Sky Dungeon

Chapter 335: Anti-U.S. Aid to China

That's right, it was Ling Chi, the mercenary NPCs were slashing them with a single knife, and the others were already dead, but at this moment, the situation suddenly changed, and a large number of players suddenly poured into the door!

Looking domineeringly, I was happy. Yes, these are the demons he organized. Although he underestimated the Guild of Riding Clouds before, he had already considered that if there is any special trouble that leads to a deadlock, he must It needs reinforcements. Therefore, he has quietly arranged for nearly a hundred people to take up daily tasks and send them to the leveling areas of the alliance. If they find that it is a dungeon, they will directly think of a way to commit suicide and send them, and then gather together quietly, lurking outside the resident of the cloud riding guild. , But because some people were continuously teleported to the dungeon, only about 70 or 80 people gathered.

However, these more than seventy people can be regarded as life-saving straws, the overbearing has stopped at this time to escape, and the gathered players of the Ruiyue reserve players directly brushed his blood line. He regrets now that he did not order these seventy or eighty people to join the Cloud Riding Guild. If it weren’t for the idiot of Zappibel who had been arguing next to him at the time, there would be only eight people who said anything. If we don’t dare to get in during the live broadcast, then this battle. It was the victory of the Riding Cloud Guild, which made people upset.

In addition, considering that there might be the possibility of alliance players breaking their retreat, the overbearing arrangement arranged the seventy or eighty people to continue to lurch and prepare to respond.

The overbearing was also taking into consideration the words of Zappibel, and only then fell into the cloud-riding guild, and then damaged so many brothers. At this time, the overbearing had already put Zappibel into the cold palace, and he never planned to reuse this person.

There is always someone to bear the responsibility for failure, even if it is the power leader who should bear the most responsibility, the power leader can only give the responsibility to others to bear the burden. This is also true in reality. Many things are clearly the responsibility of Shangfeng, but you are required to bear the blame for failure.

At this time, Jing Tian was also in a cold sweat, and the plan was indeed tampered with. Can he play happily after such a change? If Ruiyue really gathered so many players to kill together, they would really be overthrown. However, his operation did not stop at all, his hands rose and fell, and the last priest Shennong in the 50-member group fell.

"It seems that the wind direction has changed." Domineering said directly on the public channel. Although he lost so many brothers by missteps, as long as he wins the resident of the Riding Cloud Guild, the winner is king. After all, he will not lose. History will still stand. On my side.

The situation is indeed a bit complicated at this time. The number of NPCs hired has already been reduced. Judging from the number of people, the Guild of Ruined Moon clearly has an advantage. And NPCs are NPCs after all. Without the assistance of people, the AI ​​of these NPCs is just like a group of small monster bosses. Now Jing Tian and their skills are basically empty, even if they have skills, they don’t have effective control of the field. Ability, and all the opponent's players are full of skills. Now that they collide, it is natural that the Cloud Riding Guild is quite passive.

" seems to be losing money this time. Sure enough, their previous actions were arranged. They didn't attack us at the beginning. They were numb and fatigued, and they were also gathering the Demon players to win time, after all. The map is so big, and they are not familiar with the situation on the alliance side. They have to run all the way, and there is no transportation. It must have taken a long time to gather so many people." Jing Tian said lightly.

"Oh? It seems that the officials had expected it?" Liu Yaya heard some clues from Jing Tian's voice. Jing Tian's way of speaking is not like a shaken leader, but a general who is in control. And the loss of money in his mouth shows that Jing Tian still has a way to spend money to eliminate disasters.

"That is, our frog has seen through everything a long time ago, and we are prepared for this. This time we will definitely let them come back and forth." Zhao Jiaxue said excitedly. She and Yun Yiyi naturally knew it, because Jingtian gave it to Jingtian half an hour ago. The other person sent a few voice messages to communicate, and the other party readily agreed, and now Jing Tian has sent a voice message to the other party to confirm the other party's action melee, presumably the other party is not far from the guild station.

" could it have been foreseen long ago, it's just that I have been holding a cloud of mist in my heart and I can't solve it, just in case I made this bad plan, you must know that asking God is easy to send God, this time it will be bleeding. "Jing Tian admired Zhao Jiaxue's jumping thinking, he really didn't understand why this woman thought he had seen everything long ago? If you see through it, at least you have to consider the possibility that more than one hundred people from the other side will enter the guild together. How can these more than forty NPCs and eight of them adopt a sticking strategy?

"Kill! Don't give them a chance to surrender!"

The overbearing side didn't plan to negotiate at all, he naturally understood the importance of time. If he restores the opponent's skills, he might end up in a hard fight on his side, and the hired NPC on the cloud side will not compromise at all.

The demons launched a general attack on the cloud riders. Although these hired NPCs have few skills but have a short cooling time, they are very similar to the settings of the monsters. Therefore, they collide like this. Although the cloud riding guild is relatively weak, they are not fast. After being dissipated, and there were medical soldiers among the hired NPCs, and the recovery of the plastic surgeon and the generals who did not eat mice, they even fought against the demon players for a while.

However,’s skills are ultimately small but not sturdy. They can only rely on their level to support the beating. The domineering seems to have seen the glory of victory, with a bright smile on his face. It seems that Riding Cloud Guild is just a dying bug in the mouth of the eagle.

It was also at this time that someone outside the door shouted: "Anti-U.S. aid to China!"

The next second is a call to a hundred responses, and the slogan is uniformly loud: "Resist US and aid China!"

A group of Alliance players who are lower than the demons, but are not afraid of life and death, rushed in. The leader is the North Korean player [Yin Zhengjin], he is the commander-in-chief of the Korean Game Army, and I don’t know if he is in the game. How much foreign exchange has been obtained, this guy's army has expanded to as many as 100 people!

At this time, even Jing Tian was a bit speechless. Seeing the slogans of the Korean army players that popped up on the screen, he was a little bit dumbfounded. This is just a small transaction in the game. How can he contact the Anti-US Aid China? Together? Isn't this discrediting the story of the older generations resisting US aggression and aid Korea? It seems that these North Korean soldiers are struggling with the fight against US aid to North Korea, and they seem to hope that China will be trampled on by American soldiers one day, instead of rushing over to act as a justice force. It's really revenge! Sky Dungeon

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