Sky Dungeon

Chapter 183: Overlord Resurrection

"Indeed, this group of people may be North Korean soldiers. You can see that their actions are uniform. There must be officers behind them who are commanding and coordinating operations, and we have said so much now. They have turned a deaf ear to it. Naturally, they are strictly speaking, typical soldiers. Style." One-horned Taurus slowly analyzed, he seems to be very sensitive to soldiers.

"No, I heard them say a word in Korean just now. Isn't it lax?" Zhao Jiaxue was very concerned about this kind of gossip and raised her own question.

"Wrong, it's because they want to release goodwill signals and avoid trouble. I'm afraid we think they are troublemakers and attack them." Unicorn Taurus continued to explain.

"No wonder they don't say a word now, watching us chat here, they don't know how uncomfortable they are." The two-tailed Scorpio sarcastically said without fear, even if the opposite is the killing machine in the game, there is no People will really be afraid of each other. After all, they are separated by thousands of miles, and the other party cannot come to the door because of the trivial things in the game, let alone the country where it is very difficult to enter and exit like North Korea.

Still the same sentence: use the game to solve the pleasure and hatred in the game!

"I'm doing it! It seems that I am really a North Korean soldier. I dare not say a word. The style is really rigorous. The key is to lose your head if you say it is not good. Thanks for your hard work. We are your good neighbors, Chinese and Chinese. Russians. Of course, we still quite like your behavior of quietly rubbing the world bosses. Who is your commander? Add a friend. How about calling you on this kind of activity in the future?" Dakai, I want to confirm everyone's speculation in this way. If the other party is here to make money, I believe that he will get some reply when he speaks on the public channel.

really! A system prompt is displayed in the scrolling message: whether the player [Silver Zhengjin] applies to add you as a friend, do you agree? Luo Xia decisively manipulated the interface and chose to agree. When everyone thought he was ignored and laughed out loud, Luo Xia was extremely excited: "It is true that his grandmother is the North Korean army, and Lao Tzu has realized his wish to be friends with North Korean society. Now! This is going to be spread out, I will definitely make headlines!"

Before Luo Xia's excitement was over, the voice message of the opposite private chat had been sent over, "You can call the world boss in the future and you can tell me in advance that I can organize more people to come."

This is the acquiescence of the other party! It seems that they have been paying attention to the dialogue on their side. Luo Xia glanced at the crowded crowd around him. These North Korean soldiers were no fewer than 50, and they said they could organize more people over. How did North Korea value the game Sky Dungeon so much this time, can it make the country and the people rich? Nothing?

However, if you think about it carefully, maybe the gold coins earned in a day in the game are exchanged for North Korean won. I am afraid it is indeed equivalent to a North Korean worker's salary for a year. If this development continues, maybe North Korea will find another one. There may be a way to make a lot of foreign exchange.

With the addition of these North Korean soldiers, the speed of the BOSS strategy has been greatly improved, and soon the bloodline of the BOSS has reached the 15% warning line. If the BOSS has any special intelligence and runaway settings, most of them will be revealed at this moment. come out.

Sure enough, the next moment the BOSS's purple-black armor suddenly cracked, and it seemed to break with the touch.

"No, defend yourself!" Jing Tian shouted on the public channel.

However, people who can understand Chinese are already moving, and the others still need to look at the content of the native language translated by the system. This does not matter, the key is that it will take two or three seconds! After everyone understood what Jing Tian said, they realized that they were hurriedly operating the character to avoid it. Unfortunately, it was too late!

Could this be the dead fish launched by the BOSS? Players who have seen monsters blew up with lingering fears.

It is understandable that the BOSS will use the skill of breaking fish and nets when they die, but there is still 15% residual blood. Jing Tian knows that there is only one answer. This is the monster intelligence of the BOSS: [Overlord removes armor]!

The moment this skill erupts, the damage it brings is naturally not as unreasonable as a nuclear explosion like a fish kills the net. Under unobstructed conditions, the BOSS spontaneously explodes the armor. The fragments of the armor will scatter and attack the player, just like a bomb exploded. Although there is nowhere to hide, and the attack distance doesn't make sense at all, all those involved in the battle are within the reach of the overlord's removal. But the damage of shell fragments is not penetrating, and there is still a certain amount of living space.

After managing this, Jing Tian still saw that some North Korean players were sent back to the city after being concentrated by the fragments of the BOSS's armor. However, Jing Tian thought about the distance from the nearest Bai city to here, it should not take long before they can return to the fight.

Now is not the time for others to consider. The key is that after the [Overlord Removal] BOSS, the attack power will be greatly improved, and the attack will also change. This is the most troublesome thing. However, Jing Tian glanced at the state of his character, and was immediately dumbfounded. While the boss's armor removal caused damage, it also caused the player to be stunned for 5 seconds. If everyone is stunned, and there is no countermeasure In terms of means, BOSS might be able to give everyone a perfect family portrait in these five What is a family portrait? Of course, it was the group photo that killed the group and returned to life.

Of course, Jing Tian wouldn't just sit and wait for death, he caused a series of misfortunes. The BOSS went into a 5-second dizzy state without any suspense. In the next instant, the village woman returned to the game from the space warehouse. She did not give up using her unique skills because of the North Koreans' random entry, and she performed eighteen without fear. General weapon tricks.

As everyone relieved the dizziness, the short fork of the village woman's left hand was already pierced on the BOSS's head, and the dagger on her right hand drew a beautiful arc in the air, and it cruelly pierced the BOSS's eyes. This succeeded in making the BOSS who was relieved of the dizziness unable to move, but the next moment, the village woman's eyes shrank, because the BOSS actually began to ignore her attacks and was performing a singing skill.

"Oh? Be careful." As the village woman said, she manipulated the character and immediately escaped from the battle and escaped into the space ring. She performed the "Thirty-Six Strategies" in an extremely relaxed and vivid manner, and had to make Luo Xia's heart slap her tongue: It really matches the style of frog's No. 1 runner, and his desire to survive is too strong."

As the village woman's figure dissipated, the knight gun in the BOSS's hand was put away, and what appeared in front of everyone was a super staff inlaid with many magic stones. Could this guy cast some earth-shattering magic Nothing? So changed from a melee career to a mage?

"He really is the Pharaoh!" The two-headed Leo still did not forget his original vision.

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