"When did I become your friend? How come I didn't know?"

Looking at the Tyrannical King who was trying to get away with it, Zheng Shu exposed him without hesitation.

"My friend, you really make me sad when you say that. Have you forgotten that we had two consecutive muscle collisions? We haven't met many times, but since we have had muscle collisions with each other, we are already friends of the soul!"

"Your criteria for judging friends of the soul are too weird, right?!" Zheng Shu couldn't help but complain, and turned to look at Alykira who was still lying unconscious on the ground and Feimto next to him, "Could it be that the selection criteria for you thirteen kings are not based on strength, but on the degree of comedians?"

"Oh! What a good idea, how about holding this kind of selection in Hersharemz? It will definitely attract many people to participate!" Feimto watched the excitement from the side and didn't mind the big deal.

"Don't make trouble for me anymore!"

Although the reconstruction of New York City wasted some time due to Feimto's absence, it was rebuilt a few days later with the help of Yalijira.

So now New York City is no longer New York, but Hersharemuz Roth.

The reason for this name is that the barrier that the Warlock Association built to cover the city was called Hersharemuz Barrier, so the city was named Hersharemuz Roth on this basis.

Yalijira has resigned from her position and handed it over to Feimto, so now this guy has become the manager of Hersharemuz.

Although it has been several months since the fusion of the two worlds, the world has not yet escaped from the related chaos.

As for the main factor causing this, it is naturally the desire of human beings themselves.

After all, after finally understanding the emergence of the other world, people have found something in the other world that is enough to excite the entire human society: money and power!

Although he didn't go out much, Zheng Shu also got a lot of outside information from the seemingly old TVs in Feimto's house.

Judging from the current public opinion, the human world has regarded the emergence of the other world as a great achievement comparable to the discovery of America, except that compared with the America discovered back then, the other world has additional powers beyond imagination.

The other world also has very similar views on the sudden emergence of the human world.

In fact, there is also a race called "humans" in the other world, and although the number is relatively rare, due to various strange inheritances, the strength of each human is not weak.

Moreover, due to the racial characteristics of humans, once humans fall into a certain violent state, they can even burst out "things" that are more terrifying than most creatures in the other world.

In addition, there is also a fallen king from the human race among the thirteen kings, so the status of humans in the other world is actually not low.

The most important thing is that the materials continuously transported by the newly emerged human world are enough to open the eyes of the creatures in the resource-poor other world.

And there is also a new power called "technology" that can make up for the shortcomings of magic.

Driven by interests and power, quite a few forces in the other world have also invested a large number of people in Hersharemz.

Because of these reasons, the city of Hersharemz, which was originally terrifying, is now filled with various forces.

Vicious criminals, terrorists, super companies, religious groups, illegal organizations, mafia, refugees, intelligence agencies of various countries...

Unknowingly, Hersharemz has become the center of world struggle.

The most important reason why these forces in Hersharemz are still just ordinary fighting and killing, and have not let various sharp contradictions come to the surface, is the existence of the thirteen kings.

Absolute power can bring absolute power, not to mention that there are more than one thirteen kings in Hersharemz now.

"Anyway, as far as I know, the Desperate King should have ambushed in this city early, and the rest is the Sensitive King... As for whether the other guys have come in, it is not clear, after all, their actions are very covert.

But according to my speculation, those guys should have found ways to sneak into this city."

The Tyrannical King said vaguely while swallowing the hot food in his mouth.

In Feimto's castle, four people were eating hot pot together at a small round table.

If you only look at this small emergency room and the simple food, I'm afraid no one would believe that there are three Thirteen Kings in such a house.

The meeting between Tyrannical King and Zheng Shu was arranged in advance, so although Zheng Shu did not admit the friend of the soul thing this guy said, they could sit down and have a meal together after a fight.

As for Yalijira, she came to Zheng Shu dozens of times some time ago, but was suppressed by him with overwhelming force.

Although Yalijira has always been obsessed with getting stronger power, she is not really stupid. After discovering that the gap between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger, she decided to change her mind.

The first method to try is naturally to lurk around Zheng Shu, observe his daily behavior, and find out how Zheng Shu gets such a powerful power.

So after calming down, the four "people" just huddled together in Feimto's house for an inexplicable meal.

After the two worlds merged, the two sides not only exchanged economy and power, but also exported various cultures to each other.

Among them, food culture is the focus of cultural integration between the two sides. It is said that aliens and humans have planned to open a high-end restaurant together.

"Humph! A group of cowardly guys, if you want to pursue power, then show yourself openly!"

After listening to the words of the Tyrannical King, Yalijira snorted coldly. Obviously, she was quite dissatisfied with the hiding behavior of the other thirteen kings.

"Hahahaha, after all, not everyone likes to pursue power like you." Feimuto picked up a glass of milk and drank it.

Yalijira looked at him "hard", as if she was unhappy that Feimuto did not stand on her united front: "With a weak attitude like you, you will never understand the real power!"

"Haha, that's right! Only by constantly challenging your own limits can you have the fun of life. I like you, little girl. Do you want to exercise your muscles with me?!" The Tyrannical King stood up and showed his muscles.

"Heh! A guy with a head full of muscles." Yalijira sneered.

Fimto poked his friend in the heart without hesitation: "You are almost the same, thinking about getting stronger."

"Do you want to die?!"

Put a freshly cooked magic swamp shrimp that looks like a scorpion into his mouth.

Zheng Shu felt the crunchy taste of the shell in his mouth while looking at the noisy three people, with a helpless look on his face.

Seeing that the chat continued like this, the simple-minded Arikira might be stimulated by the remaining two guys and go crazy. In order to save the hot pot in front of him, Zheng Shu could only speak to stabilize the situation.

"Enough! It's hard to have a meal, everyone, be quiet."

The plain voice carried unimaginable power, which suddenly calmed down the three people present.

Arikira, who was ready to draw the spell to launch an attack, immediately woke up and sat back at the table honestly.

Seeing her face flushed, her body became awkward, and she even deliberately raised her throat to make her voice more sweet: "Oh, I didn't mean it."

Zheng Shu's eyes twitched involuntarily, swallowed the food in his mouth, turned his head and looked at Fei Mutuo: "What's wrong with this guy? Did I beat him silly?"

"Get used to it. You beat her too hard just now, and this guy fell in love. It will be fine in two days. Her interest in you will not last for a few days." Fei Mutuo muttered while taking food from the hot pot.

"Tsk! Hearing you say that, I always feel like I have been offended." Zheng Shu said "tsk" unhappily.

Glancing at Fei Mutuo and Tyrannical King who seemed to have nothing to do with him, Zheng Shu resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

Forget Fei Mutuo. Tyrannical King looks like a muscular barbarian, but he is actually a bag of heart.

Just now, this guy was clearly deliberately provoking Yalijira, and it seems that he wanted to get some words from her.

"Is there any other information from Helsharemz that we need to pay attention to?" Zheng Shu looked at the Tyrant King.

He now understood that Femto was just a homeboy, and Alykira was completely immersed in her own world. The only person at the table who could let him know the outside world's information was the Tyrant King.

"Is there anything worth paying attention to? If there is, there seems to be quite a lot, but strictly speaking, it doesn't mean anything to us." The Tyrant King touched his chin and thought carefully.

"If I really want to say, there are two, one is about the Thirteenth King."

"What?" Zheng Shu asked.

Not only him, but the other two people at the table also became interested, after all, there is very little information about the Thirteenth King.

The Tyrannical King glanced at Zheng Shu and chuckled:

"This matter is actually related to you. Now there is a trend in Helsharemzi to try to turn the Thirteenth King into the Fourteenth King. After all, the news that you defeated me has been spread."

As for the idea of ​​excluding the Tyrannical King from the Thirteen Kings and letting Zheng Shu be the new Tyrannical King... I can't say that no one has mentioned it, but basically everyone thinks it's a fool.

After all, the emergence of a stronger person who defeated the Tyrannical King does not mean that the Tyrannical King has become weaker.

The title of "Thirteenth King" is not a position, but a real proof of strength.

"But because you have not shown up, others are not sure what the specific situation is, so this matter is just discussed in private."

"Okay, what about the second thing?" Zheng Shu was not very interested in the first thing.

"The second thing is that recently an organization called Libra appeared in Hersharemz. I heard that they take it as their mission to maintain the balance of the world, and are secretly active in this city. They have also received support from many major forces including the Vatican and the Warlock Association."

Femto immediately became interested when he heard it: "Maintain the balance of the world? It seems that there will be fun in the future."

"Play carefully, don't let it collapse. This kind of organization can't be too large, and its ability to deal with crises has a limit." Zheng Shu didn't react much when he heard this familiar name, but just silently reminded Feimto.

If he didn't quite understand why the Libra organization seemed small when he read the comics before, then Zheng Shu probably understood it now.

The city of Hersharemz is now a huge powder keg, and any radical turmoil will completely detonate it.

In such a sensitive city, all new forces that exceed a certain limit will be targeted by other forces, not to mention the sudden emergence of a new large force stationed in the city, which will completely break the fragile balance of the city.

And because of the organizational characteristics of large forces, they will become slow to respond when dealing with certain urgent crises.

In this case, too large a force is a bit of a hindrance, and a small elite organization like Libra is more suitable for maintaining "law and order".

Yes, what Libra does is actually just the level of maintaining law and order in Zheng Shu's view now.

It is actually the top forces that truly maintain the balance between the two worlds.

The few people chatted while eating the meal.

After finishing his meal, the Tyrannical King had nothing to do, so he wiped his mouth and prepared to stand up and leave:

"My friend, I am very pleased to see your recent progress. I also feel your inspiration and decided to go back and work hard!"

"No, don't leave yet, I need you for something!"

Zheng Shu quickly slapped him on the shoulder and stopped him from leaving.

"My friend, what do you need?"

"It's just right that you are here. There is an experiment that requires your cooperation."

"Ah? Experiment?"

The Tyrannical King was still hesitating, but Zheng Shu had already dragged his shoulders forcefully, suppressed all his resistance and walked towards the laboratory.

"Don't waste time, Elbow! Come in with me!"

Looking at the two people interacting, Yalijira, who had just fallen into love, was a little jealous: "So you like this, I can do this with you."

Zheng Shu glanced at her until this guy temporarily fell into a state of not wanting to think.

"Stop talking, come too! If you study this thoroughly, you might become stronger."


When she heard that she could become stronger, Yalijira's eyes immediately brightened, decisively making people feel that the love-brain she just showed was fake.

"By the way, bring that guy with you, all three of you have to come today!" Zheng Shu pointed at Feimto again.

"Ah? And my business? No! I was planning to catch up on the drama all day today!"

Feimto looked reluctant, his eyes darting around, and it seemed that he was planning to escape from here.

Unfortunately, his intention was too obvious, and Yalijira saw through it on the spot, so Yalijira suddenly had a huge mechanical arm in her hand and grabbed Feimto's waist on the spot.

Zheng Shu ignored the guy's complaints, waved his hand to greet everyone, turned around and continued to walk towards the laboratory: "Of course the more samples the better, keep up!"


Yalijila smiled sweetly, grabbed the struggling Fimto, dragged him and followed Zheng Shu out.

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