Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1449: Games promote the development of the food delivery industry

Not only was the news of the virtual office spreading, some food delivery companies were also completely unable to sit still. After all, white-collar office workers are their important customers. At first, they felt that if the virtual office was created, the foreign sales volume would not have much impact.

Regardless of whether the white-collar office workers have no conditions to cook at the company, even if they are allowed to rest at home on the weekends, they rarely cook by themselves and are used to the take-out lifestyle.

How good is it now, Tengyi directly waved its hand and entered the food delivery industry, using games to promote the development of the food delivery industry?

This is clearly using games to grab market share of the takeaway!

In other words, this is to grab one's own job!

It’s no big deal for the takeaway riders. No matter which company they deliver, they’re always a delivery. As long as they get better paid, they are naturally willing to change jobs at any time.

The rider profession is inherently fluid, and it will flow according to the seasons, so their loyalty to the company is not solid.

The key is the management staff of the food delivery company. When they heard that Tengyi had developed a taste collection device and could cheat the taste through the game device, they were completely stunned.

It’s like having learned sniper techniques for more than ten years and became a sniper. As a result, a little baby who was just born a few days later suddenly appeared, and he defeated himself with an automatic sniper rifle in his hand, and I grabbed my job, but I couldn't show any confidence to fight with the other party!

This is simply a hacking of black technology. Are everyone living in the same world?

Do you just watch your company be driven to ruin?

You can't just wait for death to come like this!

This time, Tengyi Company is obviously in the next very big game. The layout is far better than those of these takeaway companies. Tengyi may have been in contact with takeaway companies before and want to cooperate with the discoverable taste collection system, but these takeaway companies think this It is a fantasy, now it seems that they are really short-sighted.

Moreover, Tengyi Company is now fully capable of independently doing the food delivery business. Now the e-commerce industry chain of food delivery is easy to be copied. Except for the proficiency of employees, it does not have very strong core competitiveness, and employees are precisely the best food delivery companies. Weak links, the turnover rate of employees is very high, and the turnover of personnel is high.

In simple language, the income of the takeaway brother is directly proportional to the volume of takeaway orders. If the total amount of takeaway of a company cannot increase, then the takeaway brother can easily switch to a peer company.

However, when Tengyi has mastered the core technology of food delivery and taste collection, if users can taste first and buy later, the market is likely to be diluted and absorbed by Tengyi, and the takeaway brother who is proficient in business may jump into the company. Chill behind the tree.

That's right, the big tree of Tengyi Company can not only provide the industry of takeaway brothers, but also provide the new profession of taste collectors. For the society, it provides more jobs and is more popular with governments of all countries.

That's right, not only in China, Tengyi can support and act as an agent for food delivery companies in countries where conditions are mature.

This has promoted the development of the world economy.

Facing the core technology of food delivery, other companies can only feel far away and sigh. Even if they steal taste collectors, how can they achieve taste fraud?

Is it necessary to let users who buy food to buy a special taste fraud device?

Not to mention whether the user is willing to pay a high price to be taken advantage of, the company has no ability to produce it!

Taste fraud, this black technology, is firmly in the hands of Tengyi!

Even if everyone is willing to jointly develop such a black technology product, time is not waiting for anyone, and when it is developed by its own company, I am afraid that Tengyi will dominate the food delivery industry!

Now senior executives of various food delivery companies have the illusion of being pinched in their throats. For example, the throat is even more suffocating.

They can only take the initiative to talk about cooperation with Tengyi, but it is far more difficult to talk about cooperation now than Tengyi took the initiative to find the door, and the future result is still very slim.

This is the gap between when you ask others and others ask you.

But the last glimmer of hope must not be given up!

At the beginning, Tengyi Company talked about project cooperation. From the perspective of the food delivery company, they wanted to take a share of the pie and come up with some dispensable technological concepts to participate in the food and beverage industry. The idea was a little messy and unrealistic.

However, now, Tenyi, which is a world player and user company, I am afraid that many people want to take the initiative to hold their thighs. If they do not take the initiative now, they will have no chance to take the initiative in the future.

This kind of trend has never occurred to various food delivery companies. Various scenic spots can imagine the prospect of combining with games. However, the combination of food delivery and games makes it difficult for many people to imagine that the taste fraud system is online.

Whether it is a virtual office or a virtual restaurant, every revelation makes the world tremble. Where is there time to think about the safety of imperfect stealth?

This is like the prevalence of smart phones with a variety of functions, but considering that the battery of smart phones is large, accidental explosions may occur, so everyone should switch back to the old phone or use the landline directly?

Isn’t human beings who give up progress because of danger? Isn’t the airplane dangerous?

Isn’t someone sitting every day?

Is the Boeing plane safe? Wouldn't the 737MAX crash and destroy it?

However, because of the crash, will all types of Boeing aircraft be grounded?

When the use value of a thing far exceeds the danger it contains, people often ignore the danger and choose to use it.

Kicking Tiannongjing took advantage of everyone's eagerness to progress and threw out one after another tempting bargaining chip.

At the beginning, Xiyun made a big move, and the rain was about to come and the wind filled the building.

Virtual offices and virtual restaurants are just After Kicking Tiannongjing explained the future of promoting the development of the world economy, he slowly said: "Now, please calm down, I will give you all Introduce the true power of the incomplete stealth system."

The whole live broadcast room gradually became quiet. Everyone has forgotten what shock is. Now I just want to hear what crazy things can be said by kicking the Tiannongjing.

Yes, it's crazy, it's crazy.

Feelings haven’t talked about the key points just now, just appetizers?

Real power?

What is the main course?

Can humans live forever?

Everyone is curious and puzzled. In their opinion, the previous introduction is enough to shake the world. Where can there be any power that can be compared with virtual offices and virtual restaurants?

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