Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1278: Shadow Halberd

"Hey! I think Liu Baiqi has already used the ancient skill book as a bun, otherwise he will not starve to death and become an undead cat. Then he will become a demon NPC, should we also transfer to the demon to receive rewards? Meow?"

   "That is, it is better to make a bet, and the bet is a box of **** brand sandwich chocolates."

   Xiao Huo, isn’t your Peter Pan syndrome aggravated by eating chocolate? Are you afraid of going directly to the advanced stage of cancer?

   Just like that, there are two little boyish guys, and everyone chats about all kinds of unreliable topics. The giant clock that covers the bodies of the characters does not stop for a moment because of the small chat...

   Finally, the minute hand, second hand, and hour hand on the giant clock have completed the final overlap at 12 o'clock, and the next second is a huge smoke that dissipates in the eyes of the few people.

   The effect of static time and space has completely disappeared!

   At this moment, the attack magic that had been laid out by the ten saint kings before fell one after another, smashing into a group of anthropomorphic monsters not far away.

   "A bully!"

   Because it was indoors, there was no sudden change in the wind and clouds, and the eclipse effect suddenly took effect. The castle that was not bright at first lost all the light and became as black as ink.

   A few days ago, Jing Tian merged the original Yibatian, which is equivalent to upgrading the comprehension skill to Tier 2.

   Most of the comprehension skills are not allowed to be upgraded, and only allowed to obtain more powerful power by fusing more skill book pages.

   But this fusion is irreversible, and there is a risk of destroying the effects of the original skills.

However, after Jing Tian and Luo Xia demonstrated for a long time, they merged with a broken page of a skill book called [Shadow Halberd]. This comprehension skill book also consumed the Alliance Guild points for nearly half a year to exchange it. It shows the preciousness of this skill.

   It is precisely the consumption of such a huge shadow halberd that successfully merged Yiba Tian, ​​and forcibly raised Yiba Tian's rank to the first level!

   Shadow Halberd: The square halberd in the hand turns into a shadow swallowing the enemy's vision in the area for 1 second, and while causing physical damage to the target in the range, it also has environmental dark attribute damage.

  Environmental dark attribute damage?

   What the **** is this?

   Let's talk about it later.

   The result of the fusion at that time was somewhat beyond Jing Tian’s expectations. After all, the final name was: [Jifa·Yibatian].

   Fusion failed?

   This is also a common occurrence. Due to the failure of the fusion, the comprehension skills have not changed at all. The same name is a symbol of failure!

   Then the guild points of the past six months have been lost in the water, if you say it is not distressed, it is absolutely fake, I want to make people go mad!

   At first, Jing Tian's mood fell directly to the bottom, and he even felt that his account was kicked and cursed by Tian Nongjing!

However, when Jing Tian went to look up the skill description of [Jifa·Yibatian], his sea of ​​consciousness suddenly became clear, from the turbulent waves to the initial calmness, but in just two seconds, it changed from calm to calm. Devour the sky tsunami!

   It's not because of anything else, but because the new Yibatian is so satisfying!

Halberd·Yibatian (actual second-order): Super long-range charging skills, use Fangtian halberd to launch a fearful blow to the target within the locked range, PVP has a special damage enhancement effect, and comes with environmental dark attribute damage, PVE In has an extra percentage damage bonus effect on monsters.

   triggers the solar eclipse effect, the surrounding field of vision is shrouded in darkness instantly, only the caster can maintain a normal field of vision, the monsters in PVE will lose their ability to move in the dark.

   In the process of charging, the incarnation of the Lord of Darkness is immune to all attacks and negative states, so the mana consumption is higher.


   That’s right, the [Shadow Halberd] was perfectly integrated into the [Hhalberd·Yibatian]!

  , of course, is perfect. Although the Shadow Halberd’s effect of devouring the enemy’s vision has disappeared, the eclipse effect is still there. The eclipse itself is more powerful than the small-scale swallowing vision. Even if the special effects of the Shadow Halberd are retained, it is unnecessary.

   However, what Jing Tian and Luo Xia are calculating is to make the solar eclipse more effective. They seem to think too much, but they are not satisfied.

   However, what made Jing Tian even more overjoyed was that Yiba Tian finally upgraded to an AOE skill, even if his attack range was only two meters from his body!

   The bigger surprise is still to come. After Yiba Tian after sitting in Jingguan Angel's perfect upgrade, Jing Tian found that the effect of the solar eclipse was also extended by 2 seconds!

   After sitting in Jing Guantian and charging to the target body, the eclipse did not end immediately after the shock of fear, and the system actually left Jing Tian enough time for the next action!

   In a sense, although the text description does not enhance the effect of the eclipse, it has actually been strengthened!

   What makes Jing Tian even more satisfied is that it is the dark attribute damage of this environment. You can literally guess that the dark attribute damage is based on the current environment.

   is actually very simple. It can be considered as a special damage caused by the reproduction of the weather light system.

   Now the weather system is applied in the game, the day and night replacement system.

The simplest theory is that in the dark night, all dark attribute damage will be strengthened, but this enhancement does not have a large change in environmental dark attribute damage ~ environmental dark attribute damage, if it is in A place with plenty of sunshine at noon can even be directly calculated as zero.

   But, don’t forget the eclipse effect of the tyrant. The solar eclipse directly creates an environment that maximizes the damage of the dark attribute of the environment, making the damage of the tyrant after the upgrade becomes even more terrifying!

   Of course, this horror is no longer enjoyed by a single target, but a group injury.

   Although, the physical damage value will be diluted in the case of group damage, which is much attenuated than hitting a single target.

   However, the environmental dark attribute damage is no less, and the maximum damage will be given to every target hit!

   In a sense, the damage has actually been greatly improved!

   After Yiba Tian has the environmental dark attribute damage, even if it is reborn, he can deal good damage, and even kill the existence of the same level. This is also Jing Tian's effort to be able to upgrade Ye Lanmeng alone.

   Yes, what Jing Tian needs at this time is not the powerful output of Yibatian, but the evolving solar eclipse effect!

   The solar eclipse has a perfect effect that makes all anthropomorphic monsters stop their actions. Even if they can act on the basis of the player’s experience in the game, they still need to follow the setting of being a monster.

   Yes, it is not PVP in the current situation, but PVE. Under the powerful effect of the solar eclipse, they have to lose their mobility.

   Even if the anthropomorphic monster is PVE after all, it will not be settled according to PVP.

   However, the ten saint kings were not affected by the effect of the solar eclipse, and continued to chant the most powerful attack magic. When the effect of the solar eclipse passed, a new round of fierce artillery fell on the anthropomorphic monsters again!


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