Sky Dungeon

Chapter 179: 0 Mo Wan hit back to show strength, Ren Er pumping from east to west!

"It may be that the delay time is relatively long, let's wait a little longer." Luo Xia thought of Zi Wu in her heart, and she naturally said a lot more calmly. I am afraid that she has already called GM in normal times.

"Sister God, how do you give feedback to your colleagues and help us get the BOSS out of me." Don't eat the mouse at this time without a cover.

colleague? The **** sister who does not eat the mouse mouth is naturally a village woman. What is her background, and she can get the BOSS out by giving feedback to her colleagues? People who don't know the identity of the village woman are now focusing their attention.

"Oh? Little brother, you can eat rice but you can't talk nonsense." The village woman didn't even recognize her GM status!

It’s no wonder that in front of so many people that the village woman is a member of Tengyi Company, there must be some trouble, but the words of the village woman immediately made everyone sweat, just listen to her use ten The enchanting voice said: "Oh? But if the official wants the slave family to do something, the slave family will definitely cooperate. It's nothing to brush a few bosses!"

Is this the fact that she is a GM? Everyone was a little stunned. Wouldn't this village woman take advantage of her position to change the BOSS to manual refresh? In the game Sky Dungeon, can GM's authority really be able to tear the sky with only one hand? More importantly, does the ghost want you to swipe a few BOSS out, swipe it out to abuse you hundreds of times?

Naturally, Jing Tian would not believe that GM has such a powerful authority, but adhering to the principle of "the game world is all weird, but we force the grid to be too small", he just wants to take advantage of this opportunity to take a good look at the performance of the village women, if She can really control the BOSS refresh, then she is an inspector sent by Tengyi Company, which is a sure thing. So Jing Tian said indifferently: "Then it will work."

"Oh? The official said that the slaves are more vigorous when they work."

Even the Constellation Party began to look at the village women and Jing Tian with a weird look. They even had the idea of ​​whistling, but they still didn't make it due to national reasons.

"What kind of expression do I need, do you want me to kneel down and beg you?" Jing Tian's voice suddenly became cold, as if the whole person was thrown into the ice cellar. He didn't like flirting and cursing in front of so many international friends, and he didn't like the attitude of village women playing with him, as if everything was under his control, he was just a cowboy led by his nose.

"Oh? Since the official is a fierce slave house, but the slave family likes it so much, I am very satisfied."

It's just like shaking M: It's a horrible vibe after all the hardships, and I'll be pumping from east to west!

Shameless! At this time, Yu Yan could only find this word to describe the village woman, while Zhao Jiaxue found a terrible word to describe the village woman: shaking M.

The members of the Constellation Party looked at the village women with admiration. Huaxia had such an open and slutty woman!

"Oh? Okay, the BOSS has been refreshed." The village woman led everyone to a barren wasteland. Everyone here had clearly checked and there was no trace of the BOSS.

"Where? It won't be invisible, right?" Luo Xia had a hint of irony, and she didn't understand the medicine sold in the village gourd.

"Oh? The fat pig is naturally not found, because the head is big and the neck is thick, so I can't stand up!" The village woman sneered back.

Can't look up? Jing Tian immediately looked up, and there was a huge aerial pyramid suspended high above this pitch-black earth. It was a setting that made people's minds open. Of course, this was planned by Tengyi Company. Yes, I have to sigh, this kind of setting is quite appetizing for Jing Tian.

It seems that this village woman is undoubtedly the GM of Tengyi Company!

Wait, if this aerial pyramid is the BOSS, we did not trigger the hatred of the BOSS directly below this aerial pyramid, which means that when we passed by just now, this BOSS may already exist, but the village woman, the woman, did not click it. Her so-called refreshing BOSS is just a mystery! Jing Tian suddenly thought of this, and a strange arc rose from the corner of his mouth and said: "So this is the BOSS, it was already here just now."

"Oh? There is nothing here just now. This is the result of the hard work of the slave family!" The village woman was not fooled, she naturally saw that Jing Tian was tempting!

Loopholes and lies! Jing Tian heard it right away. If it was the village woman, why didn't you just refresh the BOSS at the same location as the team just now? The system can't fix the BOSS refresh position, which only means that she can't control the BOSS refresh at all. In addition, she keeps saying that she has worked so hard to refresh the BOSS. From the beginning to now, she has been operating the fallen angel character displacement without a moment of stop. Jing Tian does not think that the GM control panel can achieve voice recognition, because it is completely There is no need, it must pass some tedious and special operations and permission recognition to realize the manual intervention in the game setting, so the village woman did not have the permission to use GM at all. In other words, as Jing Tian planned at the beginning, GM authority does not exist at all!

Whether the village woman belongs to Tengyi has not been determined at the moment, but through this incident, Jing Tian has doubts about the identity of the village woman GM. After all, how many words are credible for a lying woman? What?

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, it should be a long-range attack, and the BOSS can be triggered to appear." Then, sitting on the well and watching the sky, he replaced the crossbow, and faced the sky as a normal attack. Sure enough, the pyramid in the sky began to tremble violently, and the pyramid itself was like a collapsed temple. Unevenly sized broken stones were scattered. After a loud bang, a knight in purple and black armor appeared. In the sky, there is actually a pegasus with a pair of translucent wings spread out under its crotch.

"Hey, where is the headless horseman? This won't be the Pharaoh, right?" I don't know if the two-headed Leo is talking about the appearance of a headless horseman, because the so-called headless horseman is clearly a guy with a head and a face!

"This main strategy is too shameless. The primary school fell in love and didn't have a good class, right? The headless horseman refers to the headless horse rider Meow?" He immediately scolded the main strategy of the game without eating the mouse, but he seemed to forget that he was the one who went to elementary school. The guy who fell in love and didn't go to class well, it's a pity that he was just playing the house wine at the time, otherwise he would have long been a lover.

"Haha, Mouse, you are right. The main policy elementary school started dating and harmed a generation of underage girls. They should be arrested and put in jail. No, they should be shot immediately." Luo Xia immediately roared, his eyes still watching deeply. Look at Jingtian.

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