Sky Dungeon

Chapter 336: Aphrodite

Jing Tian began to regret cooperating with this group of fanatics, and for some reason, he carried the scapegoat of traitorous and prosperous. But at this time there is no choice at all. Even if Jing Tian blasts them, they will continue to circle around like a fly to **** this big cake.

Hey... They just want to say whatever they want. They just want to play the game well. The world is too complicated. He just said that he would give them a chance to attack the American emperor, and he promised to give the other party a guild resident. One month’s rent, I didn’t expect that the other party would let myself be exempted from half a year’s rent. During this period, I could cooperate indefinitely against the American imperialist forces. I didn’t expect this guy to still regard himself as a representative of China. North Korea’s headline tomorrow will not be Sky Dungeon staged a war against US aid China, right?

In this case, the name of the sinner of the ages will fall on him, and I never expected that the Korean Game Army would not want BFACE!

There were no twists and turns at all in this battle, and the ending naturally didn’t need to be said. Although the hundreds of Korean players were low-level, their combat quality was quite high. The demon player never escaped under the two sides. One pot was wiped out. Of course, it is not ruled out that stalkers take the opportunity to slip away, but this is not important anymore.

Hearing the deafening cheers on the public channel, Jing Tianzhen wondered a little bit that these Korean army fanatics would not really regard this as a real battle, right? It doesn’t matter if it is a real battle. Don’t think that the U.S. emperor is so fragile in reality. If you say that you destroy the regiment, you will destroy the regiment. Don’t let some war come one day. When asked where the courage comes from, the highest leader of North Korea is the result. Here is a sentence: Sky Dungeon. Isn't this game supposed to be the fuse of the Third World War? That will definitely be ordered to shut down!

Jing Tian learned later that the commander-in-chief of the North Korean Game Army, Kim Jong-eun, was directly instructed by the top leader of North Korea to manually attack the enemy at all costs in the game and win a historic victory. It can be described as a battle against the North Korean soldiers in the game. After the military order was issued, it is no wonder that this group of soldiers were so happy after winning the game. Knowing this, Jing Tian still regretted that he had rashly agreed to the other party's conditions. The six months of rent-free guild residence also lost a small amount of income. Even if he insisted on exemption for only one month, presumably Jin Zhengyin would agree to it. However, these are all things to do, and we will not mention them for the time being.

"Uh...Looking at you so happy, by the way, I have chosen the guild residence. You can choose one of the eight areas that have already been designated, and you will lease it to you when the guild is established in the future." Jing Tian voiced it to Yin Zhengjin, he Don't want the eardrum to be damaged by them.

As a result, Kim Jong-eun took the mighty army players as if reaping the fruits of victory and began to visit the planning and layout of the guild station in this circle. Jing Tian and the others continued to stay in the guild. After all, there is still the end of the demon invasion and defense war. For ten minutes, if they are slack now, and maybe another wave of demons players make trouble, they will lose Jingzhou carelessly.

Jing Tian was overwhelmed. The Demon players were sent back to the Demon Realm at this time. They were basically ashamed and demoralized. Especially the domineering in the live broadcast, they became angry and cursed, but the instigator of the **** Paibel is now He was not in the Demon Realm, he became invisible at the moment when the Cloud Riding Guild appeared in ambush, and instigated a few friends who often played stealth assassinations together to hide in the Cloud Riding Guild. He was waiting for the opportunity at this moment. , Once given the opportunity, he will immediately show his fangs.

"The group of people just now was Korean?" Jin Chengwu was naturally a little bit brooding about this matter.

"Oh? Why don't you like it? Why is it too anxious to be fried at the same root." Liu Yaya asked for Jing Tian.

"Of course not, we are indeed a family in history, but they may not like me, after all, I am a cosmetic surgeon." Jin Chengwu said frankly.

This has nothing to do with you being a cosmetic surgeon. The relationship between countries is different, the history is different, and the education is different, which leads to different opinions among citizens, especially attitudes toward foreigners. Especially the nationals of the two countries who have experienced wars in history have a bit of malice in their views on each other.

"I'm doing it! Don't worry, they won't enter our guild. Our guild is only twenty-five people. It is impossible to let those guys in to brainwash us." Luo Xia seemed to see Jin Chengwu's doubts. , After all, he is a gangster, he understands this kind of gang psychology best.

"That's good, I don't want to be shrouded in hostile eyes all the time. Different beliefs are difficult to understand each other. Our plastic surgeon believes in the beautiful **** Aphrodite." Jin Chengwu said in an ambiguous tone.

Aphrodite? It does symbolize love and beauty, but it also symbolizes the most primitive desire of mankind, yes, it is the unsuitable desire of children. Pooh, what does this have to do with North Koreans? Most people have different beliefs from yours...

"Uh... So you are afraid of this. They are just mercenaries. As long as they are willing to pay, they will do everything. As long as they are not allowed to do doglegs for the U.S. Empire, they will gladly accept it. They are almost professional now. Merchant specializes in killing the BOSS in the wild world and selling materials, and the sales volume is still good, but they are a bit low." Jing Tian said lightly, suddenly he seemed to think of something and added: "A few shareholders, I I made a verbal agreement with Yinzhengjin without your consent to lease a guild site for them for half a year, during which they will cooperate with us in defense. I still have to be abrupt on the surface of this matter, after all, everyone is together. I rented out the premises I bought for free, so I am ashamed of everyone."

"It's nothing, do whatever you want. We are shareholders, and you are the CEO. There is no need to report this matter to us." Yang Miaomiao jumped again. I don't know when he transformed his identity into For shareholders who don't care about anything, this clearly shows that you only need to pay dividends. If there is no dividend at the end of the year, believe it or not the aliens have copied you!

Yun Yiyi, Zhao Jiaxue, and Luo Xia are all buddies and naturally don’t say anything. The King of Sword Cavalry doesn’t care about the money. She gracefully said: “It doesn’t matter, you just decide if you want. Your wish is my wish. My sword fights for you."

The second disease in this cargo has committed again! Jing Tian shook his head in his heart. Even if everyone doesn't blame anything, he still has to admit his own faults. It is one thing to pay attention to or not, but if he decides arbitrarily and regards himself as a superior king, it would be a big mistake. Sky Dungeon

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