Sky Dungeon

Chapter 202: Don't laugh, fat people praise thin people, and they have become dry bones 2 how?

"Wow...What a cute panda, it seems to be taken home!" Yang Mimi said, while operating the mermaid to pounce towards Luojing Xiashi.

"Beauty, do you like Dudu's panda too? Isn't it super handsome?" Luo Xia's understanding of handsome does not know where he is confident, but his first impression of Yang Mimi is definitely very intimate.

However, the next moment Yang Mimi's answer was to drop the temperature by ten degrees: "It feels so cute and chubby. I like the feeling of fleshy flesh. It must be very comfortable to the touch. I really want to hug it. I like fat people the most. !"

That's it! The people in Jing Tian felt uneasy. Yang Mimi was naturally dull and nonchalant. She said that Luo Xia was fat, and she said it more than once. It seems that Luo Xia will have to go again. Runaway!

Luo Xia's character is: Don't laugh, fat people praise thin people, how about a total of two bones? Who dares to make me fat, I will beat anyone in the face!

Just as everyone was having a headache, Luo Xia already used a violent voice and said frantically: "I do! I feel that I am really in love, my spring is here!"

The consciousness in the hearts of everyone is like thousands of grass and mud horses galloping past. Not only did this Luoxia not run wild, but it also roared like a wolf in spring? How hungry this is! In the next instant, what Luo Xia said made everyone feel like they wanted to take their ears off and trample on them. Only when Luo Xia said in a very sincere tone: "Mimi, marry me, okay? I am also a real one. Fatty, it's not fat but the door, he must be fat enough to satisfy you."

Luo Xia would admit that she was a fat man! This is really subverting everyone’s outlook on the world and life. I originally thought that Luo Xia was the kind of man who never compromised for his face and truth. I didn’t expect that he was a man who wanted to marry a woman who had never met before, so he took himself for many years. The perseverance is completely trampled by the infatuated man.

Maybe there are not enough things to surprise everyone today. Yang Mimi ignored everyone’s reactions and said very alienly: "Okay, anyway, I also want to find a cute, fat man as a husband. Stay in shape."

"Ah! Don't decide without authorization, you stupid sister, Meow!" Yang Miaomiao loudly blocked, as if she was seriously dissatisfied with her sister's casual marriage. Does Yang Miaomiao have ideas for her sister? This is going to be a big deal...

"I'm doing it! Brother-in-law, this is the first love I've been waiting for all my life. If you dare to object, don't tell me that I know you in the future games." Luo Xia changed her face immediately, and her voice was full of threats. It feels that the darkness in Luo Xia's belly is definitely more than just a little bit at this time, I am afraid this guy has even thought of the most ruthless means.

"Brother, brother-in-law, don’t get me wrong. I mean, of course, my parents should know about such an important thing. Happy and happy. My silly sister actually wanted to marry her. My parents knew Later, I will definitely give you a big red envelope for my brother-in-law, maybe you can settle things down today. However, you must hold on. No man in history can like my sister for more than 24 hours. "

Everyone was stunned, Yang Miaomiao didn't even mean to object, and said that his parents seemed to agree 100% to this marriage. It wasn't that Yang Miaomiao's jumping thought had happened again, or Yang Mimi was definitely not. A normal person might be the kind of woman who is born with a lack of IQ development factors, or is infertile. However, I heard Yang Miaomiao said that her sister graduated from university. Is the current university a rehabilitation training center for the mentally handicapped?

"Hey...I'm so stupid brother, how terrible is my sister? My sister had a 22-hour relationship in college!" Yang Mimi's words were full of pride, as if she had done something great. Things are normal, and sure enough aliens can’t understand them with normal thinking.

At this moment, even Luo Xia himself was a little retreat. In addition, he recalled that Yang Miaomiao said yesterday that his sister looked very similar to him, isn't it just like a man?

However, in other words, with his current figure, let alone a cute girl, even a female man who looks like a man may not look at him. Luo Xia suddenly made up his mind. He seemed to think that looking at people should look at the inner world. The external beauty is deceptive. If you can't, you can go to the **** hospital in South Korea for plastic surgery! I can bear to live in a deceived world. As long as Yang Mimi really likes herself in her heart, no matter how difficult she is, no matter how low Yang Mimi’s face and IQ are, she is willing to marry her. Of course, let’s play the game first...

Therefore, Luo Xia pretended to be an upright gentleman and said: "Don’t bother your parents. Since you suspect that we can’t last forever, then I’m willing to accept your test. I will marry Mimi in the game and let the world have everything. People witness our great love together. When my career is successful, I will definitely marry Mimi and give her a lifetime of happiness!"

Just when everyone was thinking about Luo Xia's impassioned Mimi spoke again, her voice revealed a sense of determination: "I'm sorry, I don't agree!"

Yang Mimi disagreed again? Where is this trouble?

"It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree, it's fine if our parents agree. Hurry up and marry your stupid sister." Yang Miaomiao said this, but she muttered with lingering fear in her heart: The old sister's transient skills have occurred. In the last moment, she made the completely opposite decision in the next moment. This is one of the reasons why she can't talk about love. After all, this way of speaking often makes people think that Yang Mimi is playing with others.

"The stupid brother is too much. Don't you know that marriage cannot have children in the game? Marriage without the purpose of having children is a hooligan! I don't want to be a hooligan! I won't be able to get married." Yang Mimi seemed to have found it extremely powerful. His argument, there was a hint of confidence in the speech.

Everyone's forehead was immediately covered with a thick black line. Needless to say, this Yang Mimi is a genuine and natural fool. In terms of the leap of thought, it is no less than Yang Miaomiao, and is definitely the originator level.

"If you don’t get married, don’t get married. Anyway, as long as you get along in the game, as long as you can meet your eyes, the reality is not that you can’t fall in love. Why not, let’s not discuss this topic, Yang Mimi, what problem did you encounter? I think I can ask Luo Xia to explain it for you... Let's go with the flow," Jing Tian suddenly reminded, and when he finally said Luo Xia's name was more powerful, it seemed to convey the meaning of cheering and encouragement.

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