Sky Dungeon

Chapter 276: Scream

What made the plastic surgeon even more unexpected was that Zhao Yunxue'er even rushed up, wielding a magic sword in his hand, and even launched a powerful attack on herself, unable to even struggle, and the plastic surgeon fell unwillingly.

The spirit beast summoners and magic archers on the side could have attacked as much as they could against sitting in the well watching the sky or falling well Xia Shi, but when they saw that the plastic surgeon was killed, they began to hit and withdraw like a deflated ball. There was no way to move, and he obviously chose to flee. Seeing that they were basically not threatening, Jing Tian fixed his eyes on the scum noodles in a second. As long as he won the last healing profession, then these demons The player is just a live fish on the sticky board, no matter how much it jumps, don't even think about going back alive.

However, just as Jing Tian greeted the king of swordsman to attack the slag-pie noodles, the spirit beast summoner and magic archer who had retreated some distance turned around 180 degrees and chanted their attack skills together. Originally, Jing Tian Thinking that they were just trying to get a chance for himself to escape, but when Jing Tian saw that their target of attack turned out to be the well Xia Shi, he "cocked" in his heart. Could it be that they just retreated just to cover up? Their real purpose? When did American players study Sun Tzu's art of war, and even learned how to slap them?

Looking at these two blows again, fortunately, it is not their professional skills. After all, the spirit beast summoner is relatively weak in the early stage. Most of the skills are used to strengthen their summoned beasts. There is no special attack method. The magic archer skills have been hit. Sora, but from the light effects of the arrows she shot, Jing Tian is not even sure what skill it is, presumably what comprehension skill it should be. Even Jing Tian, ​​the original game planner, could not have seen all comprehension skills. , The original plan did not set the appearance of the effects of each skill. It is difficult to determine what this skill is based on the appearance effect.

"Fatty be careful!" Jing Tian and Yun Yiyi said in the same voice, but this reminder is too late. Although the comprehension skills of the spirit beast summoner and magic archer do not have any extraordinary attack ability, they are the same as Yun Xueyiyi's bear hunting. , They are all locked skills that cannot be avoided at all! The sword dance shield of Luojing Xia Shi was cooling again at this time, and the two magic attacks accurately hit the pandamen after displacement evasion.

not dead! Luo Xia's health was already less than 3%, but thanks to Scarlet Blessing's reply, he was able to hold on.

However, when everyone was not happy, they saw that the magic archer and the summoner used ordinary attacks to blast towards the location of Natsuki Luojing. The king who did not eat mice and the swordsman had already blocked Natsuki's body with his own body. In front, he was going to block the upcoming attack for Luojing Xia Shi. Sitting in the well and watching the sky also replaced the crossbow, shooting at the two while shooting.

Everything seems to have a chance of winning, but Yun Xueyi's cold voice sounded again: "Behind!"

behind? What is behind it? Everyone seems to have forgotten that there are two time bombs behind them!

Jing Tian turned his head abruptly, but everything was over. I saw that the scum pie apple and another berserker had already waved their weapons and landed heavily on Luojing Xia Shi’s back. The pandaman was originally larger. In addition to the fat man's willfulness, and his bloated role setting, it is impossible to avoid the attack by simple displacement. The team system prompts in the next second: the team member ran [Luojing Xia Shi] and died.

how is this possible? Obviously the 10-second restraint time should have just arrived, how could they teleport behind Luojing Xiashi?

Jing Tian Yuguang didn't find the alpine snow wolf. Could it be that he blew himself up? Damn it! Jing Tian secretly cursed in his heart that he even ignored the spirit beast summoner’s level 20 skill, spirit beast sacrifice, although this skill would hardly be used in PVP, because when this first-order spirit beast sacrificed a self-explosive spirit beast, only Will cause damage to creatures other than the surrounding players 1.0 times the current vitality value of the spirit beast.

However, Jing Tian and the others just ignored such a skill that is not normally used in PVP combat. Their confident natural restraints can hold two Berserkers for 10 seconds, but their plan was completely ruined. The reason why the Spirit Beast Summoner didn't sacrifice the Spirit Beast at the beginning and let the Spirit Beast destroy the thorns that bound the two Berserkers was obviously to paralyze Jing Tian and they laid the groundwork.

I have to praise the demons in front of them for being very PVP aware, confusing information and frustrating the other party's plan. These are all advanced PVP skills. Of course, it was also possible that one of them had calculated all this, thinking of this, two drops of cold sweat fell on Jing Tian's forehead. Who will it be? If such a person exists, then we must be cautious in the future.

Don't hesitate, their next goal must be themselves! Jing Tian smelled a hint of danger, but as long as he kills the scum-pie noodles, even he is damaged here, and the demons are dead! Thinking of this, Jing Tian directly ordered: "Leave me alone, set fire noodles!"

Sure enough, in the next moment, the two berserkers rushed towards Sitting Jing Guantian, and Jing Tian's attack had already landed on the summoner and magic archer. It was a traverse. At the same time, everyone's attacks were all directed at the scum-pie noodles.

The victory and defeat were finally separated after 2 Needless to say, the Mozu player group that lost the scum noodles was completely destroyed. Sitting Jing Guantian was finally spared with 2% residual blood, but the situation at that time was so dangerous, I am afraid that only Jing Tian himself had a deep understanding. After all, he dealt with 5 Demon players until the scum noodles were sent back to Demon Realm. After learning the news, Luo Xia clapped her hands in applause and scolded Jing Tian for not being loyal enough and not determined to die with blessings and hardships. In this case, she should be dead and go back to the city with herself to see the death of the world.

At the end of the song, the five-member guild mission of sitting on the well and watching the sky was difficult to complete, and the poor fat man did not get enough effective kills due to his death in the battle. With lingering fears, they no longer dare to despise the strength of the demons players. Although they have suffered similar arrogance before, this time it is obviously calculated by the demons players carefully, and even Jing Tian does not want to understand now. How did the other party do it. After all, the game world is so big, not to mention that there are people outside the world, there are people outside the world, if you arrogantly think that players will act according to their own expectations like NPCs, it is a big mistake.

In order to assist Luojing Xia Shi to complete the guild mission, everyone began to climb up to meet him. If it is normal, I am afraid that Jing Tian will let him run down to join everyone, but Jing Tian even suspects that the Slag faction family will take the opportunity to dispatch troops. Attacking them in the future, so it is wiser to pretend to retreat first, maybe there is a stalker watching them at a corner at this time. Sky Dungeon

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