Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1450: Will you give yourself thirty times your salary?

However, kicking the Tiannongjing obviously does not wait for everyone to calm down, and continue to speak out: "In fact, the greatest potential of the incomplete stealth system lies in creation. It is a tool for mankind to get rid of traditional creation and enter a new era of creation."


New era of creation?

Almost everyone didn't understand what kicking Tian Nongjing was talking about, but Jing Tian finally had an illusion that shocked his soul at this time.

He was a little uneasy, a little unrealistic, he never thought that Tengyi Company was capable of realizing his plan!

After a few breaths, I gave everyone enough time to think. Kicked Tiannongjing and continued to explain: "The creation system is actually a brain map system. It is created by the player and the user in a specific copy environment under the authorization of the game. Laboratory. Simply put, players can read everyone’s brain maps through authorized devices to complete some content creation at high speed. For example, to create a game fashion, as long as the player imagines a gorgeous dress, the system will read it The player’s brain map constructs the corresponding fashion. If everyone’s brain map constructs a building, the system can also read and directly form a three-dimensional building. In other words, the brain map system allows everyone to quickly print the content they have conceived in the game!"

Brain map printing?

It's a bit weird. Isn't this the legendary saying that what you think is what you get? Isn't this the ability of God to create?

"It's easy to say, this is not drawing a picture. I am afraid that just drawing a front plane will not work at all. I am afraid that the side, the back and the details of the fashion must be conceived. How easy is it to make a set of fashion?"

"That is, I am a designer, and my mind is limited. It is definitely not a reasonable model that can be constructed by closing my eyes and thinking."

The game company colleagues who watched the live broadcast immediately raised doubts. In their opinion, game modeling is so easy, this kind of rhetoric is mostly to coax Xiaobai.

However, Kitian Nongjing seemed to have expected such doubts a long time ago, so she calmly continued to explain: "Maybe, everyone thinks it is impractical, but what I want to tell the world is that Tengyi has started to use creation in an all-round way. The system designs the details of each game, including the appearance of NPCs, map buildings, and monster appearances."

What has started to be used?

It's incredible!

Does this really work?

What is the effect?

"Not only have we used it, but most people’s work efficiency has increased dozens of times! And we let newcomers who have never been in contact with game development try to use the creation system to work, and they can also create unique copies, plots, and plots based on their imaginations. Characters, and BOSS. The creation system is fully capable of virtualizing the fantasy things in everyone's mind! Of course, it takes longer for them to create, but if they use a computer to create, they have no exposure to professional software. They may not be able to complete without a long training period, but the brain map system has helped them do it!"

Work efficiency increased dozens of times?

This is incredible. Doesn't it mean that the original workload of one month can be completed in one day after using the brain map system?

I don't know if this is the case, will the company give me 30 times the salary?

Haha, this is naturally a fantasy. It is obviously unrealistic to want to increase the salary, but the bonus may be doubled. After all, I have a strong income-generating ability!

Newcomers without development and design experience can create brand-new copies based on fantasy alone?

This does not mean that if there is a creative system, as long as the player's brain is big enough, he can create his own game?

"What a joke, even if a character can build virtual objects through fantasy, these objects do not have the most important game data and actions, and it is impossible to directly build a copy through fantasy!"

"That's it, even if it is imagined, it is a body without a soul, how can it be possible to create a copy so casually?"

"Could it be possible that the character data can also be filled with fantasy, and the character of the NPC, as long as you close your eyes and meditate silently, will they come alive?"

The doubts in the live broadcast room were louder than ever, and no one could imagine how the creative system works.

However, Ki Tian Nongjing didn't care about everyone's doubts at all, as if deliberately gave everyone time to question, and directly cut an animation of the intermission.

This turned many questions in the live broadcast into a fist hitting cotton candy, which was a little too weak.

Is there such a wayward anchor who will come directly to the intermission when the situation is bad?

If you don’t want to answer any questions later, will you continue to call a pause?

Although the subsequent doubts did not stop, they no longer had the majestic momentum they had before. Instead, everyone calmed down and thought about the value of the creation system.

If this system is really effective, then writers can use their brains to write in the future, there is no need to waste time codewords, the speed of codewords is far behind the speed of brain thinking, whether it is writing or writing Essays, writing working manuscripts, I am afraid that the efficiency is at least doubled!

In other words, the author could only change 4,000 words twice a day, but after using Sky Dungeon, he can change 5,000 words later!

Don't look down upon this change. The original author wrote one book in two years, maybe two books will be published in the next year!

More importantly, if this creative system can be used for design, of course it is not only for game design, for example, for website design and APP design, you can quickly create prototypes of websites or APPs~www.mtlnovel. The com~prototype map is a logically clear mind map. It is an upgraded version of the mind map. If the prototype map is handed over to the art design and later development, you can directly build the website and APP according to the content and logic of the prototype map. The increase in efficiency is probably more than ten times as simple!

Think about the game modeling mentioned by Kitian Nongjing before. If you are a professional artist, it is not impossible to use this creative system to increase your work efficiency by ten times!

Even if ordinary people use the idea of ​​creating games a bit exaggerated and unrealistic, it is definitely an indispensable game development artifact for the game industry!

As long as this system is used, the game development cycle is shortened, all kinds of new content are updated quickly, and the game is updated frequently, which can also make the entire game industry more prosperous.

Not only these, but also all walks of life in the world. Players have begun to think about how to improve their work efficiency if they use the creation system. For example, house design, decoration design, just imagine, virtual houses are built and decorated. Now, isn't this happy!

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