Several months passed in a flash.

"Okay, there's nothing for you to do now, go play."

In the laboratory, Zheng Shu left the panting Alykira behind, adjusted the machine in front of him, and recorded the experimental data with the help of Feimto.

On the other side, the Tyrannical King had already exhausted his strength and lay motionless on the floor of the laboratory, looking like a corpse.

But judging from the smile on his face when he fainted, he was very happy with this behavior of draining his physical strength to the point of death.

But because of this, Zheng Shu seemed more at ease when draining this guy's physical strength, even to the point of being crazy.

"I am obviously the Fallen King, why should I do such heavy work with you?!"

While Feimto was complaining, his hands kept moving, his two arms almost left afterimages, and even a few tentacles grew from his back to assist in manipulating the machine in front of him.

The two maids could not maintain the elegant image they had when they first met, and they were busy helping their masters.

Although they were enhanced artificial humans, visible fatigue could be seen on their faces.

Zheng Shu, the main force of the experiment, looked even more miserable. High-temperature steam continued to emanate from his body, which was to cool down the heat discharged by the over-running brain.

Due to excessive concentration, his eyes had unconsciously turned into dazzling golden pupils, and his body also had a dragon-like posture.

The enhanced template from the Saha Tree King allowed Zheng Shu to gain multiple arms in the dragon-like state.

But the extra arms were still not enough for Zheng Shu now, so he manipulated his own flesh and blood and grew dozens of flesh and blood tentacles to help him manipulate other machines.

So the current scene in the Feimto laboratory seemed particularly terrifying. Any righteous person who came here and saw the scene inside would have to wonder if he had come to some terrifying demon cave.

This busy atmosphere lasted for a long time, until the tyrannical king who had fainted had regained his will and woke up, Zheng Shu was still busy.

Seeing this scene, neither the Tyrannical King, who took pleasure in surpassing his own limits, nor Alykira, who was obsessed with gaining power, dared to disturb Zheng Shu.

Even Femto, who was always fearless and seemed to only have fun, quietly slipped out of the laboratory after he could not bear the pressure of the high-intensity experiment and retreated.

Outside the laboratory, several people looked at the door of the laboratory in bewilderment.

The seemingly ordinary door made the three thirteen kings feel fear for the first time.

"Hey, don't you always take pleasure in breaking your own limits? Now you have this opportunity, don't you continue to try?"

Finally, Femto, who consumed the least physical energy, came to his senses first. He coughed lightly and poked the Tyrannical King next to him with his finger.

The Tyrannical King shuddered unnaturally upon hearing this, and then shook his head vigorously:

"Forget it, forget it, I am indeed pursuing the limit of being on the verge of death, but when he was doing the experiment, he didn't let me be on the verge of death, but really wanted me to die!"

"Aren't you still alive?"

Hearing this, the string representing rationality in the Tyrannical King's mind almost broke:

"Before saying this, you should erase the pattern of the resurrection array outside! You bastards, how many times have you killed me?!"

"Isn't being on the verge of death and dying and resurrecting similar?" Femto muttered.

"Similar? Then how about letting you experience it?!"

"I advise you two to keep your voice down. If you disturb that guy, and he comes out and sees you so energetic, and then drags you in for experiments, I won't care about you." Yalijira squatted on the ground, hugged her knees with both hands, and said in a low voice.

The paranoid king, who originally looked high-spirited, arrogant and arrogant, now looks quite gentle, like an ordinary little girl.

There is no doubt that even the paranoid king, who is extremely paranoid about power, has finally become normal after working in this laboratory for several months (referring to being a test subject).

After all, things like madness need to be compared. There can only be one craziest guy in a group of people. The others will tend to be normal involuntarily when this person is worse.

Obviously, among these four people, Zheng Shu, who originally looked the most gentle, is actually the craziest guy.

Hearing what Yalijira said, the two people who were arguing stiffened their bodies, and slowly squatted down, quietly cooing in the direction away from the laboratory.

In the past few months of getting along, several people have been impressed by Zheng Shu's terrifying execution and willpower.

Although the tyrannical king and the paranoid king were tortured to death by the experiment, Zheng Shu actually hit himself more cruelly.

Not only did he have to conduct more cruel experiments on himself, but he also had to take care of the experimental procedures and record the data to infer the experimental results.

Facing such a crazy Zheng Shu, the three of them really didn't dare to complain.

Fortunately, they finally survived.

As three people who can become superior beings, no matter how rough they appear, they have quite profound wisdom and knowledge.

So they can roughly see the experiment that Zheng Shu is doing this time. Although they don't know the specific situation, they can also know that the experiment will basically come to an end after today.

"I feel... After this matter is over, I don't want to exercise for a long time."

Looking at the door of the laboratory not far away, Tyranny King just lay on the ground and looked at the ceiling.

"Ha! Even Tyranny King, who enjoys surpassing his own limits, can't bear it anymore? It seems that we really met an incredible guy." Feimuto laughed.

"It seems that your recovery speed is unexpectedly fast." Yalijira glanced at him.

Feimuto did not deny it, but stretched his waist in place: "How to say it, after all, I have had such a time before... Ah, it's out, it seems that it's over."

The door of the laboratory opened, and the first to come out were the two androids who had been following Feimuto.

However, the condition of these two androids did not look too good. Just a few steps out of the laboratory, their legs softened and fell to the ground, falling into a coma-like sleep.

"Oh... It's really rare. Eve and Ode have become like this." Yalijira said calmly.

"Wow!!! What did that guy do in there? Even the two of them can be overloaded?!" In comparison, Feimto seemed much more excited.

Eve and Ode are the names of two android maids. They are both Feimto's very early works, and Feimto has been upgrading them with his own technology.

Although after a lot of transformation, the two androids have now become nearly all-round maids, but at the beginning, these two androids were actually assistant-type androids specially created by Feimto in order to have someone to help him with experiments.

So in terms of pure experimental assistance, these two androids may even be more useful than Yalijira and Tyranny.

Even Feimto himself is not sure whether he can surpass the two androids he made in terms of assisting experiments.

But now, Eve and Ode have truly lost their functions temporarily due to overload and fainted in front of him.

"Oh? Sorry, it seems that it was a little troublesome when we calculated the data in the end, so they fainted from exhaustion."

A flat voice came from above, and Feimuto looked up and saw Zheng Shu's figure.

At this time, there was still residual heat coming out of his body, but the moment he met Zheng Shu's eyes, Feimuto couldn't help but fall into self-doubt.

There was no special change in those eyes, and they were still as calm as the deep pool without waves as he saw at the beginning.

But it was precisely because of this that Feimuto was surprised.

Because it means that Zheng Shu's heart has not changed much. Even if the other party has completed enough research to make the three thirteen kings lose their willpower to continue, there is still no obvious joy or relaxation.

You know, even Feimuto, after calculating that he could complete the experiment today, couldn't help but show a relaxed look.

This means that the difference in willpower between the two sides is unimaginable.

"What a monster... Although I know the difference in strength between the two sides, is the gap between us really that big?"

Feimuto looked at the two artificial people who fainted on the ground, and his face lost his smile for the first time.

The opponent's strength is indeed stronger than his own, which is obvious, but to be honest, although Zheng Shu is strong, his strength is also within the range of what he can understand.

According to Feimuto's calculations, even with Zheng Shu's strong strength and that weird, endless physical strength, after several months of high-intensity calculations, he should have reached his limit.

After all, strictly speaking, the three of them are constantly assisting Zheng Shu in a nearly "round-robin" manner. Even if the physical and mental fatigue can be compensated in a weird way, the mental pressure cannot be eliminated so quickly.

Zheng Shu, who came out of the laboratory, didn't care about Feimuto's thoughts. After all, this guy was wearing an iron-gray mask covering most of his face, and he couldn't even see his eyes. It was too much to expect Zheng Shu to see any emotions from the corners of his mouth.

As for the question Feimuto was thinking, the answer was actually very simple. Zheng Shu just used the kingdom of heaven once before leaving the laboratory to relax his mind.

Since not enough relevant information and intelligence has been collected at this stage, Zheng Shu cannot put this experiment into the heaven for simulation for the time being, but he can still use the huge time difference in the heaven to simply release his mental pressure.

And not only did he release his mental pressure, Zheng Shu also used the large amount of time in the heaven to calculate all the final data.

Looking at the three people sitting on the ground in front of him without caring about their image, Zheng Shu thought about it and felt that he still had to compensate them.

After all, during the experiment of these few months, they really risked their lives to help him complete the experiment.


Really risked their lives.

Zheng Shu couldn't help but recall the resurrection array he set up outside the castle in his mind, and his eyes were a little erratic.

"Ahem! Thank you for your hard work during this period. Thank you very much for your help. Don't worry, I will send you a copy of the research results after I finish sorting them out."

Looking at the three people who reacted indifferently, Zheng Shu thought for a while and added a little:

"This research is to explore the secret of the most basic power of the superior existence. If used properly, it may also allow your power to be raised to another level."

"Really?" Yalijila was the first to react after hearing this.

"Really." Zheng Shu nodded affirmatively.

Although such a short time is not enough for him to completely study everything related to the original power of the superior existence, just studying one is probably enough for these people to use it as a clue to improve their own power.

"That's really exciting, my friend!" The Tyrannical King standing aside also nodded with satisfaction.

Zheng Shu smiled: "But even if it is a finishing job, it will probably take some time to sort it out. Before that, let's take a break first... How about I treat you to a meal? Does anyone know what a good restaurant is in Helsarem?"

"Ah, speaking of this, I do have a very good recommendation." Feimuto finally restarted his two artificial people at this time.

He regained his smile, came to Zheng Shu's side and put his hand on his shoulder: "Although I have only received invitations from those guys and have not been there yet, I saw a few familiar names among those chefs, and they look like they should be very good."

"Oh? A restaurant that can make you feel good... Then I am really interested, which one is it?"

It was not Zheng Shu who said this, but Yalijira.

As an old friend who has known Feimuto for hundreds of years, she knows better how high this guy's requirements are.

Although Feimuto seems to live a very simple life, that is because for Feimuto, enjoyment below a certain level is the same as not enjoying it.

After all, Feimuto's title in the other world is "Fallen King". A chef who can make him feel good is definitely a top existence in the other world.

"Oh, let me think... the name of the restaurant seems to be 'Mozoguaza'."

Feimuto snapped his fingers, and the maid who had just restarted beside him went to his bedroom and searched around, and soon took out an invitation that looked quite high-end.

(Last month's monthly ticket was more than 790. According to 800 monthly tickets, I owe 16,000 words this month.)

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