Sky Dungeon

Chapter 184: MVP reward

"Wow, this is Magic Stone Staff Meow. Brother Tian, ​​help me explode his weapon!" The whimsical alien thinking of not eating mice really makes Jing Tian restless, but he has some operational awareness, knowing Sitting on the well and watching the sky's magical defense power was low, he raised his hand and cast a [Guardian Blessing].

   But before they waited for them to continue their delusions, the BOSS attack has already been hit, and it turned out to be an Elemental Master’s level 30 skill: Flowing Fire Heaven Punishment!

   Jingtian didn’t know what to say, the BOSS’s range of the Flowing Fire Heaven Punishment was too large, it was as if 100 Elemental Wizards cast the Flowing Fire Heaven Punishment together! Seeing the meteorite falling rapidly from mid-air and burning all over, it really smelled like a punishment.

   Accompanied by the sound of a booming meteorite hitting the ground, all players who participated in the killing of the BOSS died and suffered injuries. There are only a handful of players who can still stabilize their positions and have combat effectiveness. Jing Tian also never expected that the settings of the headless knight were too abnormal, but fortunately, they have always had continuous and stable treatment. Although everyone was hit by the meteorite, the bloodline almost collapsed. Declined, but eventually survived.

   But before everyone is happy, the BOSS's chanting starts again. Isn't it a big move that can't be interrupted?

  The village woman returned from the spatial warehouse, but this time it was not some other ordinary weapon in her hand, but the dazzling purple sword of death. The death sickle swept across the headless knight's bare muscled chest without any suspense. What was surprising this time was that the BOSS's singing was interrupted!

   Why is this again? Obviously Jing Tian also tried skill attacks before, but did not interrupt the BOSS's skills. The next moment, Jing Tian suddenly realized: This BOSS does not have the special protection setting that ignores all interruptions, but just ignores the following Ziwu Grade weapon interrupted!

Yes, in the initial planning of Sky Dungeon, there was indeed a monster with this setting, but Jing Tian didn't expect that this special setting would be added after the BOSS Overlord was removed. So Jing Tian Quickly said: "Village woman, don't waste Ziwu skills, only Ziwu skills can interrupt the action of the boss!"

The village woman was stunned for a moment, and then she switched out her spare weapon to continue her attack. Naturally, she didn't expect the game to have such a setting. At the last moment, she only found that Ziwu's skill cooling has ended, so she just took the battle sickle. The basic skills were thrown out, and he was not sure to interrupt the BOSS's chanting. I didn't expect that this would be a new discovery, which is as pleasant as discovering the new world.

The village woman's red lips trembled slightly, feeling a bit funny, and she secretly said to herself: "Idiot, you obviously designed it yourself, how did you find it now." In the words, she changed her usual enchanting tone in the game, as if she had changed. As a gentle and pleasant girl.

Due to this major discovery, in the next battle, the boss’s ultimate chanting was smoothly interrupted by the village women. Even the dead North Korean players rushed back to continue to participate in the battle. In the end, the boss did not stop. Activate the perverted intelligence such as fish death and net breaking, completely wiped out under the bombardment of everyone.

   In the next moment, the sky is full of fireworks and firecrackers! I don’t know who came up with the special effects. Jing Tian almost thought he was attacked by someone again. He was still thinking about who has firecracker skills...

   "I'm doing it! I thought it was the Spring Festival suddenly." Luo Xia also complained.

   Then, there seemed to be something in the sky that was getting bigger and bigger. It was so amazing that a big treasure chest fell from the sky! Everyone shouted loudly, and even the North Korean players cheered and circled around the treasure chest's landing point.

Of course, this treasure chest cannot be robbed. Everyone can get a big treasure chest with their ID written on them. The system comprehensively assesses that the player is killing according to each person’s output, treatment, injury, number of critical strikes, and skill usage rate. The performance in the world BOSS will give the best players the most MVP rewards, give extra lucky rewards to the last hit players, and give other players material rewards. Of course, the number and types of materials depend on the player's score in this battle.

I asked again, everyone did not get the final blow award. 80% of them were won by the North Korean soldiers. Before they had time to say hello, the North Korean soldiers began to evacuate in an orderly manner. It seemed that the next one could make a big profit. The pen is moving forward.

   "Who is the MVP?" The person who asked the question turned his attention to the village woman.

   That’s right, if the MVP of the Raiders BOSS is not her, I’m afraid it’s a bit unreasonable, but the next moment the village woman said very frankly: "Oh? It’s not me."

"Everyone's soul iron is here? I didn't expect that the North Koreans' chaos saved us a lot of time. Let's go to the next low-level leveling area to brush up a boss, and the materials are also useful for everyone. I just let Luo Xia informed the Koreans that they have already gone to clean up the mobs first." Jing Tian suddenly started to talk.

   "It's suspicious, the frog will tell you the truth, did you get the MVP reward?" Zhao Jiaxue naturally noticed Jingtian's abnormality.

   "I think we can brush enough Ziwu's materials tonight at this speed." Jing Tian said to himself as if he hadn't heard Zhao Jiaxue's words.

"It's what is the reward? If you don't tell me, I will pull off your VR now, and then put it on myself!" Zhao Jiaxue changed to the team channel this time, obviously not wanting to be in the whole It was revealed in front of the team that they lived in the same room with Jing Tian. Even if this kind of thing is explained, it is often crooked.

   At the same time, Jing Tian was even asked by two beauties in a private chat. It was exactly the same as Zhao Jiaxue's question. It seemed that it was impossible to hide it. Sure enough, women have a gossip to do it!

Therefore, Jing Tian could only surrender and faintly said in the team channel: "The MVP reward just now..." Jing Tian paused deliberately. After successfully attracting everyone's attention, he nodded in satisfaction and continued: "Ancient Battlefield Shards of keys."

   "I'm doing it! Such a good thing, such a low-explosive thing, you are only talking about it now." Luo Xia said with some indignation.

   "What is that?" Most people asked such a question.

"This thing is quite useful in the later stage. If you collect 5 fragments, you can synthesize the key to the ancient battlefield. You can open a space tunnel somewhere and pass through the tunnel to the ancient battlefield in the seal. With our current level and strength, the ancient battlefield Any shrimp soldier or crab in the house will have to kill us all." Jing Tian explained helplessly.

   "The ancient battlefield is so fierce, it won't be filled with gold coins, can you take it away?" Two-tailed Scorpio said in a disdainful tone.

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