Sky Dungeon

Chapter 286: Use WIFI signal to detect you

"Well, I will pay attention. Be careful when you play by yourself."

Jing Tian only faintly returned such a message and went offline. He asked Yu Yan to be careful, naturally because if Jin Chengwu was really a spy, then if she continued to play online alone, the news would naturally reach the ruining forces. Even if Ruiyue didn't make a move, people from the scum family would make a move.

Soon after Jing Tian and the others went offline, an important system announcement popped up on the World Channel: "Congratulations to the Demon players... successfully established the first force of the Demon Region [Destroy Moon] and obtained the power station [Lion Camel]."

The World Channel suddenly boiled, and the Demon players seemed to have premeditated, and they swiped the screen on the World Channel to cover the floor: "For the Demon Realm! Strengthen my Demon!"

"For the demon domain! Strengthen me the demons!" The uniform slogan is so natural that it has to be said that the moon-destroying forces have done enough homework, but if you think about it, you can understand that there are so many American players, although they can't join the forces now, but they support It is not a difficult task at once, it can be regarded as a declaration of strength, just like the violent wind before the rainstorm, whistling non-stop.

I don't know who came up with this slogan. Although it is more tacky, it makes the blood of every demons boil. After all, they have been held by the Alliance players to talk about things with the first guild recently, and they have long been depressed. Up. Now that someone has finally established the first demon realm power, then the confrontation with the first guild of the alliance is not far away, and the whole world is beginning to look forward to this solid war. Demon players even more hope that the first power will be able to crush the first guild of the alliance and slap the alliance players in the face.

Online Huaxia players naturally complained about the name of the force’s location. Isn’t Shituoling the place name in the four famous Chinese "Journey to the West"? Tengyi company really will betray the mountain tops of its own country, even if you sell it or sell it to Another world.

Of course, the real behind the name setting has already fallen asleep. However, this kind of place name still has an advantage for Chinese players. At least it is easier to remember than those translated European and American style place names. This can be regarded as the first month of the month. The power station is not in a public area, and there is no need to consider the idea of ​​combining virtual and real, with the tourism industry in reality, so using some illusory place names makes the power station more mysterious.

The next morning, Jing Tian opened the door and went out to buy breakfast as usual, but it was not the same as usual. He deliberately changed the time of the alarm clock, but the moment Jing Tian opened the door, the scene he expected still happened. Now, Liu Yaya was standing outside the door, as if she had been waiting outside the door for a long time, and her face was filled with triumphant smile, as if she had done something very fulfilling.

Jing Tian passed a helpless look, first closed the door, and then said indifferently: " can get caught by you even if you go out half an hour earlier, I don't believe you will wait here in advance, should you? What infrared thermal equipment is used to secretly observe my every move, right?"

"Oh? It seems that you are also poisoned by the movie. Infrared thermal imaging cameras can't penetrate walls. Rather, I use a new type of penetration radar. Perhaps it is easier to use WIFI signals to detect whether your human body is If you move, you will be alarmed when you move." Liu Yaya replied very professionally, and Jing Tian was a little stunned.

Does WIFI have this effect? I think you were poisoned by the movie, right? But Liu Yaya is professional in this area, and of course she is not ruled out joking.

"Uh...Do you say that the home WIFI signal has this effect?" Jing Tian said non-committal. He didn't have much research in this area.

"Of course, the WIFI signal itself is similar to the radar wave. It will be emitted when it encounters an obstacle. However, the WIFI device itself does not have the function of capturing and transmitting. I only need to install a capture device, even your heart rate. You can see it clearly, so don't just go into estrus." Liu Yaya's warning was full of ambiguous flavors.

estrus? Even if I didn't do anything to Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi, wouldn't Liu Yaya know all the slight movements in my bed? It also makes people live happily. Is there any privacy in this world?

Jing Tian didn’t think Liu Yaya was joking at all. It was easy to make such equipment with her strength. Although Jing Tian didn’t want to be monitored, he couldn’t find a reason to blame for using WIFI to monitor things. Who doesn't have such a thing as a WIFI wireless router, and you can't even remove Liu Yaya's router out of doubt? What's more, the community has already covered public WIFI, so you can't remove the WIFI in the community because it may be monitored. That will cause public anger.

When you have time to install a WIFI signal jammer, you must turn it on when you have to!

"I said that I don't like being controlled. If you have to touch my bottom line, don't blame me for being ruthless." There is no trace of emotion in Jing Tian's cold words, which seems to be his reverse ~Oh? Do i have it? Xiao Gu, since you suspect me, you can come to my house to search, or you can search me at any time. Don't let go of any place where you can hide things. "Liu Yaya is a lively vixen. The first half of the sentence is quite normal. When she said the second half, she had already touched her toes and put her mouth to Jing Tian's ear, exhaling like blue.

"Uh...I'll buy breakfast." Even if Jing Tian suspected Liu Yaya, he was so harassed by Liu Yaya that he lost his thoughts. How could he go to her house to search, even if he found anything, it was encrypted. Do you still have to trouble the fat man to crack it yourself, isn't this thing endless? The more important thing is to search the body, the ghost wants to touch you, it's not in your arms, don't think about it!

The two went downstairs together. In order to be alone with Jing Tian for a while, Liu Yaya naturally did not choose to drive. However, Jing Tian had a headache. This time period was the time when the office workers went out. Jing Tian and Liu Yaya walked side by side. There were cars passing by, but some male drivers suddenly braked when they saw Liu Yaya, regardless of whether they would be late for work, or whether the vehicles behind them would rear-end, and there was a burst of urging from the horn I rolled down the car window and hit Liu Yaya with the same excuse: "Beauty, there is air-conditioning in the car to cool off. Today is a day to learn from Liu Feng. Where are you going, I think you can take you on the way." Sky Dungeon) 》

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