Sky Dungeon

Chapter 436: Advanced programming instructions

However, this custom delay command has a very big flaw. The time it takes for the puppet to move to C198 after 10 seconds is consistent with the time for the monster to move to the C199 coordinate. If the player's prediction is wrong, the system will only It can give the guidance time for the puppet to move to the C198 coordinate, for example, 3 seconds, which means that the puppet will move to the C198 coordinate after 13 seconds. As a result, the target has not reached the attack range under the C199 coordinate, then the shock must be missed.

In other words, after 13 seconds, the spirit puppet has not moved to the C198 coordinate. The monster moved too fast, and the spirit puppet was intercepted half way. The monster's attack naturally hit the spirit puppet head-on, and the spirit puppet was acted upon. Interrupt, then it can only be stupidly beaten to death or moved to C198 with the damage, and then perform the shock blow as scheduled.

It’s not impossible to edit more complex commands, but considering the position of the puppet master, the game settings deliberately do not allow the puppet master to use more advanced programming commands, but this does not mean that all professions cannot use advanced programming commands, such as heroic spirits. Summoners, spirit beast summoners and demon summoners have advanced command skills in the later stage. After using the skills, they can enter the interface of advanced programming instructions. You can customize the position and skills of heroes or spirit beasts, and you can set them Conditions, such as "when the blood value is less than 20%, use the substitute technique, and use the earth escape technique to move towards yourself after the substitute".

The advanced programming instructions are obviously thousands of times stronger than the custom delay instructions of the puppets. If the puppet masters can use advanced programming instructions, then the puppet masters will become the dominant profession of the game. Go out and keep up. Hundreds of puppets, the advanced instructions only need to write one "When not fighting, follow yourself", and then cope with various combat situations. There are hundreds of robots that can fight automatically. Who else can In the first battle, if the monster is wise, it will hide if it meets it.

Of course, the Summoner's advanced programming instructions are also flawed, that is, the order of using the skills of the summoned creatures cannot be intervened through instructions.

Spirit beasts, heroic spirits, and demons have their own personalities and fighting styles. Even if spirit beasts and heroic spirits can fight around them with a corresponding summoner, they can play matching skills according to the setting, but they are not 100% controlled by the summoner. Let the battle be full of surprises.

This is like a group of fierce horses and docile dogs. Summoners and puppet masters are two extreme existences.

In fact, Jing Tian designed this advanced programming instruction because there are more and more engineers writing codes. In order to let the special group of technicians find their own fun gameplay in the game, they deliberately set this way. Of course, this is also to let Technicians can fall in love with Sky Dungeon and try to absorb these technicians into game development. This is a trap for digging technical talents. I don't know if Tengyi plans to do so now.

However, in addition to using custom delay commands, the puppets can still use real-time commands, even if they change Jingtian, they will also use real-time commands. After all, real-time commands can lock the target and use skills, only the player character needs to lock first. Target, and then give instructions. For example, Nangong Lingxi locks a magic tooth dog, and then gives the instruction: "Xiao Bai, shock the ground."

Then, the puppet named Xiaobai will run towards the magic tooth dog, and after reaching the skill attack range, Xiaobai will perform a shock blow.

Instant instructions can use target locking, which eliminates cumbersome instructions for displacement and orientation, and there is no problem of delaying instructions that require predicting target behavior.

But what if someone can really predict the opponent's behavior? For example, is that person Nanlingxi?

Thinking of this, Jing Tian suddenly shook his head in his heart. He believed that Nan Lingxi might be able to fight monsters and upgrades by delaying the command, and maybe even let her play with the four puppets. After all, monsters are always monsters and the product of programs. There are certain rules to follow, but in PVP, human volatility, can you predict?

Not to mention how difficult it is to estimate the behavior of a profession. You must know that there are 42 professions in Sky Dungeon. Each profession has its own routines for each player. You must estimate the combat methods of all professions. , That is the Arabian Nights!

As long as you can predict the enemy's actions in the next second and what the next skill will use based on your situation and what you have seen and heard, that is enough to be considered a master.

How can it be possible to predict a sequence of actions of the target, unless it is a roundworm in the stomach of the target.

Besides, during PVP, the enemy will stand still in a certain place and wait for Nanlingxi to set a half-day delay command before going to war?

Unless Nan Lingxi sets up the trap in advance and waits for the target to enter the trap as scheduled!

Jing Tian suddenly realized that he still had some expectations for Nan Lingxi, but Jing Tian didn't like her. After all, could Nan Lingxi really use this delayed command to spawn monsters and upgrades leisurely on the 5th floor of the dungeon where PVP is about to happen?

Obviously, it is impossible!

Therefore, Jing Tian said lightly: "You do have a talent for playing puppet masters, but if you enter the 5th floor of the dungeon, then you need to always keep a warrior puppet in real-time command mode to deal with the demons at any time. If the player’s sneak attacks are all delayed commands, you will not be able to resist the demons’ attacks and you will be killed."

"Ah? Isn't that the profiteer who wants to control 5 puppets at the same time? But it's not difficult. I will be proficient as soon as possible. Thank you, Brother Jing, for your reminder." Nan Lingxi Xiaoniaoyi said humanely.

5 puppets?

Don’t know how you understand it, can’t you let one of the four protect you?

Happy to be content!

"Uh... if you can control 5 puppets, please control Once you reach level 30, you can join our guild. The guild is not going to recruit too many players. If you can upgrade to 30 by yourself Level, then 25 seats are reserved for you." Jing Tian said embarrassedly.

He was still whispering in his heart: I just want you to divide a puppet to protect yourself. You woman treat yourself as a CPU processor, and is it the super multi-core type?

It’s not difficult to control 5 puppets. How can players who control two puppets cry and cry?

You must know that Yang Mimi is a world-class figure in FPS. She played the mask Sa well, and no one was not convinced.

However, if you want to let the puppet masters know that a person who has never played a game controls 5 puppets at the same time, and said that it is not difficult to operate, I am afraid that you will really have to find Nan Lingxi with a kitchen knife.

After bidding farewell to Nanlingxi, Jing Tian headed straight for the smelting hall. Now all players who have reached level 32 in the Cloud Riding Guild are resting in the smelting hall, and they are waiting to go to the 32nd instance to open up wasteland with him. Sky Dungeon

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