Sky Dungeon

Chapter 117: The legendary "breast augmentation"?

   "If Xia Shi Luojing is here, he will definitely scold the game's main strategy as shameless as you." In daily contact, Yu Yan also explored the personality and speaking characteristics of everyone in the team.

   "Do you think I am shameless?" Jing Tian asked embarrassedly.

   "It's quite shameless. It always brings a little surprise to people unknowingly. It makes people feel that you are not that fake." Yu Yan's elegant voice has a touch of gentleness.

   "Well, I have the right to change your opinion of me, and I will strive to get rid of the pseudonymous label as soon as possible."

   The two came to the mountain path outside Xinghua Village for the second time, still at the location marked on the map. The monster in the mission just now has long disappeared, and the system should have been reset.

Sitting in a well and watching the sky helplessly took out an apricot flower village, placed on the ground, and set up attributes that team members can use. This is also a drug supply measure between teammates, but the system allows teammates to use potion items at most, and they cannot be picked up. It is to prevent the free flow of unknown assets.

   This time the King of Swordsman and he were still there. They must grab this altar of Xinghua Village wine as soon as the fire big-eared monkey appeared. This kind of external Xinghuacun wine props are quite special. Once they are used, they can be consumed by themselves or by monsters, otherwise they cannot be destroyed for a certain period of time, and the system will be destroyed directly after a certain period of time.

   Therefore, Jing Tian and the others must immediately drink after attracting the big-eared monkey, otherwise the monster must evolve.

Unsurprisingly, the wind broke again in the woods. Just as three red lights fell from the treetops to Jingtian and the others, sitting in Jing Guantian first grabbed the Xinghua Village wine and poured it into his mouth. Hikari did not stop because of his actions, it seemed that he had lost his beloved baby, and his temper became more grumpy.

   As soon as they landed, the three blazing big-eared monkeys chanted magic and prepared to attack and watch the sky.

   "Dark sudden!"

The King of the Sword Cavalry holding the magic sword had been waiting for this moment. The body of the Sword of Magic Sword overflowed with circles of ominous black wind. In the next moment, there was only an afterimage left at the location of the original Sword Cavalry King. The powerful momentum of the three big-eared monkeys has already knocked the three big-eared monkeys to pieces, and they were hit in a dizzy state at the same time.

   "Fast wind!"

As soon as the King of Sword Cavalry stabilized his figure, he slammed a sword again. However, when the sword cut through the bodies of the three big-eared monkeys, it also left a black spot on the pink mosaic wounds of the big-eared monkeys. The small storm of evil spirits, the mini-storm penetrated into the monster's body like a spinning top!

   This blow was slashed on monsters of the same level, and it was extremely overbearing! In particular, the use of the magic sword not only caused physical and magic damage, but also added good dark attribute magic damage. The blood lines of the three big-eared monkeys flicked and dropped sharply.

Of course, the King of Sword Cavalry's bloodline dropped a lot due to the backlash of this attack, but she did not hesitate to add another Phantom Sting. Although this close-range group attack was not overbearing, it also shot A good injury.

   can hit such a high damage, also due to the new 30-level skills of the Dark Knight: Dark Power. This is a passive skill. The first-order dark power increases the attack damage value of the dark holy knight by 3% and reduces the spiritual power of the dark holy knight by 1%.

   Most professions will have a passive skill at level 30, which will strengthen certain attributes and characteristics of the character, and then expand the professional characteristics. Some of them will weaken individual attributes due to too much enhancement, thereby promoting professional balance. If the version is updated later in the game, this skill can also be used to achieve the most simplified balance modification. Of course, there is no need to worry about this at all.

At this time, the King of Sword Cavalry replaced the Great Sword, and the backlash caused by the Demon Sword was really unexpected. After all, he was facing a Flame Beast that was more than ten levels higher than himself. Now it is only a level difference of 5 or less. Grade-level fire big-eared monkey has not been able to grasp the balance between the use of new skills and its own blood volume for a while, and it is natural to be a little embarrassed.

Originally, Yu Yan thought that sitting on the well and watching the sky would definitely rush to help share the hatred of the big-eared monkey, but she did not expect that after sitting on the well and watching the sky and drinking Xinghua Village, she would just walk forward, obviously, her movement speed was greatly affected by her alcoholism. decline!

   Sitting on the well and watching the sky did not have time to get close to the monster, the fire big-eared monkey frantically took advantage of the short-term attack of the sword-rider king to switch weapons, and at the same time chanted an attack spell. This spell was almost instantaneous, so that it only had a hand action. The King of Sword Cavalry handed out a sword and barely interrupted one of the big-eared monkeys' starting position, but the other two flame rushes were solidly blasted on her chest!

   The attack position of these two flame rushes is indeed a bit nasty, adding to the icing on the cake of the slightly proud Shuangfeng, is this the legendary "breast augmentation"? Jing Tian secretly gave the big-eared monkey 10,000 likes in his heart.

Although these two blows caused a brief interruption to the action of the king of swordsman, the next blow of the three fiery big-eared monkeys was still singing the sword of the king of swordsman moved towards Their chest is a quick blow: Zhan Feng!

   But after this blow, Yu Yan was a little bit distressed. Without the group attack skills, the monster on the opposite side was a long-range attack monster. The distance was so close that it was impossible to avoid all attacks, so she could only adopt the strategy of exchanging blood with blood.

   "Blood kill!"

After the monster's action is interrupted, even if it takes a while to resume action and chant skills, the surface of the big sword in the hands of the sword rider is attached with a red light film, and it is crazy to the nearest big-eared monkey. With three combos, the big-eared monkey's head immediately showed three bright pink mosaic wounds!

   The blood-sucking effect of the 50% blood-sucking madness made the bloodline of the king of swordsman finally restored. However, the attack magic of the other two big-eared monkeys had finished singing, directly hitting the shoulders and abdomen of the king of sword riding.

What makes the King of Sword Cavalry feel uncomfortable is that the attack skills of these monsters seem to have no cooling time at all. When she was just hit, she saw the three big-eared monkeys chanting skills again with their teeth and claws in place, obviously wanting to put her on. To death.

At this moment, Jing Tian finally adapted to the discomfort caused by the alcoholic state, and made a traverse from behind the monster. Due to the constant shaking of the VR screen, this blow did not hit the three big-eared monkeys at once. , I unfortunately missed one. Fortunately, the lucky big-eared monkey was very close to the King of the Sword Cavalry. Yu Yan quickly said, "Blood Moon!"

I saw that the sword tip of the sword-riding king revolved and hit the big-eared monkey's chest at a high speed. The next moment a faint scarlet moon phantom appeared on the monster, and the next second four pink mosaic cracks were ferocious. The earth appeared on the surface of the blood moon phantom, splashed with blood flowers formed by pieces of mosaic data, and the blood moon was also fragmented.


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