Zheng Shu had been in this world for less than a day, so naturally he had no idea about the various laws of this world.

It was normal for various spells to be blocked when they were performed. After all, the laws on both sides were different. Being able to perform for several hours was the result of Zheng Shu's years of practice in controlling energy.

But now, that inexplicable blockage disappeared quietly, and Zheng Shu performed it as if he was waving his arm, without any delay at all.

It was not that Zheng Shu had a better understanding of the rules of this world, but that the rules here were more suitable for exerting extraordinary power.

This meant that the physical rules of the environment he was in had changed inexplicably.

Combined with the previous conclusion about the multiverse, the only possibility that could cause the physical rules of the environment here to change was that he was now in the area where the two universes intersected.

"Is it these mists? No! On the contrary!"

After closing his eyes and sensing it a little, even without using the fourth skill to explore, Zheng Shu immediately overturned his previous conclusion.

These mists are not the cause of the two worlds approaching each other. On the contrary, these mists can even make the surrounding space more stable, so that the space of the entire New York will not be suddenly broken in the collision of the two universes.

"... But it seems that it has reached its limit."

Feeling the fluctuations in the surrounding space, Zheng Shu frowned.

From the information that he had previously explored the entire New York with the fourth skill, it is very likely that the organization that calls itself the "Warlock Association" created this mist.

Since the other party discovered the spatial anomaly of New York City, they have been constantly deploying manpower, and it seems that they have been preparing for a long time.

But after all, it is a collision of two universes, and what can be done with human power alone is quite limited.

Let alone stopping it, just ensuring that New York City is not completely crushed by the aftermath of the collision and protecting the humans in the entire city is already the limit.


"What is that?"

A series of exclamations came from the side, and Zheng Shu looked along the chaotic crowd. In the distant sky, large pieces of buildings and rocks seemed to be suspended in the air as if they had escaped gravity.

But Zheng Shu knew very well that it was not just a disorder of gravity.

Except for a few areas in the center where gravity disorder did occur, most of the suspended buildings and streets were due to disorder in space.

Those rocks and buildings looked like they were suspended in the air, but in fact, for the space they were in, they were still safely on the earth.

"Wait, the Warlock Association, the fog, and all kinds of buildings suspended in the sky..."

Looking at the shocking scene in the distance, Zheng Shu's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he remembered something.

Without hesitation, he touched the ground and used the fourth skill again on the entire New York City.

But this time, relying on the information and inferences in his mind, Zheng Shu quickly found what he wanted in the information that was quickly refreshed on the attribute panel.

"Yaju and the Special Intelligence Division of the Werewolf Bureau have signed a contract and reached a fixed cooperative relationship... This is it!"

Looking at the information on the panel, Zheng Shu finally showed a satisfied smile on his face.

The two names revealed in this information finally confirmed which world he was in now.

"It's actually the Fantasy (Blood) World Front, I really didn't expect it."

Blood World Front, for some reasons, was translated into Fantasy World Front in China. It is a relatively niche group portrait work.

The whole work tells the story of a boy who got a pair of magical eyes because of an accident, and then followed a group of socially active gangs to deal with various daily affairs to protect the safety of the world.

Knowing the specific situation, Zheng Shu immediately understood the time point where he was now.

"Today is New Year's Day, January 1st, no wonder, the time I came is really coincidental, is it the Great Collapse of the fusion of the two worlds?"

The background of Blood World Front is that due to unknown reasons, the other world and the real world are connected, and finally a new city, Hersharemuz Lot, was established on the ruins of the original New York.

The plot begins three years after the establishment of Hersharemuz Lot. The event of the fusion of the two worlds three years ago was called "The Great Collapse".

Fortunately, the Warlock Association had prepared for this for fifteen years, and the other world seemed to be prepared for the Great Collapse, so this disaster lasted less than twenty-four hours.

So to some extent, the city of Hersharemuz Roth was built overnight.

Zheng Shu stroked his chin and thought: "Although I feel like I am witnessing history, I feel like I am useless here."

The Warlock Association had long anticipated the occurrence of the Great Collapse and had already made preparations. It would be meaningless for him to intervene rashly except to cause trouble.

Moreover, it was already quite limited to solve the problem of the fusion of the two worlds in 24 hours. Zheng Shu asked himself that even if he added his own efforts, he could not do better.

If we really want to talk about the more important plot... William Macbeth (Xiaohei) was possessed by the King of Despair in the anime, which should be a more important plot.

But you don't have to think about it. Now he and Xiaobai should be in the most central area of ​​the barrier. Not to mention that Zheng Shu is not familiar with this place, that kind of core area must be full of various protective arrays and manpower.

Zheng Shu was confident that he could get in, but there was no point in doing so except to cause trouble for them.

If he accidentally destroyed the Warlock Association's arrangement and made it impossible for them to stop the Great Collapse, then the trouble that followed would not be just a matter of destroying New York.

"Anyway, the King of Despair can be dealt with later. If the magic circle is accidentally destroyed and the situation gets out of control, too many people will die."

After thinking carefully, Zheng Shu found that he seemed to have nothing else to do except staying here and waiting for the barrier to be completed.

His power was indeed a bit oversized. If he was not careful, the harm caused might be greater than he expected...


Just when he thought of this, Zheng Shu suddenly frowned and looked up into the distance.

He didn't find anything special, he just heard gunshots and human screams in the north.

For a "free" city like New York, a shooting case is really not a big deal, and it's not even worth making the news.

But with Zheng Shu's insight, even at such a long distance, he could clearly hear that those shootings were not just "shooting cases".

Although it was very chaotic and unsystematic, it was obvious that it had exceeded the level of "riot".

Moreover, under the cover of the gunshots, there were also various screams of people on the verge of death and some discordant sounds.

"I almost forgot about it."

Because of his strong strength, Zheng Shu sometimes overlooked some "details".

For him, the Great Collapse itself was not very dangerous. He just needed to be careful not to be mixed into the core of the space collision and it would be basically safe.

But for ordinary humans, in addition to natural disasters, they need to worry more about "man-made disasters".

...If those things can be called people.

"Oh! What a trouble..."

Scratching his hair, Zheng Shu stood up while muttering. He thought he was actually a relatively indifferent person.

He did not have the ambition to save the world. At most, he would occasionally show a little kindness, but as long as no one died at his doorstep, he would not bother to care.

But this is also normal, after all, this is indeed the idea of ​​an orthodox monk.

"Since I heard it, let me help."

Looking at the crowd next to him who were still panicking and didn't know what to do, Zheng Shu ignored them and stepped on the ground to accumulate strength.


Along with the fog blown up by the shock wave, Zheng Shu's figure also disappeared on the spot.



Relying on super-high-speed flight, Zheng Shu quickly came to the place where he heard the scream.

It's not that he didn't want to get here faster, but mainly because the space in New York is extremely chaotic now. If you use space teleportation casually, you don't know where you will fall, so the simplest way of moving is safer.

When he arrived at the target location, Zheng Shu glanced casually and immediately understood what happened here clearly.

The crowd below was mainly divided into three groups. One group was obviously the original residents of New York City, with different skin colors, and the common point was that everyone was holding various guns in their hands.

At this moment, they were shouting and using the gun shop as a cover and base camp to launch attacks in the distance.

There was always a person who looked like the owner of the shop. He took out the rocket launcher from under his counter and placed it on the cabinet to shoot at the distant enemies.

Zheng Shu could see that some of these people were wearing stockings on their heads. They should be preparing to take advantage of the riot to grab a ticket, but they didn't expect that under the huge pressure of survival, they were forced to form an alliance with others to fight the enemy together.

As for the enemies fighting with them, Zheng Shu knew why these people were forced to fight together with just one look.

It was brutal enough for the gun shop owner to take out the rocket launcher and Gatling from under his counter, but compared with the guys on the opposite side, their resistance immediately seemed a little too weak.

Because opposite them was a group of strange creatures who had installed various strengthening machines on their bodies.

These creatures from other worlds had different shapes, and Zheng Shu couldn't even be sure whether these guys were of the same race.

Almost every "human" has undergone mechanical modification. The most serious guy has only his head, which is still a biological body, and all his limbs have been replaced with machines. At first glance, he looks like a small Gundam.

The reason why the human side can still persist is that the integration of the two worlds is not thorough enough, so the rules of the two worlds are not completely harmonious. Some more sophisticated machines have been experiencing minor failures after coming here.

Just like the largest Gundam, it is now half paralyzed on the ground and can only rely on its own materials to resist the attacks of humans.

However, even in such a disadvantageous form, these strange creatures are still shouting excitedly in the hail of bullets.

Occasionally, some unlucky people are shot in the head by a bullet, and the creatures around them do not show fear, but ridicule.

According to Zheng Shu's observation, the reason why these guys are so fanatical is not because they have no emotions. On the contrary, they should be particularly bullying the weak and afraid of the strong.

The reason why they are so fearless is purely because a simple headshot cannot kill them.

Zheng Shu saw with his own eyes several guys whose heads had been shot through, bleeding and picking up their weapons to fight back against the humans.

One side was so strong that they could continue to fight even if their heads were shot through, while the other side was so "fragile" that they would lose their fighting power even if their arms were shot through.

Moreover, the equipment difference between the two sides was huge. As the worlds merged more and more closely, some powerful weapons from the monsters of the other world could gradually begin to be used.

The double crush of equipment and fighting will, if this continued, it would take a few minutes for the human side to completely collapse.

In addition to these two groups of people, there was the last third group of people.

Compared with the previous two groups of pure thugs, the nature of the third group of people changed.

They had the largest number of people and different races. They were not only humans, but also many monsters from other worlds.

Strictly speaking, this group of people was "civilians".

They did not intend to take advantage of this opportunity to gain any additional benefits, but just hoped that they could survive this disaster safely, but they were involved in the battle between the two groups of thugs.

Because they were the largest in number and had the weakest resistance, their casualties were the most serious. Most of the screams Zheng Shu heard earlier were from these people.

The two sides in the battle did not care about the lives of these people at all. When humans shot casually, bullets would occasionally fly to other rooms and kill the hiding humans.

The monsters were even more unscrupulous. Some monsters would even deliberately look for humans or other creatures from other worlds hiding around them and kill them without hesitation.

There were still many humans and creatures from other worlds hiding in the rooms in the buildings occupied by humans, while on the side of the monster thugs from other worlds, there were no survivors in the buildings they occupied.

Whether it was humans or creatures from other worlds, as long as they were caught by them, they would all be shot in the head.

"It's really... chaotic enough..."

Even the knowledgeable Zheng Shu had to sigh after understanding the situation. Fortunately, this was not the Warhammer world, otherwise the monsters from the other world below would definitely be targeted.

While thinking, Zheng Shu, who was flying in the sky, had been discovered.

The humans still had some brains, and without knowing the other side's position, they could only hide behind the bunker and watch quietly.

The monster thugs from another world were more direct. After seeing Zheng Shu in the sky, the Gundam that had finally started up, whether it was too excited or simply didn't think about it, fired an energy cannon at Zheng Shu without hesitation.


The thick and hot energy cannon completely covered Zheng Shu's entire body, and the remaining force hit a high-rise building suspended in the sky behind him, completely blowing it into pieces.

Seeing Zheng Shu being overwhelmed by their attacks without any resistance, the monster thugs all laughed triumphantly.

"Hahaha... ga!"


Before they could laugh a few more times, the laughter of these monster thugs stopped abruptly, and their bodies suddenly swelled, as if they were stuffed with a swollen tomato and exploded from the inside.

The splattered blood covered the entire street. Seeing this sudden change, even the humans were stunned for a moment.

It was not until Zheng Shu slowly floated down from the sky that these stunned people suddenly reacted.

Everyone's eyes revealed an unconcealable fear, but no one dared to run away privately, even if their bodies were shaking more severely than a sieve.


Zheng Shu looked at their reactions and was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this group of rabble didn't run away on the spot, but he soon found out the reason, because there was a person who stabilized them.

Judging from the other party's dress, this person should be the owner of a store next door. From his weather-beaten face, it can be seen that the other party should not be simple in the past.

The reason why this group of rabble could persist for so long before was because this person was in overall planning.

However, Zheng Shu was not interested in paying attention to his past. For him, the meaning of this person's existence was that he now had a tool person to use.

"You are their leader, right? I have a commission for you. Command your people to gather all the civilians around and find a building as a base for defense. This disaster will not last more than 24 hours, so just wait for rescue quietly."

After thinking for a while, Zheng Shu added: "Whether it is human or monster from another world, as long as there is no violence and aggressive tendency, we must protect them."

"Excuse me, who are you..."

The old man was a little stunned by Zheng Shu's order and asked subconsciously.

"Don't worry about my identity. This is your reward in advance."

Zheng Shu raised his finger and pointed at the old man, and a tiny light penetrated into his body.

"What are you doing?!"

Seeing Zheng Shu suddenly take action, a young man next to the old man raised his gun angrily and pointed it at Zheng Shu. Although his body was still shaking uncontrollably, he was about to pull the trigger in anger.

Led by the young man, others also reflexively raised their guns and pointed them at Zheng Shu.

"Stop it!"

A loud voice came from behind them, and a hand grabbed the young man's raised arm.

The young man turned around with some surprise, and then saw an astonishing scene.

My grandfather has undergone drastic changes. His gray hair has turned back to gold, his wrinkled skin has quickly become smooth, and the age spots on his skin have quickly faded.

His body, which was about to fall, has regained its balance. His once gradually hunched back has involuntarily straightened up. His muscles, which had become shriveled due to his age, have become full again, and his cloudy eyes have become brighter.

In just a few blinks, the old man who was originally in a state of decrepitude has turned back into an energetic young man in full view of everyone.

Seeing this scene, everyone widened their eyes in shock.

The most surprised person was the young man, who saw with his own eyes that his grandfather had turned into a young man of about the same age as himself.

Feeling the strength of the palm holding his arm, he was sure that these were not his hallucinations.

(I have to help my friend move tomorrow, so I probably don’t have the energy to update, so I’m going to take a leave in advance.)

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