Sky coffin

Chapter 584 Forbidden Woman

Countless black shadows swam towards the old turtle.

Immediately afterwards, a harsh cry could be heard faintly in the ears.

Wang Cheng, Zhang Shiyi and others also heard this voice.

They turned their heads and looked towards the bottom of the water. For a moment, their eyes widened with fear, as if they had seen something terrible.

I also turned my head and looked towards the bottom of the water. It didn't matter what I saw, my scalp was numb with shock.

Countless figures were moving around on the bottom of the river. Due to the clear water quality and the illumination of the moonlight, I could clearly see the faces of those figures.

They were dressed in white, their faces were pale, only their eyes and lips were extremely bright red, and their long, jet-black hair was floating freely in the water, like clumps of seaweed.

This is... a forbidden woman!

I am no stranger to the mention of the Forbidden Woman, because she has appeared in some novels, and she is very impressive.

The real forbidden women are a legend in the fishing villages in the south. They are ghosts that harm and eat people.

However, among fishermen, Jinpo represents a disease. According to legend, its bones have a peculiar fragrance and have the effect of making people fall asleep.

Why are there so many forbidden women here!

The old turtle was still struggling to swim towards the water, but those forbidden women had already arrived in front of us.

The long black hair looked extraordinarily silky in the water. The long hair of countless forbidden women gathered together, as if darkness was coming to swallow them up.

Upon seeing this, I quickly opened the Nine Eyes Heavenly Domain and enveloped Lao Yuan, Zhang Shiyi, Wang Cheng and others.

I'm going to move them all to the surface.

The bottom of the water is the home court of the Forbidden Woman, and we cannot exert our full strength.

Just when the long hair was about to surround us, the old turtle disappeared in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the feeling of suffocation disappeared, replaced by extremely smooth breathing.

I stretched out my hand, wiped the river water from my face, and then looked at the bottom of the river. The black shadow was approaching the old turtle at a very fast speed.

The old turtle seemed to be in a daze, floating motionless on the water and could only move forward along the river.

At this moment, Xiao Hei flew down from high altitude.

As soon as he fell off the cliff, the guy flew away.

He landed on my shoulder and asked, "Why don't you leave?"

I pointed to the old turtle under me and said, "We also want to leave, but it won't leave!"

Xiao Hei made a crow call and said to me: "Wait! I'll go talk to it!"

Then, Xiao Hei flew in front of the old turtle and screamed non-stop.


Countless black hairs tied the old turtle tightly, and now the old turtle couldn't move forward along the river.

I summoned my heart sword and cut off the long black hair that bound the old turtle.

But when I just cut off my long hair, the hair spread again.

Zhang Shiyi, Wang Cheng and others also went with me to cut off the long hair.

Xiao Hei landed on my shoulder, and I quickly asked: "How's it going?"

What Xiao Hei said next almost made me angry to death.

"I suddenly discovered that...the language of birds and the language of turtles seem...different."

Wang Cheng heard this and shouted from the side: "You crow! I should stew you!"

Xiao Hei shrank his neck.

In desperation, I could only use the Netherworld Ghost Sea to fight against the Forbidden Woman in the river.

The blood-colored sea of ​​ghosts emerged from the water and swallowed up the black hair in an instant. Seeing this scene, I was slightly stunned.

The sea of ​​ghosts and ghosts can actually swallow these black hairs!

But if you think about it carefully, these black hair are all formed by Yin Qi, otherwise it would not be possible to stretch infinitely.

Yin Bing Yin, wearing blood-colored armor, will emerge from the sea of ​​blood-colored ghosts, raise the weapons in his hands and fight with the forbidden woman under the water.

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