Sky Dungeon

Chapter 238: suicide

"Fortunately, the system has the suicide function to remove the card slot, and it can be forced to return to the main city where the guild is located. It is also one of the guild’s benefits. Although it can only be used once a day, it is enough to break into the eternal cold palace. Have you committed suicide?" Jing Tian didn't bother to pay attention to Yang Miaomiao, and asked directly.

Sure enough, everyone didn’t use the special function of suicide today to escape from being stuck. If someone used it, Jing Tian wouldn’t dare to take everyone to the Yonghan Palace so early, at least until the evening, if it’s not working, it’s in Yonghan. After staying in the palace until 24 o'clock, you can commit suicide again. However, since no one has used it, Jing Tian is relieved.

"Ah? It turns out that there is still such a function, I really haven't used it. I don't know what special effects are there for suicide? I really want to die once and see meow!" Yang said as he secretly operated it, I saw The body that did not eat mice suddenly floated away from the ground, and the whole body surged with blood, and there was a feeling of retrograde meridians.

"Ah? You really committed suicide?" Zhao Jiaxue was the first to scream, and everyone's idiotic eyes were even more focused on people who don't eat mice, but Yang Miaomiao thought it was okay and humane: "It doesn't matter. , I’m just looking at the special effects in this suicide chanting. The chanting is 60 seconds. This is probably the longest chanting skill. Meow? Just wait for the forced interruption. By the way, this forced interruption should not enter the semi-cooling. Meow?"

Uh...I haven't tried this. After all, who would use this suicide skill to see special effects? In case it enters a semi-cooling state, then let the mice sleep in the Yonghan Palace for one night, and the effect is not great. Yang Miaomiao is probably the first person in history. No, he is the first alien in history. His thoughts are too jumping!

However, dozens of seconds later, the black line in everyone's hearts went straight, and what was completely speechless was that the system popped up a notice that the comrade-in-arms [Don't eat mice] died.

"Looking at the special effects of suicide skills is so cool, I accidentally forgot to interrupt Meow. But it's good, free air tickets back to the city Bangbangdi, you can also try Meow!"

Sure enough, the brain circuits of aliens are extraordinary! The ghost is going to commit suicide and return to the city. What if you are trapped in the Yonghan Palace? You're just waiting to be locked up in a dark room all day long! Jing Tiande shook his head in his heart, and began to regret that he had to say something like this. Perhaps not to mention, Yang Miaomiao would never find the special guild skill "Suicide", and of course he would not waste a great return ticket to the city.

I can do whatever you want...

Afterwards, everyone discussed whether there were zombies and corpses in the Yonghan Palace all the way, completed the guild mission, and came to the life skill master of the alliance city. During this period, Yang Miaomiao was very active due to her first step speed, and Liu Yaya felt a little bit tricky because of the various jumping problems. Even if he tells Yang Miaomiao that there are only automatic puppets and puppet kings in the Yonghan Palace, he still asks some of the messy horror creatures that appear in the tomb robbing novels, making Liu Yaya start to wonder if Jing Tian's settings are not exaggerated enough Exciting, after all, things like puppets are just a piece of scrap copper and iron, and they still can't compare with the fictional horror creatures such as the corpse king, the forbidden woman, and the sea monkey.

Jing Tian also recalled the original controversy about the design of the Fourteen Tombs. At that time, Luo Xia also proposed to add some scary creatures to make people feel more like visiting the tombs. However, Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue turned on red lights at the same time. Even if the two of them killed Luo Xia, they were unwilling to design such a terrifying monster prototype. Maybe they would have insomnia all night.

Adhering to the basic principle that male votes obey female votes, Jing Tian finally decided to use a monster like an automatic puppet as a grave guard. Of course, very important reasons are also listed: First, Sky Dungeon is not a terrorist online game. If there are too many terrorist elements, it may affect the review of the game in some countries. Second, although this is an online game for adults, most girls dislike the setting that is too scary, and the female players who like horror are too small. Third, in terms of the plot, it is the fourteen tombs created by God. Sealing the fourteen beasts is only one of the purposes. The other purpose is to find a way to tame the fourteen beasts and resurrect the fourteen angels in the future. The arrangement of such terrifying unconscious creatures in the fourteen tombs naturally deviates from the theme. The creatures here should at least be controlled by God, and God should not create such terrifying creatures.

Of course, Liu Yaya didn't know this. Although she had some doubts in her heart, she always believed that Jing Tian had his own ideas.

My thoughts return to the life skills hall, which is indeed much deserted compared to the glory halls of various professions. Occasionally, players pass by and casually confront life skills masters with two sentences, and then leave in a hurry, seeming to be filled with life skills. The disdain and ridicule of skills, even the Krypton Party in the game rarely cares.

In the strange eyes of passers-by, the seven people who sit in the well and watch the sky learned the cold protection technique around the masters of life skills. During the learning process, the seven people will have a special light effect on them. Passers-by will naturally be surprised when they see it, generally a mentally retarded person. Just come to learn life skills, now a group of mentally handicapped groups come to learn life skills, and they are seven members of the world's first guild! You said, how can this not surprise everyone?

As a result, there was a new round of topical discussions on the World Channel, and soon someone suggested: "The Riding Cloud Guild is shooting a promotional I just used life skills like an air umbrella to chase demons today. The sea dances in the square dance, and then I may learn some fancy life skills and record what video to show off!"

Of course, some people have expressed different opinions: "I think life skills may have any special uses, maybe what hidden tasks can be triggered..."

In the discussion, Jing Tian and his party had already returned to the hidden puddle. Yang Miaomiao said noncommitantly: "Brother Tian, ​​are you sure we jump in and won't be drowned?"

The blue veins on Jing Tian’s forehead showed some signs of running away. This Yang Miaomiao is really a landruck. He has asked himself more than ten questions about underwater survival along the way. Now it’s time to get into the water, so I don’t forget to ask again. It's as annoying as a repeater.

Although the Yonghan Palace is in the water, there is no accumulation of water inside the Yonghan Palace. This is a fact that even Liu Yaya is certain. As long as the seven of them dive directly into the Yonghan Palace, they will naturally not die due to lack of oxygen and blood loss in the water. However, Jing Tian didn't bother to explain anymore. He sat Jing Guantian and plunged into the water, and then only listened to Luo Xia leaving only one sentence in the team's voice, and then he manipulated the character and jumped down: "You won't come down anymore. I'll tell your old sister, let her despise you." Sky Dungeon

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