Sky Dungeon

Chapter 180: The infinite cycle of skills

That's right, this so-called headless knight is not the kind of monster whose body and head are separated in the daily cognition, but an armored knight riding a headless pegasus!

After seeing the shape of the BOSS, Jing Tian said in his heart: When Zhao Jiaxue designed the BOSS, he had painstakingly figured out the styling idea, but how did he not expect the programmer to refresh the BOSS to the sky? What a normal setting is this, letting the BOSS be high down, more in line with its design characteristics, you can't let the monster with wings show the special effects of flying at low altitude without dew point, and just run wild on the ground, right?

Sure enough, the next second the headless horseman flew down with a very exaggerated dive, and a blue ghost flame was ignited on the neck of the headless pegasus, and it pulled out a long line of fire with the wind, which was very windy. , Cool.

"It's so cool! I want a Pegasus too!" Yang Miaomiao's alien thinking started to break out again. The key point is that Sky Dungeon has no mount system at all!

Naturally, everyone did not dare to neglect, and under the leadership of Jing Tian, ​​they used long-range spells to greet them. However, the BOSS seemed to be in a special state of protection at this time. After all, if the player was interrupted by some action during the fall, wouldn't it? Do you want to keep the boss in the air? In this case, there may be many problems, so BOSS still adds all the effects of negative state resistance during the fall.

As soon as the BOSS landed, the headless knight jumped off Tianma and unceremoniously raised the knight’s gun in his hand and launched a [Fearless Dash] against Zuijing Guantian. This sprint was not a single blow, but a continuous stun dash. Directly sprint the player character to death, the skills of the world boss is so unreasonable. The more important thing is whether to make such a spoof, the headless pegasus flew away in a hurry, as if he was afraid that his body would lose a piece of meat, his head was broken and he was afraid of a bird. Feelings This headless knight is purely nonsense!

Facing the fearless sprint of the BOSS, fortunately Jing Tian had his own means, and at the moment of being stunned, he used: continuous disaster!

The BOSS immediately entered a dizzy state, and the fearless sprint of the headless knight was interrupted.

Needless to say, the next is the unreserved skill attack of everyone. Jing Tian explained the strategy clearly before. In the early stage of the battle, except for him and the village woman who are responsible for interrupting the BOSS attack, everyone else will release attack skills at will, as limited as possible. Guarantee the output and use the control skills to interrupt the action of the headless knight. Because of the problem of the number of people, the output must be maximized, otherwise the BOSS will not be killed, Jing Tian and the others will have to die because of lack of water. After all, the skills need to be activated with the mouth.

After everyone's powerful output of skills, the BOSS finally made a counterattack. A group attack skill [Smashing Ground Strike] hit the black ground under the feet of the headless knight without warning, accompanied by the knight's gun hitting the ground. Golden cracks broke out on the black ground, and in the next instant, golden light thorns were continuously shot out from the underground cracks. Everyone seemed to be sucked in by the cracks on the ground, and they couldn't move. Of course, the range of this attack was not infinite, and the few people who were remotely outputting at the periphery immediately threw off the attack skills and interrupted the BOSS's skills.

However, when everyone sees their remaining blood volume, they will inevitably leave a drop of cold sweat in their hearts. Some members of the Constellation Party have less than 15% blood lines. If this is interrupted for another second at night, I am afraid I really want to Resurrected nearby and ran over again. That’s right, this is the world BOSS. If the player dies, he can naturally come back to continue fighting after being resurrected. Of course, if he dies when the BOSS’s blood volume is low, and there is no healer with the resurrection skills to help the player, he can only do it himself Unlucky to recognize. The moment the BOSS falls, if you are not within a certain range of the BOSS, you will naturally not be able to receive the kill reward.

"Village woman, come here. The others will withdraw from the battle circle and carry out long-range attack output!" Jing Tian instructed. At the beginning of the strategy, the village woman has not tried her best, just holding her own purple weapon and waving and attacking symbolically. When Jing Tian's instructions were heard, the village woman stepped forward without hesitation. The basic skills were continuously played. However, in the next moment, the village woman suddenly disappeared in front of everyone's eyes!

"Huh..." everyone said in surprise. Although they didn't use their voice, Jing Tian had heard the surprised sound of Zhao Jiaxue beside him.

Is it offline? Before everyone had finished thinking about this problem, the village woman reappeared at the place just now, hesitating that she had disappeared and sat Jing Guantian cleverly interrupted by a skill, the BOSS did not make any terrifying attacks. At this time, the village woman no longer had the purple death sickle in her hand, she had already replaced it with two green Tang knives! Once more basic skills were played continuously, everyone was surprised to find that the village women disappeared in place again!

"Space ring." Yun Yiyi said coldly. She cherishes words like gold and rarely speaks, but every time she speaks, she will give everyone the most needed information.

Yes, it is the use of the space ring! Jing Tian didn't want to disclose this method to the village women, after all, this can be regarded as a BUG in a sense. Because the village woman immediately used a bluff to attack the BOSS after finishing the basic skills, then she would be out of the battle for a short time in the next second, and she did not switch weapons directly as usual~www. Instead, the space ring is used!

That's right, the space ring can be used directly when it is out of combat. The player character will immediately enter the space warehouse. In the space warehouse, the village woman has completed the weapon replacement. After exiting the space ring, she will continue to use basic attack skills to fight against nothing. Head knight. If we say that, regardless of other factors, the village woman can completely replace all the weapons in Sky Dungeon through this series of operations! Then the profession of villager is undoubtedly the king of singles!

In other words, her basic attack skills can't be done at all, but this is not because of the variety of weapons. The variety of weapons in Sky Dungeon is indeed beyond everyone's imagination, but not every weapon is They have their own independent basic skills. For example, this pair of single-handed Tang Swords, in fact, the basic skills are exactly the same as double-sword weapons. Whether it is Tang Swords or Full Moon Scimitars, the basic skills of double-swords are the same. , Share the cooling time. The real reason is that the cooling time of basic skills is lower than that of professional skills. At the same time, the number of weapon types in the game is also enough for the village woman to complete the basic skill cooling of the initial weapon before changing all melee weapons. Furthermore, complete the infinite cycle of basic skills!

Then, the bottleneck problem of carrying weapons in the villager profession that we mentioned before can be easily solved. Village women do not need to constantly increase the number of weapons they carry in their packages, and they can also pay more attention to their own output capabilities in the selection of equipment. The disadvantages here will not become a bottleneck restricting the career development of villagers.

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