but Ahad personally destroyed this opportunity.

Now, participating in the Holy Grail War and returning to the fate of the Gosan family is inevitable. Unless they are completely separated from magic, this fate will not change.

After a while, Tohsaka Rin regained his energy and ran to the underground laboratory to check if there was anything wrong with the engraved summoning circle.

Tonight is the best time to summon a servant. Although Tohsaka Rin did not prepare a suitable holy relic as a summoning medium because of the suddenness of the incident, she did not intend to use the holy relic to summon a certain person. A specific follower.

Tohsaka Rin himself also has his own pride. In the last Holy Grail War, although his father made complete preparations, he still lost, Tohsaka Rin. Of course she didn't think it was her father's fault, but she felt that her father took things for granted.

Tohsaka Rin believes that his father's biggest mistake was that he mistakenly believed that stronger servants are better, but he ignored the personality issues of the servants themselves.

Just like Sakura and the Berserker she summoned in the last Holy Grail War. Although Tohsaka Rin hated that Berserker, he had to admit that the spiritual compatibility between him and Sakura was quite consistent, so this should be their Reasons to win.

Tohsaka Rin has always thought so, so she also believes that compared to powerful servants, of course it is better to have a servant who is consistent with her spiritual nature.

"I'm back!"

Opening the door of Emiya's house happily, Ilia looked at the two androids inside with bright eyes.

"Welcome home, Miss, you look very happy today. Did you encounter something happy at school?" The android maid who was cleaning bowed to Illya.

"Seira, look, I have finally been selected as a candidate for master. It's great. I thought I had lost the qualification." Illya happily showed herself to the android maid The command spell on the back of the hand looks like a tattoo.

Illya also reluctantly breathed a sigh of relief. She clearly heard that the Holy Grail had released its master's restrictions, but the Holy Grail has not found her for a long time.

Even her younger brother had been chosen by the Holy Grail but was not chosen, so that Illya fell into deep self-doubt. Now the appearance of the Command Seal finally made her feel relieved.

Speaking of which...

"Where is Shirou? Where has he gone? I want to show off to him!" Illya threw her schoolbag on the sofa.

Sera smiled and said, "Miss, Shirou hasn't finished school yet. The high school class ends a little later than the elementary school. Moreover, he seems to have said that he is going to work in the church after school today."

"Ahh! Damn it, he is obviously my younger brother, why does he go to school earlier than me! Also, why does it feel like Shirou has been going to the church to work recently? Is there anyone in the church that attracts him?"

Facing her own lady's words, Sera could only smile helplessly.

"Miss, if you look at your physical age, you are actually younger than Shirou. It is normal for you to be in elementary school."

Zheng Shu and Emiya Kiritsugu went to Germany together to kick down the door of the Einzbern family. In addition to bringing Ahad back to Fuyuki City to restore the Holy Grail, they also brought Illya back.

However, as a child born between an artificial person and a human, Illya's birth defects are not much less than those of artificial people.

Whether her body is covered with magic circuits that are unbearable for ordinary creatures, or her soul has unknown flaws, it is difficult for Illya to survive for too long after losing the technology of the Einzbern family.

In order to keep his daughter alive, Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel ran to Zheng Shu's residence to ask him to help treat Illya.

Zheng Shu doesn't mind this kind of thing that can be done casually, but considering that Illya also has quite a few flaws in her soul. If he chose to use the same method as he used to treat Irisviel before, it would probably fail, so Zheng Shu chose a safer method.

He changed the formula of his potion to make it more effective but more gentle.

But the disadvantage is that in order for Illya's body to slowly accept the transformation, she must fall into a deep sleep during this period of time.

And because there are too many magic circuits in Illya's body, the transformation time is extremely long, so when Illya wakes up, she has changed from an older sister to a younger sister in Emiya's house.

"In addition, the reason why Shirou has been going to church frequently recently seems to be because there is a new priest in the church. I heard Shirou said that his philosophy is very similar to his, so he keeps going there to learn from him."

"The concepts are very similar? Is there a second fool in the world who wants to be a partner of justice?" Illya was a little confused.

The two androids could only suppress their smiles when faced with her words. After all, Emiya Kiritsugu was also one of these idiots.

Not wanting to correct her mistake on the topic of her master, Sera diverted Illya's attention: "By the way, I just received a postal code. It seems to be sent from abroad by Mr. Kiritsugu Emiya. The content seems to be in The holy relics discovered during the investigation have been placed in your room. Miss, do you want to take a look?"

"Really?! That's great, I knew dad would help me!"

With a cheer, Illya happily ran towards her room.

Seeing Illya leaving happily, the two androids also showed gentle smiles: "What, aren't they still children?"

(PS: The preparation is complete, we will continue to add more to pay off the debt tomorrow!)

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