Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1166: 6 major deities

   Can you understand this way?

  Sure enough, Alien Rao’s understanding is very difficult to understand!

   "Silly sister, I have chosen seriously, but the system prompts me that only the guild leader can choose the gods."

what? What?

  You secretly choose the gods by yourself?

  Jing's face was dark, and his feelings were white.

  I still have to thank the system **** for setting the authority to select the gods, otherwise the guild members choose the gods casually, I am afraid that they will meet each other in the future!

  Yes, after choosing the **** system, you have to participate in the battle of the gods, the battle of the gods, which is equivalent to surpassing the battle activities outside the alliance and the hostile system of the demons.

However, according to the plan of the well, everyone should choose freely. At first, everyone chose blindly, and found that they had no organization after being involved in the War of the Gods. Naturally, they would consider switching to the same **** system as the guild player, then switch to the **** system. Naturally, fees are required, and game companies can naturally make a lot of money.

  Obviously, Kian Nongjing has started to do charity work!

  He even directly prohibited ordinary players from choosing the **** system by themselves. It can be seen that Tengyi Company is paying more and more attention to the game experience, and as little as possible digging holes for players to establish a positive image of Tengyi Company.

  However, this is not in line with this guy’s usual style!

  How can such a good opportunity to cheat people so give up?

But think about it, this guy has a limit to cheating people. If you continue to cheat everyone to spend money, the reputation of Tengyi company will also decline sharply, and Kianongjing is always pitted in some places where it is not painful or itchy. Everyone, make everyone want to laugh instead of crying.

   "I will choose the **** system now, let everyone upgrade, which NPC are you looking for to choose the **** system?"

  "If you just talk to an NPC, it will remind me to choose the **** system. If you don't choose the **** system, you won't be able to receive the mission."

That's right, the empty city is a neutral area established by the gods. You can only accept the tasks issued by your own god-based NPC when you accept tasks here. Other god-based NPCs have an undisguised hostility to the heretics, although they are not directly involved. Hit you, but I will never release any tasks for you, and don't even want to increase your favorability, want to tease other beautiful NPCs of the gods?

  Haha, kill this idea as soon as possible.

  You know, this is a city where theocratic power is supreme, and it is the capital of faith supreme!

  It turns out that you can choose a **** system by just finding an NPC, which is also convenient, you don't need to open a map and run around the city to find NPCs.

  Operation of this character directly used the interactive function on the nearest NPC NPC. Sure enough, the system directly popped up the selection list of the gods, and the importance of the selection of gods was reminded with bold characters.

  In the system options, some of the main gods in the world's six ancient mythological systems are listed: 1. Hao God. 2. Dafan. 3. Zeus. 4. Odin. 5. The sun god. 6. Jupiter.

   "Wow, you can choose, which one to choose? Hao God sounds very domineering, or just choose him?"

  Obviously, Yang Miaomiao, as a member of the guild, can also see this option.

  Wait, it doesn't seem to be seen, he is clearly selectable!

What's happening here?

   Why does it feel something is wrong?

  "Uh...what are you, is this choice a voting system? It needs everyone to vote together to choose? I didn't expect that the insidious guy Kick Nongjing would focus on democracy rather than feudal monarchy."

   "Oh? It seems so, I can choose too. Isn't it only the president can choose, is it more appropriate for everyone to be consistent? Why can we choose too?"

  "Smelly man, what do you choose, I have to vote for other people. Men are contemptuous, I don't want to be with a stinky man!"

  Sister, are you not with me?

  We voted for the same **** system, but we did not choose our own **** system!

  Even if you choose the same **** system, it does not mean that everyone is going to be together!

  There are so many problems with this canine girl!

   "Uncle Se, there is no way to grant monarch power at this time. It's a self-assertion. It's great. Everyone chooses something different from him. It must be fun!"

  Are all of your children all rebellious?

"Uh... That Hao God is the Jade Emperor, and choosing him is to believe in the Chinese God System. The Great Fan is the Indian God System, Zeus is the Ancient Greek God System, Odin is the Nordic God System, the Sun God is the Ancient Egyptian God System, and the last Zhu Pitt is an ancient Roman god."

  Jing was too lazy to pay attention to the "Tiandu Second Girl Group" and directly gave everyone a theology class.

  "I, God, Hao God turned out to be a waste of the Jade Emperor. Even the grandson monkey can't fight him. The talents of this star don't believe in him!"

   is really poisoned by film and television works and Journey to the West!

"Uh... Actually, none of these six major gods will directly participate in the battle of the gods. If you want to win the battle between gods, you must win the seat of the gods. The **** of the gods who won the most seats will be regarded as gods, and the term is One session. Of course, it is also possible to use force to determine the position of God. The specific methods are somewhat changeable. It may be singled out or group fights."

   "Why don't these six old men fight directly, who wins to be the **** meow? Really lazy old man, I don't want to do it, let us do it, like everyone is exhausted!"

  Sure enough, the idea of ​​aliens is hard to understand!

  "Brother fool, how can you let the elderly fight, don’t you know what peaceful elections are?"

  What and what is this? Does God have could the main gods of the various departments be elderly?

  The idea of ​​Alien Rao really jumped!

  Also, don’t the six main gods do nothing but peaceful elections?

  You warmonger!

   Is it also peaceful for all the people to fight each other?

  So what counts as chaos?

"This is because the six major gods are too powerful. If they collide directly with each other, they will collide with each other, and their lives will be overwhelmed. The continent of Aiyinsi may be ruined, and there are evil forces staring at the world, trying to invade the continent of Aiyinsi, if If there is an infighting, wouldn't the enemy take advantage of it and enter."

  Jing felt weak for these two great treasures, so he had to explain.

  "Hero, you still tell everyone which **** system to choose. I have taken screenshots of this option, and it has always affected my scenery. Everything is the power of Internet celebrities!"

   is the boss of the Scenery Party, and now I don’t forget to take pictures of the scenery. If you take screenshots and do what you do, shouldn’t you upload them to your personal homepage again?

  Sure enough, I didn’t guess wrong. Fengji’s personal homepage was squeezed by paparazzi at this time. They scrambled to report the new gameplay of Kongcheng. It is naturally impossible to let go of the choice of gods.

  《(Sky Dungeon)》 ww.29759/

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