Sky Dungeon

Chapter 418: New game advertising industry

"President Green Wolf, do you think Tengyi is going to eat? Do you want to change the name of the guild to a famous brand? You can try it now. All well-known trademarks are not allowed to be used as game nicknames and guild names, and Originally, it was allowed to customize the team name on the dungeon score list, but later to prevent players from using it for commercial purposes or malicious use, it was cancelled and only the ranking was displayed. Even if you change the name of the guild into an ad word in the future, For example, which excavator is strong, I am afraid that GM will force the name of the guild to be obliterated after discovering it. Think about it, this is a world-class VR online game, with so many players in the world, if the game company does not care about advertising behavior In the future, there will be small advertisements everywhere. Even if Tengyi does not make a move, governments of various countries will intervene. Advertising in the game is also an advertisement, and it is also taxable. Once it involves advertising tax, then things become complicated. , You must know that putting an advertisement in the game means paying taxes all over the world. It is absolutely impossible for Tengyi to pay for the player’s stupid behavior, only to block it.” Jing Tian was a bit disdainful. In fact, Jing Tian had already dealt with this problem two years ago. He has carefully considered how he would ignore the factors that affect the game's popularity in the world.

"Chairman Qiyun, I said nothing, so let me try to change the name of the guild." The speaker turned out to be the curry rice, the president of the Indian Food Union guild. He should be on the side of the North Mianzuo. Naturally, the time to speak is to support the view of the sky, but the cunning is cunning. This person deliberately said it in a questioning tone. On the surface, it seems to be full of doubts and dissatisfaction. Not only does it not sin against people, but also arranges things for the North Mianzuo. It's done, it's somewhat old and cunning.

After a while, Curry Rice was surprised: "Chairman Qiyun, you are so amazing! You really can't use big brands. I didn't expect our Indian brand to become more and more famous in the world. It is really gratifying. , Feel proud and honored!"

Indian brand? Everyone is really curious about what brand name has been tried for curry rice, and what other well-known brands in India? Even if there is, everyone is not clear. Okay, where does the fame come from?

I am afraid that Tengyi has handed over the shielding thesaurus to the supervisory agencies or branches of each country to set it up. Maybe all the registered trademarks have been blocked. Don't even think about advertising the reality when you name it. . If it is not regulated, it is hard to say in other countries. China will definitely have a way of naming like the Chinese Super League football team: Guangzhou Evergrande, Shanghai Shenhua, Henan Jianye. Think about it if Inter Milan is changed to Platinum Milan, will they be scolded to death and all players will withdraw from the team?

Just take 10,000 steps and let everyone change to Star Huawei, Blue Wolf Samsung, Qiyun Xiaomi, etc. I really don’t know if the guild members can accept it?

In this way, sitting on the well and watching the sky turned out to be true, and the presidents were all talking about it again. If everything is true, then sitting on the well and watching the sky clearly understands the game better than everyone else. The ability to build the first guild by sitting on the well and watching the sky is probably also special. s reason. This is simply a great thing for the sky. The Soul of the Green Wolf was not stunned. He immediately arranged for his subordinates to try to change the name of the guild as well. After all, he was credible but curry rice, which was obviously deliberate.

Of course, some guild leaders also pay attention to the notion that hearing is false and seeing is believing, and they have tried to change the name of the guild, but without exception, they were rejected by the system, prompting sensitive advertising vocabulary.

The Soul of the Blue Wolf naturally received a report from the chairman of the sub-committee. His face changed again and again. He didn't expect that his naming policy would be directly denied by the system! Is there any card in my hand that I can play now? Is it necessary to hand over the position of the leader? I spent a lot of time and money to organize this meeting. Isn't this a wedding dress for others?

Ask the world, what is the pit? Directly teach people to stumble and jump! You have to climb out of the pits you dug in tears! After clenching his fists, the Soul of Green Wolf said: "Even if this method does not work, we can always use other methods to attract business investment, right? I have rich business resources. I don't know if President Qiyun has this aspect. Plan?"

Even though Jing Tian is only being swept out of the house in front of the business tycoon Grand Master Jing, what is it difficult to get some business investment if he is willing? You have to know that there is a business queen like Nanlingxi by your side, so you need as many resources as you want!

The point is that Sky Dungeon is a game designed by him. He will never allow such a world-class game to be tainted by heavy **** plaster ads, so he has blocked all unofficial businesses in the game from the beginning of the design. Advertising behavior, the game world is the game world. Although gold coins and real currencies can be converted to each other, the game must be distinguished from reality. We must not allow all kinds of business activities in reality to penetrate the game. This is Jingtian's philosophy.

In other words, Tengyi Company has actually taken the dominance of commercial advertising and commercial activities in its own hands, and has interspersed advertisements with interesting and non-rigidity in the game through special For example, World Travel Industry through the game map and scenery itself is a good form of advertising, there is no sense of violation. For another example, in the copy, certain life products can also be promoted, including the names of some materials to be created, which can be named as real brands, and can be seen differently in various countries, allowing each country and regional branch or agency to be free Launch investment activities.

Yes, the new game advertising industry is just one of the manifestations that games can promote economic development. Now Tengyi Company is actively launching investment activities in various countries, which has promoted local employment and promoted the birth of the game advertising industry!

But this is only in the game. Even if the company wants to intervene outside the game, it has no right to intervene. Jing Tian said indifferently: "Don't want to put any ads in the game, but I have some ways outside the game. If you trust me, I will fight for the greatest economic benefits for the guilds in the alliance in the future."

Outside the game? Everyone was interested. Obviously, the President of the Riding Cloud Guild held a magic weapon for making money, while the Soul of the Azure Wolf only issued a blank check, and no one knew whether he had the real ability to cash it.

"Chairman Qiyun, since you have the means, tell it so that everyone can judge whether it is feasible or not. The most important thing is to have enough theory to convince everyone." The soul of the green wolf is also a strategist, as long as you sit and watch the sky and tell the method, then He can do what he can do while sitting in a well and watching the sky, and the Soul of the Blue Wolf is confident that his financial resources are sufficient to perfect his plan to sublimate him, and he can win the first prize in one fell swoop.

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