Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1277: Stationary space-time

  Ice Domain Spirit Lord: The magister who walks out of the ice coffin will freeze a certain range of terrain with his own aura, and all hostile targets in the range will have all attributes reduced, and all the magister’s skills will change.

   That’s right, if the magician was a miscellaneous magician before, from this moment on, [Devil] has completely turned into a powerful ice and snow magician!

   It seems that the demon king is really going to make a big move. It is really a big move from the beginning of Xiyun. The rain is about to come and wind up the building!

The ground built by the splicing of weapons was quickly covered by a thick layer of ice. The anthropomorphic monsters in front of the ice space spirit masters behaved significantly differently. Some monsters stopped and watched, but some monsters did not see anything. Continue to rush forward like this.

   This is also a major weakness of anthropomorphic monsters: they cannot be uniform.

   After all, all anthropomorphic monsters have been forcibly endowed with some players' combat experience and action habits, but players have different performances in dealing with different skills, which causes them to face the enemy and make different response strategies after using this kind of environment change skills.

   For example, when a melee career finds that a magician casts a refrigerator, it will naturally choose to charge quickly, while a long-range magical career will choose to try singing skills to interrupt the suppression.

   This is exactly what Jing Tian expects to see!

   Most of the anthropomorphisms who ignore the spirit masters of the ice domain are long-range occupations. After all, they can stand outside the ice layer for output, and soon they entered the range and started singing.

   And at this moment, the Ten Great Kings all retreated under the order of Ralf, and the anthropomorphic skills were forced to interrupt themselves!

   That’s right, the anthropomorphic was kite flying!

This is a small mistake that most players make easily. When they see the ice master, most of them will choose to stand at the farthest output position to attack. They are afraid that the ice master will enter and freeze their feet and affect their own attributes. value.

   However, in this way, the Ice Territory Spirit Lord can use this in turn, withdraw the kite in the opposite direction, resulting in insufficient attack range of the enemy's skills, and thus achieve the effect of deceiving skills.

Of course, this concern is not wrong. If you rush in a certain distance abruptly, it will easily lead to a decline in all attributes, and it will be easier to be attacked and killed by a sneak attack. The first wave of attacks all failed.

   Therefore, most players will still have a fluke mind, try a wave of output at the longest distance, and bet on whether the spirit master of the ice domain will stand still to fight.

However, this trick worked just once. In order to prevent history from repeating itself, the anthropomorphisms seemed to have matched a more reasonable battle history experience and rushed directly to the top ten saint kings, even the melee anthropomorphism behind them. Followed up.

   The corners of Jingtian’s mouth rose out of that familiar and weird arc, like an evil clown.

   It's all right now, these anthropomorphic monsters fell into the trap set by Ralf in order to enter the absolute range.

After the next breath, I saw that the ten saint kings collectively performed various long-range attacks, and by looking at the chants, you can know that each is a blockbuster, but before they display their housekeeping skills, they are even more stealthily. It's Ralf!

   A moment ago, Ralf took out a weird box of cards and sang a huge magic circle in mid-air.

Speaking of this kind of weird card, it can be regarded as Ralf’s exclusive weapon. After all, her space-time magician itself does not stipulate dead weapons and equipment. Even with bare hands, it seems that some space-time magic can be used. There is more freedom to choose Upper Ralf.

   However, from the card weapons Ralfa tried this time, most of her time and space magic might indeed be sealed.

During the chanting process, the cards in Ralf’s hand kept flying into the magic circle in the air. Every time the magic circle received a card, it became more dazzling. After absorbing how many cards that lifted up at high speed, the magic circle became more dazzling. Finally a huge, rusty green clock appeared.

Just when the attack magic of the Ten Great Kings was ready to take shape, the green giant clock suddenly zoomed infinitely, and it became translucent, as if it had performed some kind of illusion, and it easily moved the surrounding tens of meters away. The space is closed inside.

   After the giant clock wrapped the current space, the second hand on the dial began to tick and turn counterclockwise.

   At the same time, all the players and monsters in the space covered by the giant clock were all still, and even all the attack magic was forced to stop. The whole picture looked a little strange.

   Under normal circumstances, if it is static time and space, shouldn't the second hand of the giant clock stop?

   "Hehe, when the time becomes 12 o'clock exactly, the effect will be cancelled."

   So this is a timer!

   "Wow, NPC sister, you are so amazing, you really stopped us! Why can I still talk? Your static effect doesn't seem to be thorough enough!"

   At a glance, all operations are forbidden, and the only thing players can do is chat.

   If even the chat function is banned for Then this skill is too lonely after being released, right?

   In other words, if you want to go to the bathroom, just let it go, everyone in a group to go to the bathroom?

   "Strange, why the time and space are still, but we can still chat?"

   The little mother asked a very profound question.

   It seems that you really want to be banned. I can really help you by directly banning your ability to speak in the chat room!

"Hehe, time-space stillness is just a fixation technique, and there is no special effect of shielding voice messages. If the player is still not allowed to chat for such a long time, it is easy to be mistaken for being dropped or stuck. So keep the communication function and prove that the system is not all normal."

   That's how it turns out, I'm afraid that the player will be too bored after being stopped!

   "Brother Tian, ​​you said that we are so still, if Liu Baiqi launches the teleportation array and returns to Aiyinsi, wouldn't we be in vain? How did he give us the broken pages of the ancient skill book?"

   "That's right, the mission is still there, the NPC is gone, even if the mission is completed, who do we exchange for the chocolate?"

   Yao Emperor seems to have a natural obsession with chocolate. Doesn’t it mean that you have an allergic physique and you get a nosebleed when you eat chocolate?

   What is the power that makes you continue to eat chocolate every day at the risk of a nosebleed?

   Do you have no control at all?

   "Uh...I really didn't think about this, but if he is teleported to Aiyinsi, I believe we can always find him to complete the task after we go back. Naturally, the broken pages of the ancient skill book are indispensable."



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