Sky Dungeon

Chapter 201: Sister who doesn't eat mice

Jing Tian felt a little depressed: as if he was his sister, why didn't he have any impression? Wait, is that big loli that morning is Yang Miaomiao's sister? Jing Tian was taken aback by his thoughts, but soon calmed down. It is impossible to think about it, because Yang Miaomiao and himself are not in the same city, and he is already an adult, let alone his sister?

"Hey, beast, you are actually carrying me..." Luo Xia pretended to be crying like a woman, as if she found out that her lover had a deep-seated wife with a lover, and everyone couldn't help but laugh.

"Brother, you can’t do it without admitting it! Meow! Yesterday, you recommended the weapon to my sister, but she couldn’t play it at all. Now she is still at level 5 Meow! Starting today, I have been taking her to upgrade. , Brother Tian, ​​you have to be responsible. If I keep carrying this oil bottle like this, I will retreat!" Yang Miaomiao even moved out to threaten Jing Tian.

In other words, your sister likes remote careers, didn't you judge it? Why does it become impossible to play? Isn't there two melee weapons? Isn't it impossible to play at all, then what else can she play, be a scenery party player? Jing Tian murmured in his heart, but smiled faintly on his mouth: "Uh...maybe she is not very comfortable with the operation of Sky Dungeon, so let's find you where are you."

"It's on the basement 1st floor of Chisa City. I specially brought her here to wait for you. Come on, I'm going to be tortured to death." Yang said, crying without tears.

So everyone formed a team from Chisa City and entered the first basement level. According to the coordinates provided by Don’t Eat Mouse, a few people found Don’t Eat Mouse and his relatives not far from the entrance. However, everyone saw After his sister's ID name, he burst into laughter.

"I'm doing it! Mouse, you are really sisters. When your sister named her, you didn't have any objections?" Luo Xia's voice was a little distorted, and he obviously hadn't recovered from the laughter.

"Stupid sister, she didn't tell me what Miao." Yang Miao Miao said helplessly. He turned the character aside, only to find that his sister's character had been hiding behind his own character. The key to his character was so small, how could it be? Can't hide her such a big mermaid!

However, please don’t get me wrong. In the design of “(Sky Dungeon)”, the mermaid race does not have a gem-like ornate fishtail by default, but a standard human form. The only difference is their body. The skin is covered with a layer of natural colored scales. Of course, the skin above the chest of the mermaid is deliberately reserved by Yun Yiyi into two appearance styles with scales and without scales. After all, it is necessary to consider that the female players are mostly members of the appearance association before making helpless concessions. .

Most female players naturally choose to use white shoulders and perfect human facial skin.

Yang Miaomiao’s sister also chose a more humane mermaid, but she chose bright black for her hair color and lower body skin color. I have to say that this choice gives people a sense of indulgence, the black on her legs The scales exude the temptation of a dynamic dancer in a bar disco. That's right, this pair of big long legs covered with black sequins, if they swing on the dance floor, they will definitely attract the men in the audience crazy!

This kind of public appearance setting is quite different from that of Yang Miaomiao's sister. From her evasive attitude, she can feel that this woman seems very afraid of life, and must be a very introverted woman. Think of Yang Miaomiao’s character name again: [Sister who doesn’t eat mice], isn’t this woman a natural type? Jing Tian thought so in his heart.

That's right, the game ID of Yang Miaomiao's sister is: [Sister who doesn't eat mice]. This kind of ID method has also been seen in games. In order to abuse a player, some people will specifically become "Daddy of XX" to use the ID name itself to attack the player with less effort. However, it is the first time everyone has seen the ID name of the sister who does not eat mice. It seems that Yang Miaomiao's sister is afraid that her younger brother will not recognize her as a sister!

"Beauty Yang, how do you call it? Your ID name is really a bit difficult for everyone. We don't know how to call you when you and Yang Miaomiao are together. Could you call you Sister Mouse?" Jing Tian said quizzically .

"Ah...Sure enough, this name is causing you trouble. It turns out that my brother didn't call me wrong. How can I be so stupid that I can't pick a name." During the words, everyone seemed to hear her crying and sobbing.

"What do you cry? You will know that you will be an internet celebrity and sell cute cats all day long! You have been squatting at home after graduating from college. Can you stop living in a role-playing life?" Everyone couldn't believe their ears. Yang Miaomiao, who behaves cute and docile, is scolding his sister at this time!

"Stupid dare to break through me at will, I want to eat all the **** brand ice cream you have hidden in the refrigerator!"

Before my sister could make any movement, a hurried voice came from Yang Miaomiao: "Wait, I'll be back when I go!"

Shouldn't you go to PK in reality? Everyone’s forehead is full of black It turns out that Yang Miaomiao is an alien, and her sister is naturally an alien too! They are simply two live treasures!

It didn't take long for me to hear Yang Miaomiao come back and say: "Silly sister! You actually moved my ice cream Miao! Give it back to me, there is a kind of open your bedroom door, Mow!"

Everyone can’t wait to ask if Yang Miaomiao and his sister’s real age are only 8 years old. If it weren’t for this game, only adults can register and log in, and it contains information such as iris and fingerprints. I’m afraid everyone definitely thinks that Yang’s sister and brother are just one. No doubt for ordinary pupils.

"Brother stupid, I actually told you after I finished eating. You just smashed the door open and don’t even want to get your ice cream back! Hehe, my name is Yang Mimi, I’m a small internet celebrity, please give me your advice. "Yang Mimi ignored her angry brother at all, and started the next topic.

When everyone heard it, they laughed again. The younger brother is Yang Miaomiao and the older sister is Yang Mimi. I don’t know how much their parents like to raise cats, and even their children don’t let it go. I really don’t know how their childhood was spent in discrimination? After all, a person's name is easy to be spit out by classmates, and the sister's name also has some unhealthy feelings, but when you think about it, there seems to be a star named Mimi, and everyone is relieved.

"Fortunately, I will call you Mimi from now on." Luo Xia said with an evil arc from the corner of her mouth.

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