Sky Dungeon

Chapter 215: Hide lucky value

It has to be said that this mixed injury offset setting made Jing Tian a little weak. The original five-person team is now three people. The other two can only stare. In this case, the bloodline of the BOSS drops. The speed is unusually slow. Under the support of sitting in a well and watching the sky and not eating mice, the village woman failed to complete the perfect skill continuity, and there was a situation where all the skills were empty!

"Illustration, natural restraint, use non-injury control skills!" Jing Tian called out at the cost of withstanding the boss's head-on blow.

Zhao Jiaxue had already run away. She could not eat the mouse and was still struggling to protect herself within the BOSS's attack range. She was the only one who could hold the BOSS. So the next moment she spoke and said the voice command of the skill: " Sleep with you, Quan Zhilong!"

This way of setting voice commands for skills is quite in line with Zhao Jiaxue's style. Every time he hears Zhao Jiaxue chanting skills commands in this way, Jing Tian has a deeper understanding of Zhao Jiaxue's filthy power. The key is deafness, who told you that it is harmless? Fortunately, the deaf's attack power is extremely low, and it will not cause too much mixed damage to offset.

Although there is no racial hiding setting that triggers the fox beauty, but two seconds is enough for Zhao Yunxueer to sing the deafness skills in the voice command just now, and the BOSS enters the PVE deafness state in an instant, 3 He wouldn't make any moves within seconds, standing stupidly on the spot with his arms down.

With these few seconds of idle time, the non-eaten mice who fight with the BOSS will finally have the opportunity to sing spells. A natural **** is to firmly trap the BOSS. The next step is to immediately replenish the blood and blue buffs for everyone. Prepare for the next stage of attack.

Everyone took advantage of the perfect **** time of 10 seconds, immediately stopped their actions, and checked the skill cooldown. After all, if you continue to attack now, it might interrupt the thorns and destroy the **** effect in the next moment, although it is fixed. It is unknown whether or not the damage is considered to be arithmetic damage, but breaking the BOSS **** prematurely is definitely not something that everyone wants to see now.

After this short break, Jing Tian and Liu Yaya cooperated and started a new round of skill combos. It has to be said that Jing Tian and Liu Yaya seem to have a higher degree of tacit cooperation. The scene seems familiar. The former king of swordsman and Zuijing Guantian have also played a perfect alternate attack coordination. It is as if they are dancing a wonderful martial arts. Now it is the village woman and Zuijingguantian's double-strength flying. It made Zhao Jiaxue see all eyes. The anger became red, but he didn't say anything, but he began to curse repeatedly in his heart: mistakes, mistakes, mistakes... BOSS will exterminate them!

The evil lady is the evil lady, and he doesn't care if the next target after the BOSS kills them two is him, let alone whether he can copy the first pass, and uses various malicious language to keep drawing circles in his heart.

Fortunately, the dirty witch is not a witch, and does not have powerful witch power. However, this battle with the BOSS can be described as prolonged. Even Jing Tian found the feeling of beating the world boss, and the faces of several people were also tired. Of course, some people were tired and tired. Some people are bored and sleepy. It is Zhao Jiaxue who is bored to the point of sleepiness. In these thirty minutes, she is basically in a state of chaos.

From being sleepy to being awakened by Jingtian, then drowsy, and then awakened by Jingtian with a roar, after each roar, she must also reflect the two skills of casting hallucination and deafness immediately, so that Jingtian Every time she called her name, she subconsciously yelled out: "Sleep you, Quan Zhilong." She made herself like a dissatisfied wealthy young woman, opening her mouth and shutting her mouth to be a sleeping star.

However, Zhao Jiaxue is not the most excessive. The most excessive is Yun Yiyi. After discovering that she is useless, this woman simply took off the VR device and dropped the sentence "Call me when finished", then she pushed the door and left. Zhao Jiaxue was nervous about the sudden development of being alone with Jing Tian for dozens of seconds, and she immediately imagined some unsuitable pictures for children. As a result, Jing Tian didn’t seem to care about such small details at all, and Zhao Jiaxue’s spirit slowly Relaxed, after all, she was lying on the bed, and when she was mentally relaxed and there was nothing to do in the game, she naturally became sleepy.

Fortunately, the BOSS did not run away at 15%. His sword of thorns was very fierce. It almost hollowed out the blood vessels of a few people a few times. Fortunately, Zhao Jiaxue’s support was not too late, and it was almost always there. The boss' attack was interrupted before the man fell.

"Sister Xue, quickly pick it up and try to get me an orange weapon. The magic stone staff is nothing." Yang Miaomiao is still more convinced of Zhao Jiaxue's luck. Since the team replaced her to pick up the BOSS drops, the chance of orange outfits bursting It is a significant improvement. Jing Tian has some doubts whether the game planner has added additional hidden lucky value settings to the female fox beauty character. After all, the lucky value can even affect the pickup of the BOSS drop.

That’s right, it’s the truth. In order to take care of female players, the main strategy of the game adds extra hidden luck to all female characters, which will be directly criticized by the data party in the future, but Tengyi Company ignores it at all. Reply~www After all, this setting makes future players have to bring female players. After all, only female players have high enough luck to find good equipment and good items!

I have to say that Tengyi is like a domineering feminist in this respect.

Speaking of hiding lucky values, in fact, Sky Dungeon really counts the players' real birthdays. Of course, the so-called real birthdays are also extracted from information such as ID cards. According to the daily fortunes of different constellations, players will fine-tune the lucky value every day. However, although this design came from Yun Yiyi, she does not seem to benefit from it. Maybe her horoscope is not strong this month.

In fact, Jing Tian itself does not particularly support such a setting, but considering that it can add a lot of fun to the game, and can win some constellation party preferences, and the most important thing is that this can make up for some players with high luck. Always good luck, players with low luck always have bad luck, so it was decided to add this innovative setting in Sky Dungeon.

After Yang Miaomiao reminded me, Zhao Jiaxue suddenly changed his mind and said: "It's better to let the village woman pick it up. She is a new member. She should be given a chance. She is a GM. Maybe it is better than my big red hand. !"

This is a provocation of nakedness! Even Liu Yaya can hear the taste of disdain and ridicule from her words, and seems to be showing off her own advantages. It seems that her historical luck in this area should be good.

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