Sky Dungeon

Chapter 417: It's better to give a knife to the enemy

Jing Tian knew what he had to say at this time, so he swallowed and said: "It is really thanks to the wrong love of the guild leaders. I am the president who rides the clouds and falls to watch the sky. I am here to promise if I do this alliance. Leader, the guild development staff will never exceed 50 people, and will never set up a branch guild! If it exceeds this number, I will retire automatically, and the position of the leader will naturally be taken by other virtuous people."

That's right, Jing Tian said 50 people, not 25. Who said he must only develop 25 people? Couldn't there be some non-staff personnel, such as a few named sponsors, otherwise the guild will have to spend so much in the future, should it be carried by oneself? Besides, if a household with a relationship like Nanlingxi comes to the door, if it really can't refuse, just pull it into the guild and stock it.

But is there a difference between 50 and 25 in the eyes of the president? Tens of thousands of new players log in to the game every day in various countries. In the future, the number of players in the number one guild in each country may reach hundreds of thousands. A country with a large population may be able to establish millions of empire-level guilds. Compared with these, 50 people are almost negligible!

Everyone was full of commotion after listening. Everyone was thinking about what Jing Tian said. Most of the guild leaders are smart people and naturally understand what Jing Tian said. As long as he is the so-called leader, he will never borrow Opportunity to develop the guild, expand the membership of the guild, even if a 50-person guild becomes the leader, it is not dangerous to the status of any guild. But if other guild presidents are allowed to become the leader, then no one can guarantee that this person will use this east wind to expand violently and go straight to the top of the family.

"Chairman Qiyun is really courageous!" After thinking about it for a while, the soul of the blue wolf opened his mouth and pulled everyone's gaze back. His voice was full of resentment. After a two-second pause, he continued to say: "Since the ride The size of the Cloud Guild is limited to 50 people, so what do you use to ensure the safety of the alliance?"

The issue of the soul of the blue wolf is indeed a key issue. If the leader does not have absolute deterrence and has no strategy, how to convince the crowd and how to ensure the safety of the alliance?

"The guild leader of the insecure Blue Wolf has bothered. If you form an alliance, you will naturally mobilize the manpower according to the enemy situation of each guild. We will strive to annihilate the demons in the guilds with twice the number of demons. The periphery." Jing Tian said lightly.

"Haha, there are twice as many Alliance players as the Demon Race. Wouldn't it mean that twice as much manpower as the Demon Race will be wasted every time. How can the Alliance continue to develop in the long run? Wouldn't it be consumed by the Demon Race?" It's plausible.

"Yeah, twice the population, even if you win, you will be laughed at by the demons, right?" There was a chatter from the chairman below.

"Indeed, 50 people are not nuclear weapons."

"President Green Wolf feels that with the average strength of the players in the Perfect Alliance, which guild can be confident that they can defeat the guilds of the demons with the same number of people? Most of the demons guild players are krypton gold players, and the advantages of krypton gold players That is, the acquisition of resources is more effective, and alliance players need long-term accumulation." Jing Tian explained lightly.

There is another silence. Although the equipment of each guild leader is relatively good, they clearly know the situation of their players, and it is a recognized fact that the combat effectiveness is indeed not as good as that of the demons. After all, many players in the league play games to make money. They will sell valuable things instead of using them. This is also one of the important reasons leading to the poor average strength of league players.

"Even if our average strength is not as good as that of the demons, if we call other guilds to assist in the defense every time, who will assist and how can we achieve equal pay?" The Soul of the Azure Wolf raised a sharp question, as the so-called artificial If there is no sound mechanism, no one is willing to do thankless things.

"Of course, it is impossible to make the guilds in the alliance suffer. We adopt a paid mobilization mechanism. According to the scale of the demonic invasion, the invaded guild needs to pay a corresponding amount of assistance to the alliance leader. The leader sends a rescue bid to each guild leader to collect money. The lesser party sent troops to help. After the defense was successful, the leader paid the bidding price to the aid guild, and the excess was returned to the guild for help." Jing Tian has a clear mind.

Everyone was stunned when they heard it. They still need to bid for help, and there are commissions to get. This is a good method, but it is a pity that the money cannot be sent to the members of the guild, and it cannot inspire the guild members to fight blood.

After all, people are floating in the arena. Who wouldn't suffer a knife? It is better to give an ally a knife than a knife. An ally won't be able to do a single knife or two at least, just a little knife! Today you go to help others, and tomorrow it will be your turn to ask for help. The money is actually falling. However, if you can help out again and again, taking all the commissions is a good income. After all, the number of times you are declared war is limited. However, with so many guilds in the alliance, as long as the number of aids is greater than the number of rescues, it is trade. There is a surplus.

The enthusiasm of the guild presidents was subtly mobilized, especially those strong guilds ~ Even the Soul of the Blue Wolf was shaken at a certain moment, but it was only that moment. After all, he is not short of money, nor does he want money.

"In this case, if the Demon Race player attacks you Riding Cloud Guild, will the President of Riding Cloud also pay?" The Soul of the Blue Wolf seems to be very good at catching loopholes.

"Since the Riding Cloud Guild does not develop the guild because of our alliance, it should naturally be supported by all our guilds. How can we still talk about money? If we want to talk about money, do we have to pay the alliance dues?" Ren Yingying mocked. The tone said, it seems that the position of the leader has fallen into Jing Tian's pocket, and the soul of the green wolf is black.

"In that case, we have to help protect the leader’s guild for free. I’m afraid to see what it means to sit on you again. If I become the leader of the alliance, I can pay for help normally, and I will never take advantage of sitting on you. As the leader, I can also raise some sponsorship fees. You must know that Huaxia's companies are very generous in advertising fees. As long as the guild develops well, it can make a profit by changing its name in the future and requiring a name change fee. "The Soul of the Blue Wolf is also considered to have released a blockbuster, and even has the momentum to directly adopt the suggestions put forward by Zuijing Guantian.

Although President Qiyun is the leader of the alliance, it is beneficial to the balanced development of the alliance and avoiding a dominance, but now the Blue Wolf Guild is already dominance. In comparison, the Soul of the Blue Wolf may not have effective means to resist the invasion, but it seems to be a very means in terms of sponsorship. If the Soul of the Blue Wolf becomes the leader, perhaps everyone can make a fortune in the future. The form seems to be gradually not conducive to the side of Jingtian.

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