Sky Dungeon

Chapter 239: You are walking through the chrysanthemum gate

Not to mention, Luo Xia's sentence is pretty good, I saw that I didn't eat the mouse and jumped directly into the water with a normal sound. How could Yang Miaomiao bear the contempt of the silly sister, if she was really despised by Yang Mimi, His status in the family may be plummeting, but he doesn't want to be laughed at all day long.

It seems that Yang Miaomiao overestimates his family status, maybe this kind of alien attribute is also inherited!

When the magnificent Yonghan Palace appeared in everyone’s VR field of vision, everyone’s faces were shocked, although it was not the first time Jing Tian saw it. At this time, his face was shocked at best, like an ice sculpture. The general Yonghan Palace is much clearer than he had seen before, and this strange shape is even more jaw-dropping. If such a surprising building appears on the earth, it will definitely be listed as the ninth wonder of the world.

Because the entire Yonghan Palace is a weird big bird. The legs of that big bird are firmly stuck into the ground deep in the water, and its huge wings spread deep into the stone walls on both sides. It also seems to play a fixed role. What is even more bizarre is that this strange bird is still tied with a huge chain around its neck, giving people a lifelike sense of imprisonment.

Uh... the main strategy of the game must be a guy with a strong S attribute, not to mention fixing his hands and feet, and putting a collar and chain around his neck. It is not an alien monster, imprisoning this palace as a monster, this What kind of hobby?

However, the body part of this strange bird, excluding the head, neck, wings, and long enough to extend, was replaced with a cube-like special building. It should be the main part of the Yonghan Palace. If you want to find the archangel Seraphim The body naturally has to enter the cube. Sitting on the well Guantian took the lead to swim towards the cube position, and the others followed closely. The hypoxia had already begun to cause blood loss, and everyone's bloodline began to slowly drop. Fortunately, with the Scarlet Blessing effect of the guardian shaman, everyone can get a certain recovery while their blood line drops. It seems that it is quite difficult to enter this Eternal Cold Palace without a healing profession.

How to enter the Yonghan Palace? This has already become the first problem. The surface of the cube is a layer of crystal clear ice. It looks like it is not an entrance, but there are no gaps. Seeing sitting on the well and watching the sky hesitate, the village woman jumped forward from her original back position and changed to the leader's position. She didn't say anything, and swam just like the back of a cube.

Everyone naturally understands the meaning of the village woman in an instant. I am afraid she knows where the entrance is, but she just doesn't want to make it clear. After all, there is a GM who will give you cheats, and also explain to you that I am doing cheats. reason?

So everyone followed the village woman, sneaking all the way to a place on the back of the cube, which seemed to have nothing special with other places, but when the village woman’s body touched the cube, her whole body seemed to be affected. The cube sucked in and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Sister God, you are the Chrysanthemum Gate Meow!" Yang Miaomiao suddenly realized, and his eyes lit up.

I really don't know what's so amazing about this!

Everyone looked at their current location. If the entire Yonghan Palace is regarded as a strange bird, then this is the approximate location of the strange bird Chrysanthemum Gate, but when Yang Miaomiao said that, everyone wanted to cry. The feeling of no tears, when being sucked into the cube, even the brain reminiscent of the suffocation picture of drilling into the body of a strange bird and swimming through the dirty intestines. I have to say that rich associations are not necessarily a good thing!

As soon as I was sucked into the Yonghan Palace, the cold protection technique, which is a passive skill, was automatically activated. The inside of the Yonghan Palace was indeed very cold, and the blood value slowly decreased. Fortunately, there is the third-order blood blessing of not eating mice. Qi and blood are still slowly rising.

However, Jing Tian was cautious and immediately let everyone take the recovery potion. The recovery potion in Sky Dungeon can only be used in a non-combat state. The negative illusion of hypoxia or severe cold will cause the character's blood. Sliding down, but it doesn't make the character enter a combat state. It's just that the recovery potion can't be used in the water, but it can be inside the Eternal Cold Palace.

After using the recovery potions, everyone looked at the interior of the Eternal Cold Palace one after another. It didn’t matter if you observed it so carefully, everyone’s heart jumped. It was clear that they entered from the side surface of the cube, but they were already in a certain hall. Inside, due to the dim light, there is no clue as to how big this hall is and where it leads to.

"Sister God, where should I go next?" Yang Miaomiao naturally believed in the power of GM. After all, Liu Yaya knew the way, otherwise everyone would not be able to enter the Yonghan Palace.

"Oh? Little brother, all said that the structure here is refreshed and changed from time to time, and there is no emphasis on the principles and rules of change, so... the slave family listens to the official... no matter where the official goes, the slave family will make every step. Inseparable." It is Liu Yaya's signature enchanting way of speaking. The first half of the sentence is still domineering, and the second half of the sentence becomes a little birdy, which really makes people get goose bumps.

"Uh...Walk and watch, first see if there is a passage up and down, presumably we should be on a certain floor of the palace now, and Seraphim's body should be on the top or The design is more logical, so don’t disperse, find the passage first.” Jing Tian said that he manipulated the character to take the lead in a certain direction. The palace was very deserted, as if there was nothing, it should be time for the player to adjust his breath. It is convenient for everyone to explore the next step.

Sure enough, they found a ladder similar to the upper and lower dungeons within two minutes of walking. Obviously, their current position is neither the uppermost nor the lowest, but the middle level of unknown levels, so they are now placed in the crowd. The first question in front of me is: Should I climb up or down.

"Frog, it's like you are hesitant. It's better to roll a point, the even number is up, and the singular number is down." Zhao Jiaxue saw Jing Tian's hesitation. It's no secret that Jing Tian has cancer or something. Zhao Jiaxue is naturally the best. I'm clear, I can't help but smile.

Jing Tian glanced at the King of Sword Cavalry. He couldn't hesitate anymore. Otherwise, Yu Yan might call herself a mother-in-law again. As expected, before Jing Tian could make a decision, he had already received a private message. , The sender is surprisingly Yu Yan, the message has been converted into Chinese characters, two words lying there quietly: pseudo mother!

Jing Tian's face twitched and said: "Go up, look at what the setting of the Eternal Cold Palace is." Sky Dungeon

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