Hersalemzi is brilliantly lit at night.

In a quiet tavern in a remote alley, Patrick was sitting on the bar drinking alone.

He finished a glass of wine and was suddenly startled. He turned to look at a woman who had just come in from the door.

"Long time no see, Patrick Smith."

Patrick looked at the blond woman in front of him and looked him up and down, with some surprise in his tone: "It's you, Gwyneth Parrot..."

The blond woman in a black suit in front of her was the research director who had a supplementary conversation with Police Department Danielle Luo at the police research institute.

"...It shouldn't be a coincidence, right?" Although he said this, a smile couldn't help but appear on Patrick's lips.

Gwyneth did not deny it, but instead readily admitted the incident: "I asked a lot of people for a lot of information, and then I found this store."

Soon, two glasses of wine were brought to the table by the bartender. Looking at the whiskey in front of her, Gwyneth sat next to Patrick, her tone full of nostalgia:

"You are still the same, used to drinking alone before important work."

"Important work? How did you know?"

Before Gwyneth could answer, Patrick thought of the answer: "I understand, so you are the new person in charge of the mobile police project."

"Guessed it right!" Gwyneth smiled and pointed with her hand.

When we discussed this together, Patrick's tone was a little heavy: "There shouldn't be any problems this time, right?"

"Why is everyone asking that? I've been so annoyed by it these days." Gwyneth sighed tiredly.

Patrick's tone was quite serious: "Of course, four blocks were sucked into the space-time rift before!"

"I've seen the video, so I know exactly how dangerous this guy is." Gwyneth shook her head. “Although that great monk’s attire is eye-catching, his ability to create disasters is real.

The space distortion caused by this guy can even easily destroy the large barrier that maintains the stability of Helsalemzi.

But the system we developed this time is very powerful, with a clock frequency that is a full 70 times higher than the previous version. If we cannot deceive up to 91 groups of parallel electrical circuits at the same time, we will even have to find the location of the magic release key generation protocol. Less than.

Moreover, its upper part is a 100% heat-insulated subspace laminated barrier wall, which makes it impossible to detect the temperature changes of the CPU inside. No matter how you look at it, it is a complete black box state. In addition, it is also equipped with a high-speed mobile unit and a fully automatic enemy factor discharge system..."

As soon as she talked about her work, Gwyneth kept talking without stopping, which made Patrick next to her feel dizzy.

"Okay, okay, just blame me! Please take away your magical powers and stop using tongue twisters..."

After stopping his workaholic old friend, Patrick secretly breathed a sigh of relief and then changed the subject: "Your child...is everything okay?"

"Well, I'll go to elementary school next year."

"Time flies so fast. It must be quite hard. After all, I encountered the Great Honkai Impact when I was young."

"The doctor diagnosed him with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)..."


Gwyneth lifted her hair from her ears, looked at the wine glass in front of her, and said in a low tone: "It's all my fault, because I am doing the job of selling weapons, which also caused a very bad influence on him."

"Don't blame yourself too much. The whole world has been deeply affected by the Great Collapse. Everyone is struggling in different places now just to avoid the final result..."

Before Patrick finished speaking his words of comfort, he realized that something was wrong with Gwyneth.

"...Protect...my son, I will protect him."

Looking at Gwyneth's suddenly gloomy expression and muttering words, Patrick pursed his lips.

The next day, I couldn't come to the lobby of the office.

Zapp sat on the sofa triumphantly, recounting the conversation between Patrick and a blonde beauty he met by chance last night.

"...The atmosphere at that time was simply perfect~"

"Wow! Great!" KK sat astride the chair with a gossipy look on his face.

Leo's expression was a bit strange, which made Zapp next to him keenly aware of it: "What's wrong, Jiwotou? Do you have an internal disease?"

Leo shook his head: "I was thinking that Mr. Patrick is also an adult man..."

"That goes without saying." K·K's expression suddenly changed, with a look of disdain on his face, "Ignore his appearance for now, but Patrick is considered quite serious among us, and he is very different from a shady guy... …”

Stephen, who was discussing things with Klaus next to him, suddenly pricked up his ears, which scared Leo into a cold sweat: "Keep your voice down, I heard you!"

Fortunately, the door of the office was opened at this time, and Patrick and his assistant Nika walked in together.

"Hello everyone."

After saying hello, looking at the trio staring at him blankly, Patrick looked puzzled: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's nothing!" The trio who had just been discussing each other's gossip shook their heads decisively.

Bang bang!

Stephen clapped his hands and drew everyone's attention to himself:

"Okay, sorry for gathering everyone in such a busy schedule. Now that everyone is here, I will start by explaining the battle plan to stop the summoning of the Grand Abbot Ludarda.

As we all know, the summoning of the Grand Abbot cannot be stopped..."

Listening to Stephen's speech on the stage, Leo, who didn't know much about this matter, quietly asked Jade next to him: "Why is this? Isn't it said that thirteen believers are needed to start the summoning? Can't we send people to monitor them at ordinary times, and then directly capture a few of them?"

"They are beings who have abandoned their physical training, and usually float in Helsharemz in the form of souls." Jade explained to Leo carefully.

"Except for the time of the ceremony, we can't find any trace of them. When they want to start the ceremony, they will rely on passers-by and use them as living sacrifices, and the ceremony will start immediately."

Zapp next to him also interrupted: "You'd better be careful. If the cracks of the magic circle appear on your body, it will be really terrible."

Hearing Zapp's words, Leo imagined the scene for a while, and he couldn't help but feel a chill.

"...Then let's talk about the militant organization that will act with those guys at the same time: the People's Mighty Front..." Stephen looked up at Jane and several other field staff, "Have you found any relevant information?"

"Nothing can be found at all. It's really surprising that there is no clue about them." Jane looked frustrated.

"Me too."

"I didn't find any useful information either."

Listening to the answers from Jane and the field staff, Stephen nodded in understanding: "It is enough to prove that the opponent this time is very despicable. Then according to plan A, no matter what, we must ensure that the 'dispersal boy' is successfully escorted to the scene.

After the magic defense wall is invalidated, we can suppress the fire. I hope that this time we can solve the problem smoothly without using plan B..."

Boom! ! !

Before Stephen finished speaking, there was a violent explosion in the distance, which scared the witnesses present.

"What happened?"

A group of people came to the window to look at the smoke outside. Stephen observed it for a while and had a bad feeling in his heart: "That direction... seems to be the direction of the police station..."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Continuous explosions came from the billowing smoke, and then, in the shocked eyes of a group of people, a strange-shaped machine with four legs ran out of the smoke.

At such a critical moment, Butler Gilbert took out the radio and debugged it. He soon turned on the loudspeaker, and the communication from the police station was heard from it.

"Stop it, why does it have legs?!"

"That's so that it can rush to the scene quickly!"

"Why is it equipped with a laser cannon?!"

"It's to destroy enemy units..."

"Why can't bullets penetrate it at all? What the hell is this?!"

"It's to resist external attacks during the calculation process..."

Listening to the continuous gunshots and the screams of researchers coming from the background of the loudspeaker, Stephen and other members of Libra covered their heads and felt that a disaster was coming.

When the cadres of Libra rushed out and finally arrived at the scene, they saw the "disperse boy" that had become pitted and beaten into tatters.

And next to this tattered group, Daniel Luo, the police chief, sat on the ground in a mess and a dull face, as if he had lost his soul.

"Inspector Daniel Lowe?" Stephen greeted cautiously.

"Don't bother me!"

"Don't be so discouraged..."

"Shut up! It's already a mess here just to deal with the things in front of us." Inspector Daniel Lowe interrupted Stephen's words of comfort with a little collapse.

Zapp also came to the scene with a cigar in his mouth, looking at the broken verification machine with some curiosity: "But... how could this thing go out of control and run wild during maintenance?"

"It is said that an employee was replaced." A police officer next to him answered casually.

"Is it that... the People's Prestige Group did it?"

"I'm afraid so." The police officer's tone was quite heavy, "Although he was shot dead on the spot when he was found, he also exploded later, so there is no way to confirm it."

Zapp blinked: "Self-explosion occurred? What about the other employees?"

"Fortunately, it was discovered in time. Although they were all seriously injured, they were not in danger of life."

Jane's figure appeared and took over the words. This was the latest information she had just collected from the police station research institute.

Klaus, Stephen, and Inspector Daniel Lowe all looked unhappy after hearing the news.

Inspector Daniel Lowe stood up and touched his neck, not daring to look back at the rag beside him.

"This is bad. It normally takes a week to prepare a replacement machine, and now there are only about three days left before the next call. If it was before, we could barely catch up with the rush work, but in this situation... the engineer is probably already in the ICU."

No one on the scene spoke, and they also understood what he meant.

All the staff of Libra saw this scene and understood that now the burden was completely on their shoulders.



In Patrick's weapon shop, Patrick finished the last preparation and finally sat down on the chair with a sigh of relief.

"Huh... It seems that everyone is in a hurry and quite nervous." Patrick looked up at K.K who came in with a cup of coffee, "Is everything okay over there?"

"Well, I can deal with my own prey. I have completed all the tasks while doing housework."

K.K put down the coffee prepared for Patrick and Nika and looked at the metal box on the table next to him: "The key now is this. Before the actual combat, we can only do virtual test firing. To be honest, I have accumulated a lot of pressure."

"It shouldn't matter. As long as it can hit the magic barrier, it can automatically rush to the center. Of course, the premise is that all the spell mechanisms can operate without failure." Patrick seemed confident.

"You are so careless..." K.K smiled and suddenly remembered something, "Oh, I remember, where is Paro? The engineer I mentioned before was hospitalized, could it be Queen Bee Paro?"

"Well, it's Gwyneth..." Patrick nodded calmly.

"Really? Ironic..." K.K's expression was a little strange.

"Huh? What?" Nika next to him was a little curious about the irrelevant words of the two.

K.K hesitated: "Ah, it's better if you don't know."

"No problem."

K.K glanced at Patrick who interrupted her in the chair and seemed to be indifferent, and suddenly smiled.

"Patrick and her were once a couple... That was a long time ago."

"Huh?!" Nika's eyeballs shook violently.

"Ah, but in the end she still married another man." K.K added.

Although she didn't say much, it still made people think of quite a lot of plots.

"That was a long time ago..." Patrick shook his head and looked unconcerned.

The few of them talked about a lot of things. Before leaving, K.K reminded the two of them: "In short, you have to be more careful. There is a high possibility that there are traitors among us, so don't use the excuse that you don't like to use weapons. From now on, you must carry weapons with you and prepare corresponding countermeasures."

As K.K left, the store calmed down again.

After a long time, Nika looked at Patrick and suddenly grinned: "Hehe..."

"What are you laughing at!"

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