Sky Dungeon

Chapter 303: MMO games are invaded by FPS pros

Soon, Tengyi company sent an official email to all the people who reported it, and subsequent players who reported the sister who did not eat mice will receive such an explanatory email: Thank you for your report. It was verified that the player did not have any cheating methods, did not use any plug-ins other than the game's inherent program, and did not modify the game's inherent program or perform any harmful actions on the server. The player's operation is purely mythical, any similarity is purely coincidental!

sensation! Not only did the Demon players make a sensation, but many people who reported it were players from the Alliance. They suffered a disaster on the 5th floor of the dungeon. They were more hopeful than the Demon players that their sister who did not eat mice would be killed. The killing mode cannot be turned on in the dungeon. They can't do it themselves. They can only scold the street on the World Channel, while avoiding the elder sister who doesn't eat mice like a plague.

Of course, most of the curse words are replaced by smart faces with smiley faces, and the world channel looks harmonious from the text alone. Until everyone received the same email from the system, they all took a breath, GM said that the player's operation is purely a myth? It can be seen that this little-known little character has been recognized by GM as a mythical character!

The situation of the World Channel has changed abruptly. Players in the world have begun to discuss what the sister who doesn't eat mice is doing, and what is it that ordinary people can't do, is called a god.

Some people began to list the sisters who did not eat mice and did those amazing things, including the saying that they only used ordinary attacks. Of course, there are many people with keen thinking. Some people have boldly proposed that this is not to eat mice. My sister is probably a master in the FPS game industry.

Someone soon added that she is the sister of the Cloud Riding Guild who does not eat mice, and she should be Chinese. With such a clue, there are only a handful of well-known female FPS experts in China. Of course, the first thing that makes people subconsciously think of is the Gun Goddess!

The one who knows about the FPS professional arena is that she knows this gun goddess. She wears a mask every time she goes on stage. She never has to show her true face. Of course, fans support her mysterious practice, and she wears it. The mask was also sold off by the manufacturer. Each game will launch a commemorative mask for fans to buy. Many FPS players will also wear masks for commentary or dubbing when they imitate the empress’s live game screen.

However, this approach also encountered attacks from the opposition parties. First of all, this non-existent approach was ridiculed by some face-controlled players that they were too scary, and they were afraid that their fans would instantly become zero. Fans of other female professional players even attacked her, saying that she was a transvestite who disguised herself as a woman, personality disorder, etc. Some players even doubted her identity and said that she was a group of people playing on behalf of her. After all, the female emperor never sleeps. Also widely circulated.

Soon, after the inexplicable coincidence of mask shaman accustomed to wearing masks and the clues of female professional FPS players in China, countless people have very confidently guessed Yang Mimi's identity in the FPS world, and some fans have already exclaimed. Screaming, swiping the screen one after another and shouting: "Emperor, Empress... Empress!"

At the same time, the female emperor’s personal homepage was directly paralyzed. After all, some people know that the female emperor is playing Sky Dungeon, but they are not optimistic about the female emperor. After all, FPS and MMO are very different, and even the most powerful gods also get MMO. Become Xiaobai and be trampled on.

However, at this moment, the Empress’s personal homepage has flooded with a large number of fans, undoubtedly questioning whether the Empress’s ID in the game is [Sister who does not eat mice]!

It’s no wonder that although Yang Mimi’s profile says that she is playing Sky Dungeon, and even has a video upload, she did not show off as she did before, showing off her abusers. You must know the early dormancy. It is necessary. She mostly posted live saliva broadcasts on some world channels. There is no player's own role in the screenshots of the game, and she did not participate in the saliva war on the world channel, so everyone called for her to verify her.

Soon, Yang Mimi spoke. Although there is only one picture, it still explains everything. The content of the picture is nothing else. It is the screenshot that her brother once sent to herself. Of course it is very distressed that she cannot see herself in the first person. It is suitable to publish the attribute map, so as not to cause blind plagiarism, after all, I have added points randomly.

With the cheers of fans, the World Channel was once again maxed out! However, some doubtful voices began to float down the sky. Some people naturally questioned the setting of Tengyi: such an excellent MMO game was invaded by FPS professional players. The game advertised that it does not look at the hand speed operation, but it depends on the individual. Consciousness, is it just empty talk?

It can be seen that it is very common in reality to say that you cannot eat grapes.

There is no need to wait for the person to stand up. The fans have already spoken: "There is a kind of FPS you It is not based on operation at all. The female emperor itself is a stream of consciousness. What is her operating speed in the FPS professional circle? Almost all of them are at the bottom. It's a game like Sky Dungeon that doesn't look at the hand speed! There is a way to let the world number one come to compete with the female emperor, just relying on hand speed is nothing!"

Attack the shield of the son with the spear of the son! Fans cleverly used each other's arguments to capture each other's topic. In fact, when those who do nothing to make trouble say such things, they are also disturbed. They have fully understood the charm of consciousness games after playing these days. They definitely cannot win by hand speed. Of course, sometimes they have to rely on it. The speed of speech, if set cleverly, the impact is minimal. Compared with other games, the operation is much simpler. According to the official disclosure of Tenyi, the game will also strive to achieve a more convenient game experience later in the game, and may even get rid of it completely. The shackles of traditional game controllers. People are still looking forward to the future of this game, so when they say those things, they are just deceiving themselves.

However, the fans of the Empress are so loud that people who worship the No. 1 **** in the FPS world can no longer sit still, let alone the number one in the world. The number of professional players in China is also several times more than the fans of the Empress. Soon these fans They have been blown up, and even fans have suggested that FPS professional players should be invited to the game, to compete with the female emperor, and create new gameplay through FPS gameplay, so that FPS fans can actively follow. Sky Dungeon

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