Skill Kasegi 9

One Thing After Another

 ”—— I see, that’s how it happened …….” (Odagiri)

 After seeing my classmate safely through the treatment, I was being interviewed by Odagiri-sensei in the infirmary.

 Although the story was mainly based on what happened yesterday, some explanation of the speculation based on the delinquent’s actions would be essential to prevent a disaster like this from happening again.

 Nevertheless, if I hadn’t bought the fight with delinquents, none of my classmates would have been hurt and Sakura wouldn’t have been in danger.

 But if I did, I wouldn’t have been able to protect my sister, Hiyomi, yesterday——

 ”I just don’t understand. I don’t know if the action I took was right or not……. I hurt my classmates because I saved Hiyomi. But if I hadn’t saved Hiyomi, this tragedy wouldn’t have happened. Was the action I took the right one……?”

 I asked Odagiri-sensei in a stiflingly cold voice.

 Then, Odagiri-sensei patted me gently on the head as I turned my face downward, playing a sweet and gentle tone that would seduce a man who was weak in a good meaning.

 ”You’re troubled because you know the consequences of saving your sister. If you hadn’t saved your sister then, I’m sure you would have regretted it, wouldn’t you?”

 ”Is that so……?”

 ”Yes, and besides, there is no such thing as a choice in life without regret. That’s why I think you should leave it to your intuitive judgment. I’m sure that’s the best solution in your mind.”


 Oh man, if you weren’t my teacher, I would have totally fallen in love with you.

 However, we are now a teacher and a student, and we will never have romantic feelings for each other.

 Yes, it’s never going to happen. ——

 ”——What is the relationship between Sensei and Shinya?”

 Sakura asks us with an annoyed expression.

 ”What….? Relationship? Of course a teacher and student…?” (Shinya)

 ”That’s right~ even now, I was just trying to comfort a depressed Asaumi-kun…….” (Odagiri)

 ”Is that so……?” (Sakura)

 Apparently, she saw sensei’s behavior earlier and was curious about our relationship.

 It would be very disrespectful to the teacher who was trying to care for the students if she made any strange assumptions.

 ”But I don’t think a Sensei would be a good match for Shinya…….” (Sakura)

 ”That’s rude to Sensei! In fact, It’s me who are not a good match to her!” (Shinya)

 ”Is that so……?” (Sakura)

 Sakura didn’t know because it was her first day at the new school.

 She doesn’t know how much Odagiri-sensei is loved by so many boys.

 After a while, Sakura muttered a word, “So it’s like that…….” and this story ended here.

 Let’s get back to the point where we left off, according to Odagiri-sensei, everything I’ve done so far has not been a mistake.

 What my gut tells me is all I need to know, and I can just walk along the path it points me to.

 So I should continue to trust my instincts and live my life with no regrets.

 ”Thanks to Sensei, I feel more confident. Thank you very much.”

 ”Sure!……Ah, Come to think of it!”

 Odagiri-sensei suddenly raised his voice as if he remembered something.

 ”What’s the matter?”

 ”By the way, about Sakura-san’s bag, apparently it never made it to the staff room.”

 ”Ah, I see…….”

 Yikes, I completely forgot about Sakura’s bag.

 Well, it’s no wonder that the matter slipped out of my mind, since there was a major incident where a classmate was being attacked by a delinquent.

 But if that’s the case, where the hell did Sakura’s bag go?

 Even if it wasn’t present in the shoe rack, it didn’t make it to the staff room.

 If there’s a reason why those sentences didn’t come true…then there was only one thing left.

 This is just a guess on my part, but I had an idea of who the culprit was—-or rather, who they were.

 ”I’m going to go back to the classroom since class is about to start. I’ll look for Sakura’s bag during recess.”

 ”Yeah, that’s better. Well then, let’s go to the classroom——“

 Just as Odagiri-sensei was about to say this, a tremendous explosion shook my eardrums furiously.

 The school building shook and swayed, and within ten seconds the shaking had completely stopped, but this was no earthquake.

 Odagiri-sensei, who specializes in the science subject of “science,” would have noticed the anomaly.

 ”Someone’s bombing the school building! Both of you, quickly get to safe place——“

 Odagiri-sensei, who had been holding her head up to protect himself from the tremors caused by the bombing, immediately instructed us.

 However, by the time she noticed, both of them ‘were no longer there’, and the only thing left burned in Odagiri-sensei’s retina is the pure white curtains swaying in the breeze from the open window.



 Koryuu Byakuya—-He is the leader of the [Byakko Yakougumi], its strongest warrior. [1]

 He had won countless victories, and there was a cliché in the delinquent industry that if anyone could match or beat him, it would be one of the “Spiritual Devil”.

 That’s how vicious and violent the existence of the “Spiritual Devil” is, and no one, delinquent or not, has ever been able to stand against it until now.

 That man, after he treated the obedient servant of Koryuu who got instruction from Koryuu to kidnap a female student just for killing time, said some remarks that would turn all delinquents in Koryuu’s dominion into enemy without hesitation.

 And once again, he handled the subordinate Koryuu’s sent this morning as if it was nothing, which was quite an extremely unpleasant situation.

 These two foolishnesses made the president of the “Byakko Yakogumi”, Koryuu, very angry.

 ”Sir, the heavy bombardment of the school has been completed!”

 ”Fine, keep attacking until the fool who dares to stand against us reveals himself.”

 ”Yes, sir!”

 Koryuu had an idea.

 The power of the Life Core is dozens of times greater when used to attack from the outside than inside the facilities where the Life Core restrictions are applied, so it is easy to bring down a building.

 What’s more, the basic policy of this country is to protect minors with the rule that “no felony shall be verdicted against a minor”.

 In other words, no matter how many bombs are launched into the school, the adults cannot punish their underage counterparts severely.

 If you bomb a school, you can never be charged with a felony if you are not an adult.

 It’s quite hard to understand why they created such a regulation.

 Couldn’t they have foreseen the deterioration that would result from a political system that protects the minor rather than the adult?

 If that’s the case, then the reigning rulers are pretty big idiots.

 ”Sir! The first to ten largest bombs are ready, ready to fire at any time!”

 ”All right, fire them all at once. Drag out the fools at all costs.”

 ”Yes, sir! Number one through number ten, fire at once!”

 And then, once again, a flaming bombardment containing a large amount of firepower, a total of ten bullets, were sent at once toward the school building.

Author’s Note :

Translator’s Note :

[1] Byakko Yakougumi — could means White Tiger Nightwalk Association or something like that, it’s the group’s name so I’ll leave it as it is.

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