Ruined Performance

 Multiple large flaming bombs aimed at the school building cut across the blue sky as if trying to cover it.

 Good grief, what the heck are the teachers doing when the school is under attack?

 In this emergency situation, which could be a threat to the school, the first strange thing is that none of the teachers’ shouts fly.

 Given the incident yesterday, I would have thought that Tayama-sensei would have immediately rushed to the scene of this unusual situation, but I didn’t see any sign of him, let alone another teacher.

 ”Damn, The only way to nullify that attack is for me to take action….!”

 I immediately applied “Spirit Augmentation” and “Physical Enhancement” to my body, and crossed the school building until I reached the range where I could swallow all the bullets.

 ”Eat this! ‘Spirit Absorption’!”

 The “Spirit Absorption” from my entire body eats up the ten flaming bombs without leaving a trace, and transforms them into my “Life Core” in a steady stream.

 Although I had absorbed so many Life Cores, the amount of conversions was only a little, probably because the power of each of their flaming bombardments was not that great.

  I put my feet back on the ground where I had leapt and pondered deeply in my mind about my plan from now on.

 First, stopping them from attacking the school building is the most important factor, but frankly speaking, it’s a rather unrealistic strategy.

 No, it wasn’t because I didn’t think I could compete with them, or for any other whiny reason.

 I just thought it would be a little tricky to get to them while protecting the school building.

 The best position to absorb all of their bombing range is definitely where I’m standing right now, and if I take even one step forward, there is a possibility of being hit by a stray bullet.

 In order to reduce that risk from happening, I have to stay here and protect the school building.

 —— Damn……, if only someone, anyone could get them to stop attacking…….!

 It was at that very moment that I was lost in thought.

 ”I’ll somehow take care of it…….”

 The tone of her voice, which reminded me of a lazy spring breeze, stimulated my eardrums.

 I turned toward the voice with a grim expression on my face, there was a girl with beautiful peach-colored hair looking at me with an expressionless, doll-like face.

 Unfortunately, I only know of one girl in my memory who is full of such impact.

 ”Sakura! Why the heck are you here?”

 ”Following Shinya, I came here….”

 ”Why you follow me—Now’s not the time for that. I can’t afford to protect Sakura right now. So hurry get away—“

 Just as I was about to say this, Sakura half-heartedly pressed her index finger to my lips to cover my mouth.

 I just can’t read what she’s thinking.

 ”Don’t worry, even If I look like this, I can fight…..”

 ”No, no matter how I look, you don’t look like you can!”

 I shook off the finger that was pressed against my lip and released that words.

 No matter how anyone looks at her, it doesn’t look like Sakura has activated some kind of “Life Core”, and there is no sign of her being equipped with any kind of weapon at all.

 Such Sakura, Before she could even collect her thoughts on how to fight against those who were firing the “Life Core”, They’ve gone on the offensive again.
 Before Sakura could collect her thoughts on how to fight against those who were firing the Life Core, they attacked again.

  I’ll do the same process as before to disable the flaming bombs that are being unleashed——

 ”……! Oi, wait a minute!”

 I shouted out loud, trying to keep my voice steady at the suddenness of the event.

 However, she does not pay attention to the stopping plea, but agilely, quickly, and solely submits its body to its instincts.

 Sakura without a moment’s hesitation, went charging into a group of about fifteen delinquents.

 ”President, a woman is heading straight here. What shall we do?”

 The man who seemed to be his second-in-command delegated the decision to the president who led the group.

 Then the man who looked like the president opened his lips, snickering as he made fun of the man who looked like his second-in-command for asking for instructions.

 ”I don’t have to tell you what to do, of course we’re going to smash her. I don’t recall teaching you to put your hands down because she’s a woman, do I?”

 ”B-But can we be bothered with someone who is not hostile?”

 ”Ha? What the hell are you talking about? Do you still think there’s no hostility after seeing that?”

 Looking at the person pointed to by a man called the president, there was a figure of Sakura holding two infantry guns in her hands–which she just manifested, still wrapped with light.

 It was a pure white infantry rifle with golden ornaments that reminded me of a dragon. I have no idea what the details of the “Life Core” are, but it’s probably Sakura’s ability.

 But such thoughts were instantly blown away far to the distance.

 The reason is, of course, because guns have the ability to kill people easily.

 ”Oi! Don’t ever pull the trigger, okay?”

 ”That’s impossible…….”


 As soon as she said this, the tips of Sakura’s two guns were pointed to the gang of delinquents wihin a range of a few meters away.

 Perhaps sensing hostility for the first time at this moment, the second-in-command man gave instructions to his crew of delinquents in a hurried manner.

 ”Fire a flaming bomb at that woman! We’ll strand her at all costs!”

 ”That can’t called stranding isn’t that…….!”

 The flaming bombs are bombs that cause a lot of damage to the area as soon as they land.

 Even though it is not very powerful, if a living person were to be hit by such a thing, not only would he be stopped, but death would be inevitable.

 The next thing I knew, I was running towards Sakura in a frenzy.

 I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve had the “Spiritual Augmentation” and “Physical Enhancement”, but within ten seconds I’m at Sakura’s side. The “Spiritual Absorption” eats up the countless bombs that are being fired at her without leaving a trace.

 Then, as I leapt forward, Sakura leapt out from behind me and pulled the trigger of her infantry rifle forcefully without being able to maintain her stance.

 She has done it, there’s no turning back…….

 However, nothing happened except for the echoing sound of several gunshots.

 ”Sa, Sakura, what the hell did you do to ……?”

 I walked over to Sakura who landed on the ground and asked her to explain the situation.

 It was then that things started to progress rapidly——

 I couldn’t believe my eyes at the sight before me.

 Because just now, the delinquents who had been standing upright in front of me were falling down one after another, making a lot of noise and without any serious bleeding.

 Normally, they would fall down with a jet of blood inside their bodies as soon as they were shot, but it’s a state that didn’t seem to have that common sense.

 ”Don’t worry, I didn’t do anything that would kill them……”

 If you say something like that with an expression that has no joy, anger or sorrow, it will only make me even more anxious.

 But since Sakura, the one who fired the shot, says it’s okay, I’m sure she’ll be fine.

 Yes, there’s no blood, and I’m sure it’ll be fine.

 I talked to myself to maintain my mental state as I proceed to assess the situation.

 I guess it would be best to leave it to the teacher after this, but despite the fact that there was such a commotion, I couldn’t see any of the teachers.

 I’ve called on the school’s teachers with “thought transference” a few times, but……

 ”Well, what do we do now……”

 Just when I had my hand on my chin and was seriously worrying about what to do——

 ”Ho? crafting an invisible Hypnotic Projectile, isn’t that’s a pretty clever idea?”

 As he straddle the body of his sleeping compatriot, a man who seemed to be the president, who had been in the rear, came out to stand in front of us.

 A sharp-eyed man with short, silvery-white hair set all back and dyed with black stripes on the right side of his hair, wearing a white leather suicide suit.
 A man with sharp eyes and short, silvery-white swept back hair, dyed with black stripes in the right side, wearing a white leather ‘Tokkoufuku’. [1]

 It was just like —— “White Tiger” itself.

 ”Why you’re not getting affected ……?” (Sakura)

 Sakura asks the president without any fear.

 The President then burst out laughing, as if he couldn’t stand the ridiculousness of the question.

 ”Why aren’t I getting the effect, of course it’s because that’s not working. Why don’t you use your poor brain to think a little more?”

 ”I see, that makes sense. ……” (Sakura)

 ”Why are you convinced…Didn’t you realize that you were ridiculed now?”

 When I saw Sakura tilting her head as if she didn’t quite understand what that meant, I couldn’t help but let out a Baby Class sigh that seems to have reached the depths of the sea.

 Well, if Sakura didn’t feel ridiculed, then that’s probably fine, but in my opinion, I can’t tolerate anyone who talks about someone close to me in a derogatory way.

 Now, what should I do with the President in front of me?

 In the meantime, the quickest way to surpress the activity of the delinquents would be to surpress the president in front of me.

 But the problem is, how to surpress this president?

 It would be great if a peaceful resolution could be reached through dialogue, but apparently it won’t work that way.

 ”——Wha? Are you the bastard who interfered with my plans?”

 His sharp eyes glaring at me with even more sharpness.

 But I spelled out my words, undaunted by the President’s intimidation.

 ”I’m not really sure what you mean by a plan…”

 ”What, it’s not you. I’m too busy to care about someone who doesn’t know what’s going on, so you can get the hell out of here.”

 ’No, I honestly don’t care about your reasons. And I’m only here to stop you guys.”

 ”…… what the heck?”

 In a very cold tone of voice, the president grabbed me by the chest.

 But in the end, they’re just a human like me.

 There’s no need to be more frightened to that presence.

 At that moment, Sakura, who was standing next to me, pointed the muzzle to the President’s forehead without warning.

 I could tell that she was trying to help me, but I couldn’t help but be scared by Sakura’s behavior.

 ”If you don’t want to die, get your hands off him…”

 ”Oi oi, what the hell is this?”

 ”That’s my line, I can’t overlook your stupidity… So get your hands off quickly …”

 ”No matter how you think about it, you are the stupid one. Don’t get caught up in the problem with me and this guy.”

 In response to Sakura’s brute act, the president opened his mouth in a commanding manner, as if he had abandoned the fear, intention to obey, and any losing emotion.

 Sakura must have perceived all that behaviour from the president.

 Deciding that persuasion was pointless, Sakura pulled the trigger of her infantry rifle without a moment’s hesitation.

 The sound of a single, short gunshot echoed throughout the area.

 Yes, without a shadow of a doubt, Sakura indeed pulled the trigger of the gun.

 But what is the meaning of the fact that the president continues to stand there with an ignorant face, despite the echoing gunfire?

 It’s as if Sakura’s attack isn’t working——

 ”You know, you should learn a little bit more. Your attacks don’t work on me.”

 ”Why isn’t it working, ……?”

 ”There’s only one reason——“

 The president let go of the hand that was gripping my chest and brought his face close to Sakura’s as if to intimidate her.

 ”——Your Life Core is too weak. That’s all the reason.”

 The way he put it, the “Life Core” possessed by the President probably has a lot to do with the strength of the power.

 If that’s the case, then he’s certainly not a threat for me.

 If you’ve got the upper hand when it comes to the Life Core, and you can’t reconcile through discussion, there’s only one thing I can do.

 ”……Don’t be ridiculous!”

 Sakura then tried to snipe at the President from a distance.

 But something strange happened soon after.

 Who could have predicted that the two infantry guns would suddenly brightens, as if opposing Sakura’s will.


 The President belly-laughed in amusement at Sakura’s inability to do anything but watch the guns disappear like stardust.

 ”Hahahaha! You’re not my enemy after all. Don’t expose any more ugliness.”

 ”What did you do…..?”

 ’Well, don’t worry about the little things. Your Life core just a little intimidated.”

 ”My Life Core, intimidated…?”

 Sakura didn’t seem to understand, but it seemed that the President had the power to directly overpower the opponent’s Life Core and shut that Life Core itself.

 The fact that Sakura’s shot had not reached the President was no doubt due to the power he possessed.

 ”I’m not asking you to understand. I don’t need you anymore, so you can run away with your tail between your legs.”

 Before the President’s eyes, who dismisses Sakura with his hand as if he’s sincerely not interested, Sakura recklessly tries to confront the man without using Life Core.

 But I stepped in front of Sakura to block her way.

 The reason is obvious.

 It was obvious that Sakura’s abilities were now blocked by the President’s “Life Core” and that she had no chance of winning if she went in without a plan.

 That’s why, in order to protect Sakura’s safety, I, who can move, have to block her path.

 ”Shinya, get out of the way. ……. I’ve got to take care of this problem. ……”

 ”I’m afraid I can’t take your word for it. Any harm to Sakura is not what I want.”

 ”I’ll be fine……. Even if I can’t use the Life Core, I won’t be defeated…….”

 ”No, You’re not going anywhere if I’m not guaranteed to win.”

 ”Then, I’ll be guaranteed to win…….”

 ”‘Then’? What’s ‘Then’ supposed to mean?”

 I couldn’t help but tsukkomi at Sakura’s unnatural, taken-for-granted reason.

 However, no matter how confident she was in her bare hands combat, it would not be good to put Sakura in any more danger.

 I’m sorry for Sakura whose fighting spirit is burning, but I’m going to handle this.

 Just as I was about to convince Sakura to step aside, my body responded to the deadly presence felt from behind, ignoring the plans in my brain.

 I caught the blow with my bare hands, and shook the fist away as if nothing had happened. The man smiled grimly and shook his head as if he was satisfied.

 ”Preventing a surprise attack… What, So that’s what you are, you’re the playful man who trampled my plans and ravaged my territory?”

 ”Trampled your plans? Ravaged territory? I don’t know what the hell are you talking about.”

 I’ve never heard of any plans the President has made, and I don’t even know where his self-proclaimed territory is.

 And yet, it makes too much sense to be called a joke.

 ”It’s useless to play dumb. The reflexes with which you defended against that surprise attack are exactly the same as the information my minions had given me. And even if you weren’t that man, I’d still be disgusted to the point of vomiting by your all-high attitude.”

 ”No, your attitude’s like that too. Why is it okay for you to do so but not for me?”

 ”If you don’t understand, that’s fine. Die —— with your unintelligible, amusing brain.”

 He left it at that, and with no clear reason why I can’t take the so-called all-high attitude, the President attacked without warning.

 The torrential downpour of fists that rained down on again and again left me no room for escape, to the point where I almost admired him as a masterpiece.

 Moreover, I visually confirmed that this move is achieved without using any of the “life core”.

 Take a distance to get ready—just kidding, I think It’s better to get rid of that naive idea.

 The first thing to think about is when to stop this storm of fists.

 ——-But still, you can’t be too careful……!

 If I let the attack pass, it might inadvertently hit Sakura who was behind me.

 I’ve instructed her to run away several times using “thought transference,” but for some reason she just won’t budge from her spot.

 The reasons for not running away are so unclear that I honestly don’t know what to do next.

 There was no room for thought, and all I could do now was try to keep Sakura out of the way of the attack.

 ”What’s wrong? Your power is not that that small right?”

 ”What do you know about me? When you talk to me like you know me, it makes me sick!”

 ”How could I not know about the son of a bitch who trampled on my plans and ended up ravaging my territory?

 At the same time, the variety of his attacks increased, and he was able to use not only his fists but also his feet at will.

 As expected, this is bad.

 Even though I use “Physical Enhancement” and “Spirit Augmentation”, it was gradually getting out of hand.

 Tayama-sensei’s critique of yesterday’s physical training went over and over in my mind.

 Once again, I realized the weight of that words.

 Once again, I realized how much I was relying on the Life Core.

 Once again, I realized that —— I was weak.

 Without realizing it, I’m too confident in the effectiveness of the Life Core, which can be called a natural gift, and this is the result.

 I don’t think I’ll be able to protect the people I care about in the future if all I have is my Life Core.

 ——I want power.

 I envy and hate those who have too much power.

 The more I thought about it, the more the vindictive vortex of hatred engulfed the helpless me.

 I want…… power, a mighty, violent, and overwhelming power that no one can defeat…….!

 As my consciousness gradually fades, I desperately reach out to cling to it for strength.

 As soon as I did, a word suddenly popped into my head.

 ’The Spell of Ruin’—


Author’s Note :

Translator’s Note :

[1] Tokkoufuku is something like a long jacket with long sleeves, well you can google it to see how it looks like.

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