Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 554: Saving People and Blood Realm Dependents

Zheng Shu ignored the surprise of these people and slowly floated into the air again.

With a slight raise of his hand, all the corpses and wounded people around, including the building that was just shattered by the energy cannon, whether human or alien creatures, except for those monster thugs, automatically floated up and gathered in front of him.

Looking at the terrified people under his hands, Zheng Shu waved his hand casually, and a large piece of green light floated down.

The injuries of everyone who came into contact with the green light recovered and healed quickly, whether it was the abdomen that was shot through or the broken limbs, they all grew back at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As for those corpses, all the wounds on their bodies healed quickly after coming into contact with the green light, and even the heads that were blown off could grow back as if time was going backwards.

Accompanied by violent coughs, these "corpses" came back to life in the fear and surprise of the people around them.

Those who were still amazed that Zheng Shu could actually make people rejuvenate before they had time to express their feelings were shocked again by Zheng Shu's group resurrection.

By the time they came to their senses, Zheng Shu had already disappeared.

"Ah... Grandpa... Grandpa, what should we do next?"

The young man looked up at the fog ring that exploded when Zheng Shu left, and was silent for a long time before looking down at his grandfather.

However, seeing his grandfather's young appearance, he paused for two seconds before shouting.

The old man who had returned to youth was still immersed in his younger body, feeling the abundant energy he had never felt in decades. He only felt that a constant stream of power burst out from his body.

He didn't come back to his senses until he heard his grandson's cry.

Looking at the group of humans and monsters below that were gradually beginning to riot, the old man gritted his teeth and made a decisive decision:

"Follow the order of the person just now! Gather all the people below, and then find a relatively solid building as a shelter. By the way, find some people who are willing to fight and give them guns."

"Okay!" Nodding, the young man hesitated again, "All the people? Including those monsters?"

The old man hesitated for a moment, then nodded heavily: "Including those monsters! You go find a few people who can speak other languages ​​to go down with me and see if you can communicate with those monsters... I hope those monsters below can understand."


The two of them made some arrangements and quickly took people down to gather the survivors.

The human side was not bad. With Zheng Shu's performance just now and the guns in their hands, most people honestly expressed their willingness to leave with them.

The alien creatures were a little troublesome. The old man tried many ways, but there was no way to communicate with them normally.

Fortunately, for Zheng Shu's "face", even if the communication was not smooth, both sides behaved quite restrained.

Later, a skinny guy who looked inconspicuous among the creatures of the other world cast something similar to magic to make the communication between the two sides smooth.

After confirming that neither side had any ill intentions, the next thing became simple.

After all, there are only a few thugs who really like absolute chaos. Most people are most concerned about their own lives.

With Zheng Shu's promise, they are still willing to believe that this disaster will end soon.

"It seems to be getting more and more chaotic, much more chaotic than when it was chaotic at the beginning."

After finally gathering all the victims around in a building, the young man standing on the rooftop of the building sighed as he looked at the buildings in the south that were gradually floating up.

"Grandpa... what do you think we should do in the future? What should we do if the whole world is covered by this thick fog?"

"... I don't know." After a moment of silence, the old man gave his true answer.

"No matter whether this scene was caused by a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, it is useless for us to think about this kind of existence that can reassemble New York City at will like Lego blocks.

We can only hope that what the existence just said is true. The only thing we can do now is to pray that this terrible disaster will end as soon as possible."


Thinking of Zheng Shu, the young man couldn't help but be curious again. He glanced at the grandfather next to him quietly.

My grandfather's body is still in a healthy state. He didn't show any discomfort in the action just now. It looks like he has really regained his youth.

"Grandpa, don't you feel any discomfort in your body?"

"To be honest, it has never been so good. Even when I was young, I never felt such vitality."

Asked by his grandson, the old man began to move his body involuntarily. He felt light all over his body, as if he had endless power.

The young man looked at his grandfather with inexplicable envy: "What an incredible power, is it magic or a miracle? I really don't know who that person is, is he an angel?"

"I also asked the person from another world who knows magic, they seem to have similar technology and magic, but they don't seem to have heard of such a simple ability to bring people back to life and rejuvenate."

The old man said this, although there was no flaw on his face, but a glimmer of thought flashed in his eyes.

The alien did say this, but he also told the old man that there were even more powerful people in that alien world.

Those people were called divine beings by the aliens. Basically, beings at that level had the power to resurrect people.

But if you want to use the power of resurrection so easily, you must be a higher-level being.

From the alien, I learned that there are only thirteen of these beings that have been widely circulated in the alien world in recent years. They call them...

"Thirteen Kings..."

"What?" The young man looked at his grandfather with some doubts. He seemed to hear him muttering something just now.

"Nothing, that level of existence is not something we can imagine now. Let's think about how to survive first. Let's go down and see what the situation is like down there."

The old man didn't say much, but turned around and walked downstairs.

The young man looked at the old man's back as he left, with a puzzled look in his eyes, but he didn't think much about it, but followed his grandfather downstairs.

Zheng Shu was not aware of those people's speculations about his identity, but even if he knew, he would not take it seriously.

He was busy with disaster relief and had no time to care about those things.

The area of ​​New York City is not small. In the case of not being able to use space jumps, simply using the speed of sound is not fast.

Moreover, because he had to take into account the surrounding high-rise buildings suspended in the air and the people hiding in them, Zheng Shu did not dare to use too high a speed. He could only use the speed of sound to shuttle through the wreckage of the building, looking for the injured and the dead for rescue.

Because the other world and the present world overlap, the rules of the other world began to invade, and Zheng Shu became much easier when using various spells, so he could cast resurrection magic more easily.

After more than a century of polishing in the world of Under One Person, Zheng Shu has studied his resurrection magic to an extremely profound level.

No longer needing to construct a complex array to cast it as before, Zheng Shu can now cast a large-scale resurrection magic with just a slight wave of his hand.

For Zheng Shu, as long as the damage to the body does not exceed a certain proportion and the death time does not exceed fifteen minutes, then resurrection is very simple.

If the death time exceeds fifteen minutes or the body is too damaged, then a special resurrection array needs to be constructed.

The contact between the other world and the real world is a full-scale invasion. Fortunately, the people in the other world cannot use space jumps, so the thugs in the other world can only rely on different ways of movement to continuously invade from north to south.

But even so, Zheng Shu is busy.

The wounded are actually easy to say. The most troublesome thing is that there are basically few wounded people left in the places where the thugs from the other world pass. Most of the humans are beaten to death on the spot, and a few are even eaten as food.

If it is just a "simple" injury such as a simple head explosion or a heart explosion, Zheng Shu can still help them revive. Zheng Shu can also collect the bodies of those who have been dead for too long and wait until the magic array is constructed later to resurrect them uniformly.

However, if the resurrection array is constructed, there is a limit to the number of corpses that can be resurrected. If the soul is not intercepted, if most of the body is blown to pieces, or the whole body is eaten, even Zheng Shu can do nothing about it.

In addition to saving people along the way, Zheng Shu also wiped out some thugs who took advantage of the chaos.

These thugs are not only monsters from other worlds, but also a large number of them are humans.

Facing this doomsday-like scene, countless people's hearts also collapsed. They unscrupulously vented the malice that had been hidden in their hearts. Some people caused more harm than some monsters from other worlds.

It is no exaggeration to say that even those chaotic thugs in other worlds have to admire and worship them as big brothers after seeing some human behaviors.

Of course, when Zheng Shu faces such people, he will basically wipe them out together with the younger brothers he just accepted.

Whether it is limbs or souls, they are crushed into pieces, so that they have absolutely no possibility of resurrection.

As time goes by, the number of corpses waiting for resurrection stored in Zheng Shu's portable space is increasing.

Similarly, he saved more and more people in the process.

In many cases, Zheng Shu would basically select a leader from the rescued survivors, give him a certain reward, and let him lead the survivors to find a building where they could hide temporarily.

Fortunately, New York is located in the United States and does not prohibit firearms, so these survivors still have basic resistance.

The Warlock Association has not prepared for so many years in vain. It is difficult for any super-standard existence in the other world to break through.

Other super-standard existences will also be targeted by them after they come in, so in most cases, the survivors only need to worry about a group of thugs who are like fish in troubled waters.

It is precisely because safety has the most basic guarantee that Zheng Shu is quite restrained in giving out rewards. Generally, he will not give direct power, but choose to give life or health.

Basically, as long as they were not too unlucky, hiding quietly in the building, relying on the weapons in their hands, most of the survivors rescued by Zheng Shu could survive this great collapse safely.

Of course, there are also unlucky people with bad luck...

Looking at this scene below, Zheng Shu pinched his nose and felt a little tired.

He had worked hard to rescue the wounded and revive the dead in the front, but he didn't expect that he would be "dug out of his ass".

He had just rescued a group of survivors before, and before he finished arranging the task, he heard some strange noises at the place where he had rescued.

When he flew back quickly, he saw this scene below.

In a relatively large ruin compared to other debris, a group of weird-looking people stood there and kept wandering on the ruins.

With Zheng Shu's memory, of course he could recognize that there were many survivors he had rescued before.

But now these people behaved quite strangely. Their standing postures were very strange. It didn't seem to fit the image of normal human standing. They looked more like so-called zombies.

However, compared to the slow movement speed of zombies in the conventional sense, these people's movements are much faster.

Not only can they be called fast, but their physical fitness and agility have also been greatly improved. As long as they find a target, they will rush up at high speed without hesitation to tear it apart.


Zheng Shu's face was not that ugly, but he turned his head silently to look at the figure dressed in unusually noble clothes surrounded by a group of ghouls.

"Blood world dependents."

The so-called blood world dependents are commonly known as vampires, which are beyond human intelligence and are transformed by writing the spell directly into DNA.

Although there are certain restrictions on living conditions, other than that, it can be considered that these creatures have a power close to immortality.

The appearance is extremely similar to that of humans, and in most cases it is even indistinguishable. Although it can be seen directly by the eyes of the creature, it cannot be presented in mirrors and optical instruments.

There will be a red light like wings wrapped around the body, but it can only be seen through some special abilities or vision.

Zheng Shu was a little annoyed. He didn't expect that he actually forgot the main enemy of the protagonist team in the original book.

People killed by the blood realm followers will become lifeless puppets, generally called ghouls, which are the humans with strange actions below.

Because they have become puppets, most of the cells in their bodies have been transformed by the power of the blood realm followers, and the souls, needless to say, have long dissipated at the moment of death.

In short, humans who have become ghouls no longer meet the conditions for resurrection.

Even Zheng Shu, the only thing he can do when facing these ghouls is to crush them and prevent them from hurting others.

However, Zheng Shu's regret is not this. He has saved these people before, and morally speaking, he has been worthy of these people. Being beaten to death again can only be said that they are too unlucky.

Zheng Shu's regret is that he was so busy saving people that he forgot about this matter.

The Warlock Association does block super-sized enemies invading from other worlds, but a large part of the blood realm followers are not from other worlds, but have always lived on Earth.

The small group that the protagonist of the original work of Fantasy Front was in was formerly called "Yaju", which specializes in hunting blood realm followers that harm humans on Earth.

Just when Zheng Shu was upset, the blood realm followers below had already discovered his existence.

They were a little surprised to see a human like Zheng Shu who could fly freely in the sky, but they were just a little surprised.

The almost immortal power made these blood realm followers too arrogant and conceited. Except for their own people, they still looked the same even when facing unknown enemies.

"Interesting, I didn't expect that there are still people who can fly freely among humans. Could it be that humans have developed so fast in recent years?"

The handsome and unknown blood realm follower chuckled and expressed his happiness that he could encounter such an interesting thing when he was out strolling.

"But, don't you know..."

Under the pressure of the surging energy, the blood clan follower with wide eyes was crushed into a ball of blood plasma, and the group of ghouls around him were also blasted into pieces.

(Moving made my back sore)

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