Sky Dungeon

Chapter 214: Mixed injury offset

"Brother Tian, ​​you can also exorcise ghosts. Is your career Taoist meow?" Yang Miaomiao asked suddenly with a sudden thought.

Everyone was completely dumbfounded. Could this guy pretend to be cute and have known each other for so many days, don't he know what exactly Jing Tian is? But think about it, it's possible, Jing Tian's career really has no characteristics. And among the forty-two professions, it's not right. It should be said that there is indeed one profession among the forty-three professions that has a damage bonus to the undead monsters and demons. I'm afraid Yang Miaomiao did read the description of this profession. He misunderstood the ability of this profession to exorcise demons, and naturally subconsciously thought that the profession of exorcist was a Taoist priest who caught ghosts.

Everyone admires her reasoning ability a bit. Although Zhao Jiaxue is not smart, fortunately, her mind-jumping ability is no less than that of Yang Miaomiao, so she can think clearly about this in a short time, but she can't help it when she thinks it clearly. He smiled and said: "The frog is not a Taoist priest. He is a Buddhist disciple. Yes, it is a legendary monk. He is also very good at exorcising demons and demons. He is not good at being a woman. He is destined to be single and single for a lifetime."

"Isn't my brother unable to get married that day?" Yang Miaomiao looked at Zuijing Guantian with a sympathetic eye, as if looking at a **** who was not a man.

"Uh...Mouse, do you think I am a bald head?" Jing Tian wanted to use this easy-to-understand truth to prove that he has nothing to do with the monk, even if there is a relationship, at least he is a lay disciple, and cannot influence his stalwart man. image of.

"I don't know me." Yang Miaomiao's answer really surprised a few people, and then he heard him say in an unconstrained manner: "You may be wearing a wig. For games, even a monk can be stinky."

Jing Tian was staggered in his heart, almost vomiting two kilograms of blood. I still underestimated Yang Miaomiao's thought jumping ability. When he said this, he really couldn't find a reasonable reason to refute it. It's true: I hate less when I get to the mouth, but I don't know how to play!

As a result, Jing Tian could only smile awkwardly, and rushed up while the character was operating. When sitting Jing Guantian stepped into the range of the Crystal Thorns Sword, everyone saw that the air around the sword body suddenly became blurred, and all of them glowed black. The dark matter of Qi flashed away, leaving a crystal-built human figure standing behind the sword of thorns. That's right, this is the BOSS Langfersadaev!

From the outside, Langfersadaev’s defense is not weak. After all, the entire body is constructed of golden brown crystals, giving people an indestructible visual impact. He hasn’t waited to sit down and watch the sky. The BOSS activated the monster intelligence of the first hand, and a sword of thorns on the ground slammed up to Sit Jing Guantian. Fortunately, Jing Tian naturally expected the BOSS's first attack, and the Fang Tianji in his hand was directly thrust forward. It's a break of dawn!

I have to say that the BOSS seems to have hit the Fang Tianji in the hands of Sitting Jing Guantian. Relying on the advantage of the attack range of his weapon, Jing Tian interrupted the BOSS's attack before the BOSS attack hit him. At the same time, the long-range fire support from the rear is overwhelming.

After such a fight, Jing Tian and the others discovered that fortunately, this BOSS has no special settings. Both physical and magic attacks can attack the BOSS normally, and can also hit the negative state normally. But Jing Tian's eyebrows were already slightly raised at this time, and he discovered a very strange phenomenon: the bloodline of the BOSS has not dropped at all!

Jing Tian Consciousness suddenly flashed an electric light across the sea, and he immediately instructed: "Stop all magic attacks!"

"What's the matter? Why stop?" Zhao Jiaxue asked without hesitation. After all, everything went smoothly.

"No blood." Yun Yiyi replied coldly. It seems that she has also noticed this strange phenomenon.

"Is it okay to use the magic sword?" Zhao Jiaxue looked at the village woman who was continuously attacking the BOSS. There was always a feeling of losing to Liu Yaya. This feeling forced her to want to do something.

"No." Yun Yiyi seemed to see some clues and immediately stopped Zhao Jiaxue.

Sure enough, after all the magical attacks of the three people stopped, just the physical attacks of the three people sitting on the well, not eating mice, and the village women made the bloodline of the BOSS drop visible to the naked eye. What is going on? ?

If it weren't for the village women today, I'm afraid the group would really be wiped out! Jing Tian didn't know how many times it was thinking this way today. The difficulty of this dungeon of Heaven and Earth Crater was significantly increased. It seemed that even if he wanted to get some orange outfit, it was not that easy. Now Langfel Sadaev in front of him has a monster intelligence setting that belongs to the abnormal level: mixed damage offset.

Mixed damage offset, when the BOSS receives a physical attack or a magical attack, only one type of attack with a higher damage value will be calculated, and the other type of attack value will not increase the damage, but will give the BOSS an additional damage value to restore the blood.

In other words, when sitting in the well and watching the sky and the village women use physical attacks to damage the BOSS, the long-range magic attacks launched by Zhao Yunxue'er, Yun Xueyi, and Don't Eat Mouse, although they seem to have damage values, are actually scoring the BOSS! BOSS has 3 powerful nanny in a moment, how can this be called?

"It's the mixed injury offset." Yun Yiyi said coldly, she can always solve the mystery after Jing Tian.

"What? It's the setting that physical and magical attacks can't hit the BOSS at the same Will the BOSS be infinitely recovered if used at the same time?" Zhao Jiaxue also remembers this setting.

"Oh? No wonder the output was so high just now, and the BOSS didn't lose much blood. I thought it was a mobile blood bank." Liu Yaya understood.

"Such a cow, isn't that invincible? BOSS will do a big move against himself for a while, and won't he be filled with blood directly?" Yang Miao's question seemed very abrupt with his jumping thinking.

"Uh... this is unlikely. After all, the attack magic he released is not immune to his own units." Although Jing Tian felt that this question was a bit embarrassing, he answered it seriously.

I didn't expect Yang Miaomiao to be even more sinister than himself. I really don't recommend him to do game planning at Tengyi Company. It's a waste of talent! Thinking of this, Jing Tian said lightly: "Yaya, I really should recommend Meow to go to Tengyi Company for planning. I can definitely turn the current game main strategy down."

"Oh? The current game's main strategy, the dragon, has not seen the end, and even the slave family has never seen it, and there is no information about the identity of the game's main strategy at a vertex. I always feel very strange. Is it concealed?"

"It must be too ugly. The game's chief policy officer should be responsible for the game. Go to Korea **** hospital for plastic surgery, and then go to Thailand **** hospital for male-to-female surgery, then you can see people."

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