Sky Dungeon

Chapter 252: Seraphim

"I can't say it, it just feels weird, so let's wait for you to come down and discuss it." Jing Tian said lightly. It was not that he deliberately concealed it. He really couldn't tell. It can't be said that this is not the same as the setting he planned. It’s the same. After all, the Seraphim he planned at the beginning was a seraph with a male appearance. Now he has turned into a young girl. The girl’s body is engraved with Bi Fang’s tattoo. It should be Sarah who is sealed with a beast. F. Could it be that Tengyi’s plan to forcibly castrate the seraph he designed and send it to Thailand for a **** change correction operation? Together with the six-winged sky wings, it has been cut into two wings. Is the six-wing not good-looking? The wings are no more domineering! But what domineering girls want...

When Jing Tian pondered over these issues, the other six finally jumped down at the same time the next time the flames lifted off. Fortunately, everyone landed safely, and no one made any low-level mistakes, although the blood volume of the burns from the flames was all There are varying degrees of loss, but they are far from fatal threats.

"This is one of the legendary twelve angels. It doesn't seem to be a big deal!" Yang Miaomiao said in a noncommittal tone. He has naturally seen a lot of player angels, but the legendary archangel It was the first time he had seen him. How could this archangel fastened by twelve iron chains look like an underage angel girl? Could it be that the wrong person was caught?

Leaving aside the little girl, the twelve chains are also quite weird, as if they were inserted directly into the little girl's body, as if it was not the little girl in front of him that was imprisoned, but something inside the little girl's body. On top of the twelve iron chains, blue and white liquid was slowly poured in, seeming to be constantly suppressing foreign objects in her body, which is quite in line with the seal.

"I'm doing it! What a loli girl, it seems that Tengyi Company still likes Loli Angel just like me, just like me." Luo Xia blurted out, looking at him with surprised eyes regardless of the few people present. Jing Tian said roundly: "Indeed, the name Serafut Shetina sounds like a more mature female NPC, but I don't know why it is a weak little girl. It seems that some dramatists really like to play accidents. "

"Oh? The Nujia has also seen relevant introduction materials. It does record that Seraphim is a seraph with a beautiful male appearance. This one is indeed a bit weird." Liu Yaya is very sure, and she is also very interested in the story of the twelve angels. .

"Is it a fake mother?" Yu Yan guessed elegantly.

Hearing this familiar phrase, Jing Tian almost got out of bed. Why does this woman think about a fake mother every day, is it impossible to control a fake mother?

"The tattoo on her body should be the bifang of a strange animal, especially the tattoo design on her forehead is the complete Bifang totem." Although Zhao Jiaxue has not designed the appearance of the twelve angels, this totem logo is from her. Hands.

"Uh... In that case, this should be Seraphim. I will come forward and interact to see if I can get the bottom-up reward directly."

After Jing Tian finished speaking, he sat and watched the sky, trying to trigger a game event with Seraphim who was kneeling and locked on the ground. However, the next moment, everyone's souls were almost taken off! That's right, I saw Seraphim's eyes suddenly opened, revealing scarlet pupils.

"The corpse is cheated, run away!" Yang Miaomiao screamed out for the first time. He thought this guy was arguing about stealing the tomb. How courageous he is. I didn't expect the beautiful women next to him to call out. First gaffe. Oh, sorry, he is a boy at best...

"Mouse go to death, screaming, scared my old lady!" Zhao Jiaxue didn't seem to be frightened by Seraphim who was "defrauding the corpse", but was startled by the scream from the VR headset.

Life is unsatisfactory, the Ming dynasty spread farts, swindled corpses, feared a bird, and ran away when the situation was bad!

Jing Tian shook his head in his heart, and forcibly calmed his mood. He never thought that Seraphim was still alive. This was indeed very different from the original setting. He didn't know what Tengyi’s game planner was thinking. At this time, I can only bite the bullet and talk to Seraphim.

"For so many years, someone has finally come here. I am the archangel Seraphim. I gave my life to seal the beast Bifang. Bifang, the beast, yes, it is the beast that has passed through the ancient gate in another world. Because it is too powerful to be wiped out by any means, I can only use my body as a cage to sacrifice my soul and imprison it. But I didn’t expect Bi Fang to seem to have been repairing it all these years. My soul, let my soul return to the body and be reborn. My rebirth is about to complete the last step. There is only one soul left in the three souls and six souls. If they return, Bi Fang will also break my seal. I reappear in the continent of Love Marriage. When I am resurrected, the beast will be resurrected, and my soul must be sacrificed again to strengthen the seal." Seraphim’s voice is very sweet, like a little loli about ten years old, but she said The words are very emotional.

"what should I do?"

Jing Tian chose such an option, in addition to that, there was only the option to give up and leave, and he would only choose to leave with brain disability!

"I need to sacrifice my soul again while the last soul has not returned, but this requires the use of powerful sealing magic, but because I am now suppressed by these twelve time pillars, I cannot use any magic at all~www.mtlnovel .com~I need you to help me pull out the chains of the twelve time pillars! Don’t worry, these twelve time pillars are just maintaining my physical immortality, which is equivalent to time magic. After I re-seal Bifang, I still need it. You will re-inject these twelve time pillars into my body. Of course, I will not accept your help in vain. I will give you a book of ancient skills. I will definitely help you in the future.” Seraphim’s The voice is full of temptation, isn't the ancient skill book just for everyone's purpose?

The system popped up the choice of accepting or not, but the next moment everyone asked in a questioning tone: "Why give up?"

"Uh...I think she is weird, and Yaya also said that this is not the setting she understands. I think maybe she is controlled by Bifang!" Jing Tian felt it necessary to explain clearly, otherwise everyone If you don't choose to give up, there will be no way to continue this task.

After listening to Jing Tian's explanation, although some people were still hesitating, they also chose to give up.

At the next moment, Seraphim frowned and asked suspiciously: "Why, you don't want to help me? I understand, you are not satisfied with the rewards I give you. Well, since it is fate, as long as you help me untie With these twelve iron chains, how about I will give you two ancient skill books for one person?" Sky Dungeon

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