Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1165: How can there be the illusion of 5 horses dividing the body?

  "Stop! Stop! Can't I take it off by myself? What's the big problem? Everyone is an adult. Haven't you seen athletes take off their pants?"

  Jing suddenly said something amazing, and the girls actually stopped their movements.

  You are an athlete?

  Everyone looked at Jing as if they were looking at a madman. Did everyone’s actions scare Jing stupid?

  You must have fun in life, don’t let the golden gun air to the moon!

  Take it off, what's the big trouble, you should know that I took off the breeches, and there is a pair of beach pants inside the breeches!

  And beach pants are not my last line of defense!

  Farewell, Jing took off his breeches honestly and revealed a pair of super large beach pants, and the cute cartoon female heads are evenly arranged on the beach pants!

  Hahaha...Everyone never thought that this big man in his late thirties would have such a sentimental line for comic characters, and he was a bit silent for a while.

   But after a breath, the women immediately cheered, as if they were fighting a long-running victory. What's more shameless is that Zhao Jiaxue has already taken out his phone and started taking pictures.

   "Haha, I didn't expect it, I really know people and my face, I don't know my heart, I didn't expect you to have such a girlish heart!"

  The old dirty lady laughed while filming.

  Eldest sister, I am a custom-made otaku, how come I become a girl's heart?

  You don’t think I am a lady’s beach pants, right?

  Will ladies wear beach pants when they go to the beach?

  Jing is happy in his heart and happy in his heart, so he no longer entangles these details.

It doesn’t matter if you can have such a group of partners accompany him to board the empty city, it doesn’t matter if he pretends to be ugly or something. He takes his wine glass and drank it regardless of his image, as if to numb his shame and anger, and seemed to have left home After leaving, the image is worthless to him. When life should be indulged, he should indulge. Why pretend to be reserved?

Seeing the well being so bold, the fat man was also infected by the atmosphere. He grabbed his oversized T-shirt directly on Lin, revealing his big round belly, grabbed the wine bottle, poured it into his mouth, and jumped. Started a "belly dance".

  Farewell, the fat on the fat man's body trembles, really has a strange dynamic, like an African chief, full of strange force...

  This night was a crazy night, but it was a pity that the fat man couldn't drink enough, and Xiao Yan carried him back after not drinking much.

  Jing spent a lot of time with the girls, and after drinking for a long time, he became completely drunk and lost consciousness.

  Secondly, the first person who woke up was Jiu Qianxun. With some headaches, she wanted to sit up, but suddenly found that there was something on her arm, and it was still warm...

  I took a calm look, it turned out to be a big hand, and there was a wind chime next to him, and the girl seemed to be sleeping very deeply with something.

  Fortunately, it turned out to be the hand of the wind chime...No way, the wind chime's hands are clearly holding something, this is not the hand of the wind chime, and this hand looks like a man in every way!

  Because this big hand obviously does not have the delicate feeling of a girl, although it does not feel rough, it gives a very powerful illusion.

  Male sparing hands?

Jiu Qianxun remembered that there should be no other men besides the well, and after the well fell on the carpet last night, the women also poured a piece of it. After that, everyone went to sleep quietly after some nonsense.

  I'm lying on the carpet now, so this hand is naturally well?

  The **** man, really contemptuous, grabbed his arm while he was sleeping!

  Doesn’t he understand the truth that men and women are not kissing?

Jiu Qianxun resisted the desire to blurt out and cursed, abruptly moved Jing's hand away, and then sat up.

  She wanted to teach this stinky man a lesson, but after seeing Jing's situation at this time, she couldn't help laughing. Fortunately, her hand quickly covered her mouth, otherwise she would wake everyone up laughing.

   Jiuqian took a tour, but didn't see his mobile phone. He wanted to take this scene, but he had to give up.

  However, she stared at the well on the carpet with her eyes, and warned herself secretly in her heart: Look, stinky men are so careless, they can never be trusted! They are all contemptible existences!

That’s right, at this time, Jing was indeed a little bit turbulent, he saw his body lying "big", his left arm was pillowed by Liu Yaya, his right arm was hugged by a wind chime, his left hand was resting on Yun Yiyi’s while Auchan placed his right hand for a moment. On his arm, it is really beautiful!

  Nan Lingxi lay in the opposite direction from Jing, but her face was close to Jing's side face.

  More exaggerated, Bei Yuyan is holding Jing’s right leg, and Lin Yumian is holding Jing’s left leg...

  How can there be the illusion of five horses dividing the body?

It was too messy. Jiu Qianxun kept this scene in his heart, and after scolding Jing countless times in his heart, he got up and shouted: "Smelly man, indecent... Men are all contemptible. of!"

   Needless to say, the women awakened from their dreams and found Jing lying with her body. Naturally, they looked ashamed and angry. When they got up, they punched and kicked Jing, and Jing suffered an innocent disaster.

  You must know that he was the first to fall drunk, how could he remember what happened later, and it has nothing to do with him!

  Obviously you posted it yourself later. Did I do anything to you? Is it necessary for UU reading to respond so much?

  After hearing the screams of Jiu Qianxun, all the beauties, without hesitation, thought that it was Jing who lay down next to everyone after everyone fell asleep. How could they recall the real situation last night...

  Finally, even if you remember, most people drink the fragments and can't remember it!

  I really can’t clean it after jumping into the 84-year-old disinfectant!

  After a few hours of sobering, washing and eating, all the talents rushed into the game.

As soon as    went online, Yang Meow quarreled: "Brother, how do we upgrade Meow now? Why is the level still 60 and not automatically upgraded to Level 61? And I can't receive the task at all. Is there something wrong?"

   "Uh...maybe you have to choose the **** system first."

  "Don’t you let us choose the **** system casually, then how to upgrade meow? Brother, did you deliberately, do not want to make this star person the world's first, first choose the **** system to upgrade, surpass all of us meow?"

  In Yang Miaomiao's opinion, this is a very serious issue. Before going offline yesterday, Jing repeatedly urged everyone not to choose the **** system casually.

   "Hey...stupid brother, don't you just choose a **** system seriously? As long as it is not casual!"

  《(Sky Dungeon)》 ww.29759/

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