Sky coffin

Chapter 583 Cliff Waterfall

The moonlight flows down quietly like water. On both sides of the river, there are towering trees, full of life.

The fierce ghost behind him has been thrown away by the old turtle, and the surroundings are calm again, with only the sound of rushing water in his ears.

The Taoist priest came to me and said with a smile: "Boy, your strength is pretty good! Not many people of your age can reach your level."

I smiled at the Taoist priest and said nothing, because now I don't even have the strength to speak.

Tao Wen came up and introduced me: "Let me introduce, this is my senior brother, his name is Wang Cheng, and he studied under Taoist Master Xuanxin."

Taoist Master Xuanxin should be one of those four elders.

Wang Cheng sat cross-legged, yawned, leaned up, and said lazily: "I originally didn't want to get involved in this matter, but due to my master's last words, I have to come."

Tao Wen whispered in my ear: "You may not think that my senior brother is so lazy, but he is extremely skilled in Taoism, and he is also a rich second generation."

Hearing what Tao Wen said, I suddenly became interested.

The rich second generation still wants to be a Taoist priest?

I asked the doubts in my mind.

After hearing this, Wang Cheng laughed and said, "I became a Taoist priest because I was completely deceived by my master. Besides, what's so good about the life of a second-generation rich man? All kinds of rules restrict me, and I don't feel comfortable at all."

Through a short conversation, I had a general understanding of Wang Cheng.

how to say?

Wang Cheng's character is somewhat similar to Mr. Ma. He is bohemian, advocates freedom, and is also very lazy.

In just a few minutes of conversation he yawned no less than thirty times.

Soon, the old turtle had swam along the river to the top of the mountain.

Looking far into the distance, you can see the mountains and ridges.

As night falls, the mountains in front of us are like tall mountain gods, standing between heaven and earth with endless majesty.

After a short rest, I had recovered. I stood up and came to the front of the turtle's back.

In front of me, the river was in the form of a fault. As the old turtle swam slowly, a steep cliff appeared in front of me.

The cliff is not straight down, but has a certain slope.

But this slope is very steep in my opinion. Directly below the cliff is a waterfall more than a thousand meters high.

Seeing that the old turtle was about to fall down the waterfall along the river, I quickly turned around and shouted to the people behind me: "Everyone, hold on tight!"

After hearing my words, everyone quickly lay on the old turtle's back, then stretched out their hands and grabbed the edge of the turtle's back tightly.

I also quickly lay down and followed the example of others and grabbed the turtle's back.

The old turtle began to descend rapidly along the river. I felt that my body was empty, and the endless feeling of weightlessness came down towards me.

My heart was in my throat. This feeling was like being on a jumping machine at an amusement park. It was thrilling and exciting.

The cold river water washed over my body with strong force.

The river water was like a knife cutting my skin, and the strong washing force made me lose my grip.

At this moment, we must be doing free fall on a thousand-meter cliff.

I don't know how long the cold river water washed away. Suddenly, the feeling of strong water flow disappeared in an instant.

There was a buzzing sound in my ears, and I felt like my whole body fell into the water.

I opened my eyes and looked around.

The cold moonlight poured down through the river, illuminating the dark bottom of the water.

At this time, the old turtle was struggling to swim upstream, and Zhang Shiyi and others were holding on to the edge of the turtle's back tightly.

At this moment, the water surged and the biting cold hit me from all directions.

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