Sky Dungeon

Chapter 275: Perfect fit

The most miserable one is naturally the plastic surgeon. Jing Tian had told everyone to send him back to the Demon Realm first, and everyone naturally left him the killer.


Sitting on the well and watching the sky with the inertia of sprinting, with a kick on both legs, after gliding a short distance in the air, the Fang Tianji in his hand fell heavily on the head of the plastic surgeon, and the effect of the phantom killing was overwhelming. The timing of this blow was grasped. It's perfect.

Immediately after the King of Sword Cavalry rushed up, she unceremoniously used the [Phantom Sting] close-range group wounding skill, and this blow was also hit with the summoner standing in front. At the moment of closing, she didn't hesitate to pick up a [Evil Wind]!

The attack range of Sha Feng’s attack group is much larger than that of Phantom Sting, and the effect of Sha Feng is similar to magic. Not only was the two of them hit, but the magic archer on the side was also hit by her. At the same time, a small black whirlwind appeared on the three of them at the same time, and the small whirlwind drilled a pink mosaic wound on the three of them like an electric drill. The blood line of the three people is quickly lost at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. Sure enough, the damage coefficient of high-level skills has a certain strengthening effect when it hurts low-level players!

At the same time, the village woman and Luojing Xiashi rushed to the front of another Shennong priest [Slag Pie Noodles]. Needless to say, the village woman's attack can suppress any player from being depressed to death. It also seemed to hold back a wave of anger, and it came up with a big move: [drawing]!

The two swords in the hands of Sitting Jing Guantian are like two brushes, drawing afterimages of sword energy in the air.

Although Huaying has a strong attack, it is not suitable for use as a starting skill, but the situation at this time does not allow him to hesitate, because there are also Elemental Mage Slag Pie Tomato and Guardian Shaman nearby. If he does not take action, he will use the highest damage Profession skills may lose the chance of amplifying moves at any time, because his bloodline is already less than 5% at this time. If Slag Pie Tomato has any powerful comprehension skills, the consequences will naturally be fatal.

Unfortunately for the magic archer, the attack effect of Natsuki Lai Jing [Drawing Shadow] is also a medium-range group injury. Since her position happened to be in the middle of the intersection of the two priests of Shennong, the group attacks of the two waves shrouded her. Inside, she was sturdy and violently attacked from two directions at the same time.

After falling into the shadow of the well, Xia Shi entered a two-second closing action. At this time, the scum-pie tomato obviously saw the timing of this lore and had already chanted the skills, but the next moment his arms fell back again, not because He was interrupted, but he automatically interrupted the singing and flashed quickly to the side. Because the previous second he saw someone launching six sharp attacks towards him, but this flash did not escape Yun Xueyi's comprehension skill [Bow Method·Bear Hunting].

After all, these six cold lights will not hit the air because the target is displaced. On the contrary, the six cold lights are more like boomerang tracking bombs. The moment the six cold lights rubbed shoulders with the scum-pie tomato, he secretly thanked himself. However, in the next second, all the six cold glows revolved in an exaggerated arc, hitting his back vest!

This comprehension skill is so overbearing. It has a 100% hit rate. Fortunately, the first-order attack power is not excellent. After all, the scum-pie tomato is also a magical defense equipment, but she has just been hit continuously, and she just fell into the well. Xia Shi’s portrait, his vitality value is already less than 20%, but he has made up his mind to take Luojing Xia Shi away even if he dies, so he sings again when the interruption of the action is lifted, but here it is. At that time, Yun Xueyiyi's attack struck again. This time the scumbag tomato did not hide. After all, he only made basic skills and chanted fast. Even if Yun Xueyiyi's attack hits him, he can strike with this blow!

Sure enough, just before Yun Xueyi’s petrified arrow hit the chest of the Custard Tomato, the magic stone staff in his hand struck a fierce fireball technique. The target of the fireball technique was undoubtedly Xia Shi. When the smile on his mouth just hung up, the fireball technique slammed on the thin body that didn't eat mice. He just snorted if he didn't eat mice and said on the current channel: "Long eyes, What are you doing when you hit me? I'm just walking by Meow. Wait, I'll go and clean up you after hitting others."

However, fools can also tell that not eating mice is definitely not taking a walk! After he regained his mobility, the red tasseled spear in his hand plunged into the guardian shaman of the Demon Race, but the Scumpie Tomato's face was flushed with anger at this time. Because the spear head that doesn’t eat mice turned its direction and rushed towards Slag Pie Tomato, Slag Pie Tomato almost lost his breath. Didn’t this guy say he would come and clean himself after hitting others? How could he just stabbed his teammate? Charged towards yourself? Is this the end?

But at this time, Luo Xia quietly gave a thumbs up to not eating mice. What he is most afraid of now is the sneak attack by the elemental wizard. The guardian shaman next to him should be agile. Although his movements are agile, his attack is pitifully low. Even if Luo Xia only has less than 10% of his vitality, he is not afraid of the guardian shaman of the Mozu ~ which one is more important, no one needs to remind him, Yang Meow Meow sees it thoroughly.

The two-second closing action was over. The demon guardian shaman really aimed the attack at Luojing Xia Shi, but after two consecutive hits, Luo Jing Xia Shi’s blood value did not fluctuate much at all, and he walked in a strong position. , He moved to the vicinity of the Slag Pie Tomato. As soon as the distance was close enough, Luojing Xia Shi's double swords were swung and turned, and the [Cyclone Chop] brought the Slag Pie Tomato and the Guardian Shaman into a short-lived state of air. There is no suspense in the [Luoyingzhan], the bodies of the two of them that were still in the air for a moment, have now all been suppressed on the ground.

Luo Xia naturally won't let go of a great opportunity, raising her hand is another basic group attack skill: [Spinning Sword]! After this blow, Slag Pie Tomato couldn't stand up anymore. He could only choose to go back to the Demon Realm to resurrect, because he knew that, I'm afraid the current situation, let alone take away sitting in the well to view the sky and falling in the well Xia Shi. I am afraid that none of them can be taken away.

On the other hand, Sit Jing Guan Tian and the King of Swordsman played a perfect match. Although the plastic surgeon finally found a gap and started simple singing again, the cooperation of the two made him have no chance to sing follow-up skills. Even the plastic surgeon felt that just now At that moment, the loophole was also deliberately shown to him by Sit Jing Guantian, the purpose was to let himself waste the 3 seconds of this simple singing state. Sky Dungeon

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