Sky Dungeon

Chapter 251: Jump down

That's right! The chain extending from the icicle is now locking a body in the center of the mountain. Is this body a Seraphim? After so many years, due to the special power of the archangel's body, it is possible to maintain the immortality of the body. After all, the fierce beast is still sealed inside. If the body of the archangel is annihilated, the beast will inevitably be seen again.

It may be because of the fierce beast Bifang, this Seraphim spurted out fierce flames intermittently, and the tongue of flames went straight into the sky. Each eruption even burned the gravel near the top of the mountain. The gravel was subjected to a strong flame impact. It also erupted with the heat wave, creating a confusing illusion of an active volcano.

How to go down Everyone looked around and couldn't find any settings similar to the steps. It was so high that they couldn't jump down. Although the fall damage value didn't know how to calculate it, it would be fatal to jump down without protective measures.

Even if you can use the sky drop skills to resolve the blood loss caused by low-altitude jumping while sitting in a well and watching the sky, even using the sky drop system when falling from a high altitude will force the character to cause serious blood loss damage. The system still does some preventive measures in this regard, only a certain height can make the skill ignore the fall damage.

"I see, we must first defeat the puppet king, and then tame it so that the puppet king can carry us down?" Yang Miaomiao's jumping thinking is sometimes self-logical, after all, the puppet king is currently in Yong The only large flying creature that everyone encountered in the Cold Palace was able to send everyone down safely.

"I'm doing it, wouldn't it be a trip for nothing? Frog, I despise you with ten toes, it's the way you led!" Luo Xia rarely agreed with Yang Miaomiao's idea, after all, in his cognition, Every setting of the programmer is logically related. If a certain necessary condition is skipped, then the following plot cannot be expanded.

"Huh, pseudo-mother! Since I'm here, how can I go back without gain? I'll just jump down and try it, you can't think of other ways." Yu Yan's elegant voice was full of fearlessness, the last moment was The village woman, at this moment, is the king of swordsman again, and a breath of soft rice is coming to her face.

"Uh... let me do it." Jing Tian didn't think he could let the women in the team take the lead, or the men in the team would all become pseudonymous!

"You still need you here." The King of Sword Cavalry looked at the people around her, and her meaning was naturally very clear. The team must not be without a leader. If sitting in the well and watching the sky and sacrificed and sent to the ice space, then the others will probably be scattered. .

"Don't worry, if I fail, then I will be directed by Yiyi. Yiyi's judgment is not weaker than me. She can definitely give the most appropriate instructions." After speaking, sitting on the well and watching the sky, he took a step forward, ready to jump, completely ignored Everyone's eyes. Why let Yiyi command, that guy who cherishes words like gold, how many people can understand her meaning for the first time? Even Zhao Jiaxue, who was getting along with Xixi, was embarrassed, let alone other people.

"Wait." Yun Yiyi suddenly stopped Jing Tian coldly, and everyone's heart suddenly opened up. It seems that Yun Yiyi still has self-knowledge!

However, she did not follow the script that everyone had guessed, perhaps because Jing Tian's trust in her gave her full confidence. Her insight doubled in the last instant, and her thoughts moved quickly, and the next second she said coldly: "Breaking Time jump."

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard the sound, the hot tongue is blazing flames, didn't you jump into it to find your own way, if you didn't fall to death, you might be burnt to coke first! Besides, the magic defense power of sitting on the well and watching the sky is not high, even if this is not a magic damage, fire attribute resistance, no one will deliberately pile it up, this jump is definitely suicide! Everyone naturally has this idea, and the look in Yun Xueyiyi's eyes has become ridiculous. Could this woman forget about it when Jing Tian praised it? Or is she just like letting sitting on the well and watching the sky die quickly, so she is in control?

"Oh? It's not a bad idea. The upward heat flow may make the officials land safely. The upward heat flow can indeed offset the gravity, but it is hard to say how far it can be in the game, but it is definitely more than just jumping directly. A ray of life. After all, the damage of flames is not an extinction magic, haven't we all been harmed here?" Liu Yaya actually supported Yun Yiyi's idea.

"The **** sister has spoken, this matter is absolutely reliable!"

"Well, I think so too. Nine deaths are better than ten deaths and zero lives." Jing Tian stared at the core position in the mountain after saying that, waiting for him to burst into rising flames again.

Two minutes later, Seraphim finally burst into a powerful red light from all over his body. Jing Tian didn’t say a word and sat Jing Tian and jumped to the vicinity of Seraphim’s location with a small run-up. After this jump, Jing Tian had subconsciously closed. With his eyes closed, it seems that it is not sitting in the game watching the sky, but Jing Tian himself in reality. I have to say that vision is a very subtle thing that can make people balance, dizzy, or even speed up the heartbeat. Even if you know that everything in front of you is an illusion, you can’t avoid the instinctive reaction of your body. This is vision. Shock!

However, when Jing Tian opened his eyes again, everyone in UU Reading also closed their breaths, and none of them could see the bottom of the mountain basin, although everyone could still see the view of the sky in the team. The status of the avatar, but due to the distance, his status has become gray as if he is offline, so only Jing Tian knows the situation of sitting on the well at this moment.

" problem, you can jump down later, this Seraphim looks a little strange, don't move around after jumping down." Jing Tian faintly warned.

The big rock in everyone’s hearts finally fell. I didn’t expect the game planner to deliberately come up with such a setting. If you just jump down, you will be killed and teleported to the ice cellar, but this is really interesting. Meaning, I don't know how many players would think of jumping into this sea of ​​flames, most of them might not be able to avoid it and would just choose to jump directly. It can be seen that this setting is very in line with the evil taste of the main strategy of the game, and it is in line with his usual style of pitting players.

But what does Jing Tian's last sentence "Seraph looks strange" mean? When he said that, everyone really had a strong curiosity, and he even wanted to jump down and see what happened.

"Don't sell it, why is Seraphim weird?" Zhao Jiaxue asked anxiously, and the woman's gossip heart burned again. Sky Dungeon

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