Sky Dungeon

Chapter 334: cheat

What are American domineering thinking? In the beginning, people attacked the Alliance players everywhere, but why did things hide their minds? Reinforcements? That's right! Zhao Jiaxue is really wrong this time, but the reinforcements are not from the alliance, but from the demons! But why didn't you see players discussing it in the world? Presumably there are not many enemies. That's right, if you attack a small guild of 8 people, if you have to mobilize hundreds of demons, then the moon-destroying forces will not get mixed up!

"Uh... that's the case, I know what they are waiting for! We can't let their conspiracy succeed. It seems that there is no way to lure the enemy to wipe them out, but we can control how many people can control how many people, just keep them. Live, they don't even want to walk out of the guild gate alive!"

It seems that the Demon invasion seems to be inconsistent with what you planned. If you follow your previous design, the Demon Reinforcement Army is a joke. Don’t be afraid of 10,000, but just in case, if the plan is tampered with, or it is a BUG, ​​then you will miss it Hate forever, definitely can't help but guard.

Jing Tian’s speech speed suddenly increased, and at the same time, he even called up the guild interface and issued a certain order. In the next instant, dozens of figures swarmed out of a building in the guild’s residence, and the Mozu players suddenly did this. There was a commotion, and no one thought that the Cloud Riding Guild could find so many ambushes here, but their eyes became straight in the next moment, because the top of these people's heads was marked with sunglasses and clouds!

When did Cloud Riding Guild have so many players? All players above level 30 in the league are in the Cloud Riding Guild, where did these dozens of people come out? Even at this time, some people have hurriedly started to look through the ranking list, but they suddenly discovered that there are no such characters in the ranking list. Are these people all villagers? This is simply cheating. So many villager professions have been created, and the upgrade speed is like flying by plane. Can this game be played?

However, before the Mozu players can think clearly about this issue, these dozens of people and Sitjing Guantian have already rushed up. At this moment, the solar eclipse effect was activated, and everyone's VR screen went black, as if the brightly lit closed room was broken. With electricity, it is natural to sit and watch the sky to launch the [halberd method · Yibatian]!

At this time, the overbearing heart was like the effect of the solar eclipse, and there was a dead silence. He only hated himself or underestimated the Riding Clouds and Falling Snow Guild. He didn't expect that the Demon Invasion would have this kind of cheating method!

The other people in the Cloud Riding Guild were well prepared under Jing Tian’s indication. Although the screen became completely dark, the skill commands and attacks could be carried out as usual. Everyone’s group attack magic was hit at this moment, and the next moment When the Demon players woke up, most of them were hit by Jingtian's attacks. The dozens of ambush soldiers swarmed up, sitting on the well and watching the sky quietly and then retreated. After a while, the Demon people were completely desperate. , They pessimistically discovered where these dozens of ambushes were real players, they were definitely NPCs from the Cloud Riding Guild who didn’t know where they came from. Their level was obviously higher by about 5 levels!

It is impossible for any player to be able to reach level 35 at this time, and these NPCs are not villagers, each of them is professional! Professional level 35 players are even less likely to escape the world ranking list. That list can't hide their nicknames, let alone abstain from being on the list.

Although these forty or fifty NPCs have AIs for free combat and cooperation, the AI ​​is always AI, and the attack methods set are not as sharp as those of real players. However, under the pressure of the level attribute, the demon players’ The battle front quickly collapsed, and Jing Tian and the others only relied on long-range attacks and NPCs to form a combined force to defeat them. The overbearing who found that the situation was not good had already ordered a retreat, but how could Jing Tian let them go? Even the NPC seemed to have taken stimulants, and they were not afraid of life and death against the demons players. Of course, only Jing Tian knew about the NPCs. Why are they so hard? These guard NPCs hired from the guild hotel are charged for killing the enemy's head. Of course, if they die in battle, they also charge funeral expenses. Therefore, this group of NPCs has no concept of retreat after Jingtian issued an attack order. They are just like A group of wolves, tigers and leopards directly tore the Demon players to pieces.

But this way, it must be bleeding tonight!

Of course, Demon players won’t be able to catch them with their hands. Domineering, seeing that it’s impossible to retreat all over, immediately ordered a change of formation and started fighting with the mercenary NPC. However, under the suppression of these NPC level attributes, the Demon’s counterattack seemed quite unbearable. For the purpose, their pastors are already busy to resume their careers. In contrast, the plastic surgeon on the side of Qiyun just leisurely dropped the group therapy into the NPC pile to recover, watching the demon players hate their teeth.

I just hate myself for killing my level 30 equipment without changing it. Now the actual strength of a level 25 equipment and a level 35 NPC is nearly 10 levels!

Soon, the players of the Demon Race had fallen down. The relative NPC mercenaries were only a few dead, and only a few of the Demon Race remained standing still. This is also because the more people who fell, the more they were treated. The fewer people there are, the higher the accuracy and quality of the treatment. But how could Jing Tian make this battle a protracted battle? Without saying a word, he dropped the word "kill" and rushed up with Jing Tian. , Everyone followed, and the next moment they met with each other, Jing Tian directly chose the target to be overbearing, as the saying goes!


Yi Ji Tian Jiang hit the domineering from top to bottom, but to Jing Tian’s surprise, this guy seemed to like head-to-head, but at the critical moment he chose to avoid and avoided the blow. .

But Jing Tian didn’t care, because at this time there were two mercenary NPCs beside Domination. The swords in their hands had already been cut on the domineering body. The race chosen by Domination was the Demon King. This kind of tall and burly figure, matched The black air condensed into the flesh, even if the sword was cut on it, it was like the air of a machete, but it would still cause him harm.

"Broken tendons"

Sit Jing Guan Tian did not hesitate to hand out the Fang Tian Ji in his hand, and swept it heavily on the domineering thighs, and the effect of holding the body took advantage of the trend. After sitting in Jing Guan Tian, ​​he wanted to hide behind the domineering, but at this moment, sitting in Jing Guan Tian was surprised. Realizing that he couldn't move, and seeing that the demon king's domineering turned out to take the opportunity to quickly retreat, obviously he was going to escape!

Jing Tian slapped his head in his heart: This guy turned out to be a general professional too! I was negligent, but the domineering at this time was quite embarrassing, because the other person had pointed the gun at him. Yes, it was the sister who didn’t eat mice. The feeling of headshot made the domineering miserable. Although there was no action to interrupt, his head seemed to be hitting the opponent with a bullet, and his bloodline was quite astonishing. When he saw his medical team, his heart was cold, and his feelings were suppressed by the Riding Cloud Guild. Ling Chi is being hired by NPC. Sky Dungeon

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