Sky Dungeon

Chapter 285: Male plastic surgery

Everyone has heard that there are still young people in this society who ignore the law and get married early. Although they do not have a marriage certificate, they have the facts of marriage. And many of them are married by Fengzi. It doesn't matter if you don't have a marriage certificate, you just need to make up two copies when you reach your age. Of course, many of these situations ended up unhappy, and there was not much certification, and they really lived together peacefully. Because everyone is not ready to be a father and a mother, and has no sense of responsibility for being a father and a mother.

Young, many ideas are immature, sometimes just based on feelings, regardless of whether the interests of both parties are similar, whether they can support each other and make up for each other together, if they just feel like it, after a long time it will be full of each other. Full of shortcomings, in the end it may feel very annoying.

"Brother-in-law, you won't be African, right? I heard that some countries can have polygamy, but you can speak Chinese quite fluently! That's not right, Brother Divine Tool, why don't you become an African citizen? Do you have a headache about marriage? I want to marry a few, but if she doesn’t agree, she will find another home, and no one will be delayed."

Don't eat the mouse suddenly stood up, the jump of thought really made everyone a little dazed. The key point is what's going on with this big artifact? Is it called Jin Chengwu? Indeed, his name really resembles the rank of the artifact. After all, weapons generally have only one color rank. The two colors of gold and orange are mixed. What rank, artifact? I really should send Yang Miaomiao this alien into Tengyi Company as a game planner!

"You are talking about South Africa. Polygamy is indeed possible over there, and the number of wives is also used to measure men's social status." Yu Yan was really into the drama, and even gave Yang Miaomiao a strong testimony.

"Hehe, I have been educated in patriotism since I was a child, and this kind of betrayal and prostitution is definitely not going to be done." Jin Chengwu resolutely refused, but in his heart he was already thinking about which one to miss someday. If the top politicians are disfigured, they must flee to South Africa. If they can't be a Korean, then they have to feel wronged and become an African.

"Also, Mouse, don't talk nonsense to your sister. I can regard the standard Chinese good man, not to mention the marriage experience, even the love experience. My first time is left to your sister." Luo Xia didn't change her face and her heart was not beating. He was really afraid that Yang Miaomiao would blow her sister's ears.

"There are still virgins!" Jin Chengwu's eyes exuded the brilliance of discovering the new world, and the next second he continued: "If it is not there, you can also find me. The kind of private plastic surgery I do is quite powerful. Definitely let women no longer despise your shortness..."

Everyone heard that even Zhao Jiaxue’s face was blushing slightly, and Luo Xia had the urge to understand Jin Chengwu first, and then slay herself. When he said that, he jumped into 84 years. I can't clean it in the disinfection water. Can't let Jing Tian prove it for himself? If you let a man prove his ability as a man, it would be a great shame, and it would definitely make people doubt his own orientation! If you look for Yang Mimi, it's even more impossible. Luo Xia didn't develop the illusion of a husband and wife for a night. How could it be that Yang Mimi had to do something out of bounds because of this matter?

"Brother Artifact, what kind of private surgery, is it very confidential, shouldn't it be some black technology, so awesome?" However, no one in the world can stop the ignorance of aliens, or it is not ignorance, but shameless! Of course, no one can judge.

However, everyone is staring at the non-eating mice with sharp eyes that can kill. If the eyes are laser cannons, the non-eating mice should have been turned into ashes at this time.

Everyone is not ready to listen to too many adult topics, but Jin Chengwu has already said seriously: "They all say that the eyes are the windows of the soul. Research has shown that men with peasant eyes can hardly cause women's hormone disorders, let alone induce them. A woman’s desire. My comprehensive eye surgery is definitely No. 1 in Korea. No, No. No. 1 in Asia. Look for me. Make sure to make your eyes bigger and wider. It will never give people the feeling of short-sightedness. Seeing your eyes, I want to sit down with you and drink a few glasses of liquor in the nightclub."

It turned out to be a comprehensive eye surgery! The short look turned out to be! Everyone was a little petrified at this time, even Luo Xia was stunned to speak there, but at this time he would thank Yang Miaomiao 10,000, if it weren't for him to insert such a comprehensive and easy-to-understand surgical explanation. It’s really hard for him to raise his head to be a man in his life. In order to thank Jin Chengwu, should he go to Korea for an eye synthesis?

I do it! No, why should I thank him? It is obvious that he pushed himself into the fire pit!

"Okay, the task is over, let's go to the 7th floor of the dungeon to continue leveling. With the addition of the plastic surgeon, we must be able to play more boldly. Let's go to the slaughterhouse!" Jing Tian felt that it was better as soon as possible. It’s a good upgrade, and it’s just a waste of time if you continue to chat.

As a result, everyone went to the 7th floor of the dungeon. They were still chatting about Especially about how men can get the peach blossom luck more effectively through plastic surgery. Jin Chengwu was right, and Zhao Jiaxue nodded in praise. That's it, even Yang Miaomiao and Yu Yan agreed with Jin Chengwu. That's it for Yang Miaomiao, since Yu Yan, a true academic tyrant, also agreed with Jin Chengwu, it was enough to prove that Jin Chengwu's words were true.

However, Luo Xia didn't seem to be very interested. He said this sentence on the way: "The only thing worth bleeding my blood is the scalpel to my relatives and friends, not the cosmetic scalpel for picking up girls." It has to be said that he has cultivated his moral integrity during those years of mixed society.

Of course, no one knows that the fat guy is afraid of going to Seoul and can't help but want to do body liposuction. Moreover, he is more entangled with a question: If she really loses weight, will Yang Mimi think she is not fat enough?

Jing Tian deliberately chose to enter the seventh floor of the dungeon from the Alliance City, but as Jing Tian expected, no demons came to trouble them. With the addition of the plastic surgeon, the 30-level priest Shennong, the team's blood volume was even greater. Stable, everyone's attacks are more open, and the upgrade efficiency is significantly improved. However, when the team finally disbanded, the King of Sword Cavalry sent a voice message to Jing Tian: "The plastic surgeon cannot be completely trusted. The Koreans are also preparing to establish the freezing point of power, and they are allies with the Americans' Moon Destruction Guild. "Sky Dungeon

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