In the morning, at the airport in the suburbs of Hersalemz.

K.K. and Patrick were waiting here fully armed, handing over items to a field staff member.

"The Longinite Anti-Magic Javelin (AMH), as long as it hits, can neutralize all magic defenses and penetrate the target. It is a masterpiece among the mechanical precision weapons produced by Kemeia Alchemy Manufacturing."

While introducing it, the field staff brought up a metal box more than one meter long. The box was covered with sealing charms and could not be opened without the previously agreed instructions.

While Patrick checked the metal box to make sure it was not open, he responded to what the field staff just said:

"No problem, it will definitely hit. We have the world's most powerful snipers."

"It's useless for you to put a high hat on me." K·K said.

Using a special knife carrying the corresponding runes to break the seal, Patrick opened the metal box and looked at the double-headed sword-like weapon inside, his tone full of solemnity.

"The key question is how to 'adjust' before then. Sixty-five thousand five hundred and thirty-six spring-loaded spell chanters. The thought of having to do such a job that only a madman can do makes my head hurt. , Can’t the alchemy workshop make an automatic adjustment machine?”

"Don't be ridiculous, how could a specially customized weapon like this have such a thing?" KK smiled and patted Patrick on the shoulder, "Besides, don't we have such a madman here?"

"It's useless for you to put a high hat on me." Patrick returned K.K.'s previous words to her, "And I'm just Lebra's weapon preparer, not a lunatic."


In the morning, Nika opened the door of the weapons store, took out the stun gun, adjusted it, and then without hesitation shot Zap who was sleeping on the workbench.


Electricity visible to the naked eye, accompanied by violent screams, resounded throughout the weapons store. Zapp, who was still sleeping, immediately woke up, his body twitching and struggling.

" going to electrocute me to death. You are stupid. You are electrocuting someone to death!!"

"In the way, get out of the way!"

Nika put away the stun gun, kicked Zap aside who was lying on the ground with an expressionless face, and started to clean up the store.

Zapp's screams also woke up Leo who was sleeping in another room. He rubbed his eyes and walked out: "Good morning..."

Nika had already changed into work clothes, tied up her hair and sat in front of the computer. While entering information, she lectured without looking back: "I lost to you, didn't you guys come here to protect me just in case?"

Leo smiled awkwardly: "Yeah, but we talked too late yesterday, so I just slept here."

Nika sighed helplessly while working: "Why do you think you use this place as a chat salon? Don't forget, this is the place responsible for keeping and adjusting weapons that can protect your lives.

There are airy cafes everywhere, so why stay in this house that's half underground? "

Leo found a chair and sat down. He looked at the neatly arranged weapons around him, which could even be called pleasing to the eye. He did not refute: "Yes, why..."

Zapp didn't hesitate to pick up the remaining coffee from last night and put it on the chair like an uncle:

"How do I know? It's said that big men like to gather in places like this, and even if we are asked to sit elsewhere, we can't calm down at all. Almost every half hour someone will come to make trouble."

"Most of those people came here to have personal grudges with you or to collect debts from you, right? I think that should be regarded as your exclusive special situation." Leo unceremoniously revealed the details of this guy.

Zapp slapped his mouth and immediately changed the subject: "Why hasn't Uncle Patrick come back yet..."

"Unlike you, he is very busy. He is extremely busy in order to catch up with Ludarda's regular summons at the end of the month on time." Nika said.

"Hmm... Is that the great monk who doesn't wear underwear?" Zapp raised his head and thought for a moment, and finally remembered who Lu Darda was.

"That guy's group of disciples have been working really hard over and over again. They have come here almost once a month since half a year ago, and they are making progress every time. I hope to see him next time The protective wall spell has probably been upgraded a few levels."

Recalling the group of cultists who steadfastly wanted to re-summon their permanently sealed monk, even people like Zapp would feel helpless.

Although these people are not very strong, their resilience is too terrifying, and their hiding and protection methods are also quite powerful. They will cause a lot of trouble every time they come out.

Leo nodded in agreement: "Indeed, the beeping protective shield was not used last time."

"Are you referring to the real-time calculation defense wall system controlled by the Nidelheim type computer? This time the mobile police seem to be planning to use an enhanced version, but if it is hacked by a hacker, there will be no way..."

"Okay, when you finish drinking, come and hold the handle." Nika interrupted the conversation between the two, "First clear the table over there."

Looking at the various messy objects piled high on the big long table in the distance, Zapp was a little dissatisfied: "Why? That's obviously you..."

"Didn't I just say it? It's to deal with that monk who is not wearing underwear, so new weapons will be sent!"

Nika's face darkened, and she raised the stun gun in her hand without hesitation and pointed it at the two people in front of her.

"Do it! We'll do it!"

"Please put that murder weapon away quickly!"

The three of them didn't say anything else, but moved things around in a tacit understanding.

When the finishing work was coming to an end, Zapp looked at Nika, who had been working, and suddenly asked: "I can't figure it out, what was the opportunity for you to get together with Uncle Patrick?"

"Opportunity?" Nika replied while sorting things out, "Didn't I tell you before? I was picked up by him. It is said that he took a fancy to my talent."

"Picked it back?"

Hearing this, Zapp and Leo next to him immediately pricked up their ears, their eyes full of gossip.

Nika shook her head and did not explain in detail: "He first picked me up on the battlefield. He didn't say much at the time. He just asked me if I wanted to go with him... He didn't even know if there would be any benefit in taking me with him. , What an incredible person.”

"Really? I think he's just cheerful." Zapp picked his nostrils at the side, "He's just a bearded guy who likes to laugh when he's drunk."

"Actually, he is quite informal outside of work and doesn't care much about anything." Leo responded with a smile.

When the two of them were blatantly complaining about Patrick, they didn't notice that Nica's expression turned quite gloomy with her back to them.

Silently taking out the stun gun from her arms, Nika adjusted the power to the maximum and fired at the two people behind her without hesitation.


"Wow!! It hurts so much!!"

"I'm sorry!! No!"

In the flashing electric light, the tragic screams echoed across the sky again.

Inside the Police Research Institute.

A strange-looking device was parked in the central open space.

The main body of this thing is a cylindrical metal body that looks like an enlarged and inverted gas tank. The metal body is connected to a black metal base like a grindstone below, and below it are four legs that look like feet. Weird structure.

Around this thing, a group of researchers in white coats were checking something around, and from time to time someone was sending some information through the computer.

This thing is the secret weapon prepared by the mobile police to deal with the underwear-less monk Masaru: the Niedelheim-type computer-based anti-magic defense wall system - Dispel Boy Kai.

Daniel Lowe, who was demoted due to an accident with the world-collapse device last time and became a police officer again, stood in front of the thing, examining it while making a phone call.

"That thing...are you sure it's okay?" Stephen's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Don't be verbose and don't ask me. Anyway, the development team is very confident in that thing and said that they will definitely stop them this time." Police Officer Daniel Luo responded unceremoniously.

"How dare you use the word 'absolute' in this city?! That's a dangerous thing!" Stephen couldn't help complaining.

The researcher's supervisor, a blond woman with blue eyes, seemed to be aware of Danielle Luo's situation. She came over and asked, "Police Department, do you have any questions?"

"It's okay, it's okay, please continue."

Police Commissioner Danielle Luo was very kind to these researchers. He waved his hand to dismiss the supervisor before continuing to talk to Lebra on the other end of the phone.

"... Even so, our weapons are still too fragile after all. It is more reassuring to be prepared with both hands." Klaus concluded on the side.

After hearing this, Police Officer Daniel Luo also loudly agreed: "That is to say, your weapons will be really shocking if they can be put into actual combat. I have wanted to ask your weapons preparation personnel for a long time. What the hell! That thing can’t be handled by just one or two people, right?”

Klaus and Stephen just smiled and did not answer the question raised by Police Officer Daniel Low, and Police Chief Daniel Low himself did not pay attention and continued:

"Anyway, you should be careful. According to the intelligence we have obtained, there are other teams supporting them."

“You mean ‘the people’s mighty front’, right?”

"Well, it's a new militant organization in Helsalemzi. I don't know why, but their power has expanded very quickly. And there is no relevant information at all. I have an intuition that those guys... may be bigger than that. The leader’s sect is even worse.”

Speaking of this, recalling the troubles he has encountered recently, Police Chief Daniel Luo couldn't help but sigh: "In order to maintain world peace, the amount of time and money spent is really a bottomless pit..."

"Feel the same!"

Stephen's words also brought back some painful memories of the past, so the discussion between the two people, who had not dealt with it very much, completely turned into a complaint meeting.

When Police Department Danielle Luo hung up the phone refreshed, he realized that the researcher supervisor next to him had been standing not far away and looking at him.

"I'm so sorry, police department." Seeing that he had finished the phone call, the researcher supervisor suddenly said this sentence without thinking.

Police Officer Danielle Luo was stunned for a moment, and then understood that the other party was responding to the complaints he and Stephen had just made, and immediately waved his hand:

"Ah! That's not what I meant, please don't mind. I just hope that the results of spending so much budget on research can protect world peace."

"I understand, we will try our best." The research director smiled and nodded, and then asked as if he suddenly remembered something, "By the way, the police department added, which store is in Hersharemuzi?" The best Scotch whiskey you can drink?”

At night, Patrick's weapons store.

Patrick finally lifted the metal box back.

Placing the metal box heavily on the long table that had been packed away, and opening it carefully, Patrick and Nika looked at the weapon in front of them in fascination.

"The day has finally come, and it's up to the two of us to handle this top-notch weapon." Patrick said with some emotion.

Nika put on a magnifying glass and looked at the weird-looking weapon in front of her step by step: "It's really a work of art. It will definitely work perfectly!"

The two looked up at each other and smiled, and then Patrick began to explain the precautions about this weapon:

"Because it is a spring-type mantra chanting machine, in order to improve the accuracy as much as possible, this thing must be adjusted within 20 hours before the start of the battle. You can make some adjustments before then, but you must be cautious."


"In addition, the protagonist of this operation is ultimately the mobile police's anti-defense wall device. As long as the electronic magic battle is not lost, it will not have its turn to appear."

Hearing what Patrick said, Nika not only did not feel resentful about being robbed of the limelight, but she even breathed a sigh of relief:

"That's great. It seems that this time we won't have to fight against the odds as usual."

Seeing Nika's eyes seem to be sucked to the magic javelin in the box, Patrick smiled and put on his coat again:

"I've been exhausted these past two days. I want to relax when I finally get back. Then I'll leave it to you, or can you go have a drink too?"

"Really? See you tomorrow then."

Nika waved her hand without looking back, her eyes still fixed on the exquisite weapon in front of her.

Patrick didn't care about her attitude and left the weapons store humming a tune happily.

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