Sky Dungeon

Chapter 302: Cold server

"Silly sister, don't always look at this game with the eyes of FPS. Do you think that just relying on your spearman's operation, you can easily win in the sea battle and easily win?"

Yang Miaomiao used the tone of teaching. It is rare that he had a reliable thought this time. Everyone nodded in satisfaction, feeling that the child has finally grown up. As everyone knows, this guy arrogantly went to single-handedly challenge the demon team when he was online alone!

"Stupid brother, the defeated general is so arrogant, as long as you keep a good distance, no matter how many people there are, you can at least draw a tie, right?"

I don’t know where Yang Mimi’s self-confidence comes from, but everyone thinks about it. If she didn’t have this kind of awareness, how could she be a lone ranger by herself and run to level 5 in the dungeon?

However, the performance after that day also confirmed that Yang Mimi’s self-confidence is not arrogant. She not only managed to retreat with a few enemies, but also uncovered dozens of demons who were preparing to attack her. I don’t admire Yang Mimi’s natural acumen in perceiving danger, and she will deliberately direct her normal attacks in various inexplicable directions while leveling in the dungeon. The destination of each needle is relatively hidden and easy. Hidden, or in a position that does not seem to be attacked, seems to empty the gun, but repeatedly hits the stalker. Once hit, the stalker will helplessly escape from the void, and the entire character will be immediately exposed.

The first reaction of all stalkers is almost the same: this player has the ability to perceive stealth!

Needless to say, these stalkers have complained in the professional channel, saying that some players have the ability to perceive stealth. Of course, they soon attracted the saliva of many raiders.

"However, the game official has promised that no professional can directly see the stalker hiding in the void, except in special circumstances."

"What special circumstances?"

"For example: In the late Tang Sect, there will be a special hidden weapon to track stealth, and the hidden weapon must be used after the sneaker escapes into the void in front of it."

"Special ass, what's the matter with the Pied Piper, level 30 skills can perceive stealth, so that we don't mix?"

"Magic flute is also a special situation, and it is to listen to the voice to argue the position. There are too many uncertain factors. Normal people can't locate even if they hear the sound, it's not a bat!

"I'm doing it, there is an abnormal flute in the Qiyunluoxue Guild, who can catch the thief every time."

"That group of perverts are not normal!"

"I'm doing it! This sister who doesn't eat mice is also from the Guild of Riding Clouds and Falling Snow. I haven't heard that the mask shaman has anti-submarine skills. Is it because the system black box operation has changed professional skills?"

"No, let's report it, Tengyi has to give us an explanation!"

So afterwards, some Mozu players directly reported the sister who did not eat mice. The reason was naturally that some incredible plug-in was opened to perceive Mozu players. In the process of single brushing, it attracted dozens of monsters’ hatred. The first time they found them stalkers and attacked, no matter which one of them, they are things that normal game players can never accomplish.

Even the magic sound master can only perceive from the sound, if the stalker stays still and waits for the rabbit, it can easily sneak into the magic sound master player. But this mermaid with a masked shaman shouldn't have any perception skills, so how could he repeatedly bring them back to life in the first place? Even if the tortoise is hiding behind the bunker, she will be attacked inexplicably, like a plague god, and can't hide.

Of course, Tengyi does not believe that anyone can install plug-ins that affect the server in this rigorously designed game system. After all, the host in the hands of the game user is only used to transmit some operation commands, although the map information is pre-loaded in the player host , To ensure the smoothness of the screen, but the server will not send the data in the hidden state of the stalker to the client, so even if the sister who does not eat the mouse completely hacks the client, there is no way to get the location of the stalker. In other words, unless a player hacks the dynamic server of Tengyi and parses the server program, install a plug-in that only his character can use on the server. This is simply a fantasy!

It is useless to know that it is useless to break only one dynamic server. The dynamic group server used in Sky Dungeon, a map has multiple servers to provide support, if you install a plug-in on a server, it is impossible to realize the whole map. To use the plug-in, you need to install the plug-in on multiple dynamic servers at the same time, which requires breaking through most of the dynamic servers of Tengyi Company.

Not only that, Sky Dungeon also applies cold server technology. Simply put, the complete original program is placed on a cold server. All source program modifications are performed on the cold server. The cold server is forced to use encrypted mobile. Hard disk writing, except that everything on the server cannot be changed at all. Simply put, writing to the server hard disk has been locked, and networking can only be used to read data in one direction.

The cold server will send the latest server data to all dynamic servers every once in a while, just like formatting and reinstalling the system refresh the data on each dynamic server, even if all dynamic servers are compromised , Even if the plug-in is installed, the plug-in's existence time is very short. It may be too late to be used.

Moreover, if the cold server discovers that the dynamic server has been tampered with, it will naturally report to the police. How can the Tengyi technology apes still gnaw an apple leisurely at this moment?

Want to hack a cold server? Ha ha, unless you are a ghost! Moreover, in order to prevent internal ghosts, Tengyi company also distributed encrypted mobile hard disks to five executives. Each update must be used by five people at the same time. Unless five executives of internal ghosts can hack the server at one time! Isn't this a fantasy?

However, Tengyi’s technicians still took a rigorous attitude to check the sister who does not eat mice. After all, she was reported too many times, enough to attract the attention of Tengyi’s technicians, and it is impossible for Tengyi to take The core secret of anti-intrusion was exposed and suppressed. I can only take out the game screen of my sister who doesn’t eat mice and monitor and record it, but the inspection results have surprised the technician. This is where the location of the stalker is known, and it is clearly shooting. She just uses this method of shooting all the time. Beware of sneak attacks by stalkers. I have to say that this kind of game consciousness is definitely not something ordinary people can have. After all, it is quite difficult to maintain this kind of random shooting for a long time, not to mention this guy is still pulling a group of monsters! Sky Dungeon

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