Sky Dungeon

Chapter 118: See if you can morning sickness

   completed four deep damages in an instant, this skill only exerted its due power when hitting monsters of the same level! Although only 25% of the bloodsucking effect is comparable to the bloodsucking volume of Bloodthirsty Killing, this is because the skills have hidden settings such as power. The specific parameters are not announced for the convenience of later professional skills. The adjustment does not directly arouse disgust and resistance from players. The black box operation often allows players to be harmonized unknowingly.

"I'm really going to be vomiting!" Jing Tian was a little depressed, and just used another sky drop. Because of the severe shaking in the alcohol state, there was another volley jump before the sky drop that he used. It doesn't matter if you start the operation, the key is that the screen looks like a drunk who is drunk in the air for a moment, and a 180-degree rotation comes directly, and the Fang Tianji in the hands of Sitting Jing Guantian abruptly falls to the land of no owner.

   "Morning sickness? Zhan Chen!" Yu Yan smiled gracefully, not forgetting to strike a shot of Zhan Chen at the monster in front of her. Although Jing Tian's support was limited, the King of Sword Cavalry appeared to be much easier.

"How can a man get morning sickness? Broken tendons!" Jing Tian forcibly manipulated the character, facing the monster with another broken tendon. Fortunately, this blow did not fail, although Fang Tianji deviated from the predicted trajectory and did not hit the nearest One of the big-eared monkeys, but not slantingly, slashed on another monster.

   "A man may experience morning sickness when his wife's hormones change during pregnancy." Yu Yan explained in the most popular language, while also operating the character to avoid a monster's attack.

   I really can’t reason with Xueba! Especially the second-degree disease master!

"Don't make you feel like you have had a child. If your husband has morning sickness, will you be despised to death? Three in a row!" Jing Tian asked casually. He felt that if his wife became pregnant, he would end up with morning sickness. It's better to die. The Fang Tianji in the hands of Sitting Jing Guantian was replaced with a crossbow, and three shots were fired in a row. Although the screen was shaking and three crossbow arrows were shot out uncontrollably, the blind cat still managed to hit the dead mouse and hit two big-eared monkeys.

"No. I want to give it a try. Zhan Kong!" Yu Yan's elegant voice contained a little temptation. The sword in the hands of the King of Sword Qi swung an extremely domineering arc, that is, this cut. Sora finally completely killed the big-eared beast in front of him.

   "Try what?" Jing Tian only took care of the shaking screen, but didn't think about what Yu Yan said, so he asked casually.

   "See if you will have morning sickness."

   Yu Yan is naturally just a joke, but what kind of chemical reaction will happen if such ambiguous words are passed into Jing Tian’s ears?

   Jingtian’s brain almost boiled, of course! He was stunned by coughing a few times before he calmly changed the subject and said, "Why don't you despise your husband for morning sickness? Don't you think he is weak?"

"No, if you really have morning sickness, it means that you are in pregnancy, and you don't want to be in love with flowers and grasses. Isn't it very loving?" Yu Yan explained ambiguously, while operating the king of swordsman to avoid monsters. The attack also swapped out the magic sword.

   Jingtian didn't dare to make a sound, and he sighed in his heart: This woman is not after me, why is she talking all the time? Is it because the previous agreement was misunderstood by her? How could I be so careless, being with such an innocent second disease, I even persuaded her to run away from home, and said that he would definitely help her, although he was not regarded as a sinister, sly, ill-intentioned bad uncle , But, maybe she really did something incredible. At that time, wouldn't it be his own life?

   Under the leadership of the King of Sword Cavalry, the two finally wiped out the remaining two big-eared monkeys. After all, they were just three ordinary monsters. Even if there were many ineffective attacks from sitting on the well, it did not affect the final result. After a short rest, the dizziness caused by alcoholism finally disappeared, and the two returned to the village chief's house to hand in the task.

The village chief [fifth day] was surprised and said: "No wonder the wine delivery team will be completely wiped out. I didn't expect that this kind of raging big-eared monkey can evolve through drinking wine. This is a new discovery. It is necessary to inform the guild alliance in the Alliance City to investigate this matter, and I have to trouble you to go to the Alliance City. Of course, this is your reward for helping us, and finally the Xinghua Village Wine can be safely shipped out again!"

The system pops up a reward. In addition to the experience reward, it also comes with a coupon for Zhang Xinghuacun wine. Although Jing Tian last time bought more than two thousand gold coins of Xinghuacun wine, he will never buy another batch. Because he is sure that if it is to upgrade the monsters on the 7th floor of the dungeon, using this Xinghua Village Wine Eight Achievement will promote the evolution of the Agni-eared Monkey!

   Jingtian also began to think about the relationship between props and Perhaps fire-attribute monsters like the Agnivorous Big-eared Monkey will evolve because of the flammable food such as alcohol. So, if you want to weaken the properties of big-eared monkeys, you need food like ice to feed them. Although I don’t know if there are such foods in the game, whether big-eared monkeys will eat or not may be a problem.

With doubts, the two have already returned to the Alliance City and went all the way to the Guild Alliance Hall. The Guild Alliance that the head of Xinghua Village said to be notified is a middle-aged female NPC named [Bolosec] in the Guild Hall. She seems It was the NPC responsible for creating the guild. As soon as she talked to her, she smiled and asked, "Young adventurer, are you here to create the guild?"

Jing Tian naturally chose whether or not, and only listened to [Bolosec] in a very surprised tone: "I didn't expect the village head of Xinghua Village to have made such a major discovery, but the matter is very important and should not be leaked. This phenomenon is true. It’s very rare. I didn’t expect World of Warcraft to be interested in our food, but whether the World of Warcraft in the dungeon will evolve due to the consumption of Xinghua Village wine needs further confirmation. I don’t know, can you take a trip for me, after all, I You don’t have Xinghuacun wine in your hand. You have to take Xinghuacun wine to the 7th floor of the dungeon to experiment, but you must be careful. If the monster evolves, you must kill it, otherwise you will enter the 7th floor of the underground. Everyone will be attacked by the evolutionary beast, it would be too dangerous! Of course, you can also form a group to accept my commission, after all, with your current strength, I am afraid that you cannot kill the evolved beast alone.

  Life is full of thorns! Damn it, the main strategy of the game, isn't it a task to ask yourself to die this time? Jing Tian cursed secretly in his heart, and resolutely chose No. He still didn't forget to comfort himself: "Life is unsatisfactory in this world, the Ming Dynasty will give out a fart!"


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