Sky Dungeon

Chapter 437: Lilian plays with butterflies and dances from time to time.

Involuntarily, Jing Tian took a group of people to the entrance of the 32nd dungeon. The entrance of this 32nd dungeon is quite hidden. It is located in a deep mountain in the territory of the human race. Although most people have not opened the nearby city map, the sword rides it. Except for Wang, she is a Bai nationality, her birthplace is in the territories of the human race, and she has opened the main cities of the human race.

As a result, the King of Sword Cavalry took a leisurely flight to the human city [Victory City], the nearest human city of the 32nd dungeon, on the Dapeng, and the others could only start running with their own legs.

Needless to say, after Yu Yan arrived, she left a sentence: "Contact me", she found a personal task casually, and did it leisurely.

The rest of the people were wading through the water, encountering the harassment of monsters, and finally arrived in the city of victory an hour later.

The City of Victory is also one of the important cities of the Terran. When arriving in each city, the system will show a magnificent city video. From a bird’s eye view, the panoramic view of the City of Victory is clear, and the video does not forget to introduce the city. Famous attractions, these attractions definitely correspond to the real world, such as the Arc de Triomphe, Louvre, Sacred Heart Cathedral, etc. that people see at the moment, these city attractions are cleverly blended by the designers of Tenyi In the City of Victory, letting them become full of magical charm and characteristics, and appearing vividly in the game world, is also a big deal.

In fact, the primary purpose of everyone arriving in the City of Victory is naturally to open the map here, so that they can come back and forth in the future. However, they were attracted by the beautiful scenery here and were reluctant to skip the game video. Although everyone is rushing to upgrade, they have not arrived. At that maddening level, there is still time to enjoy the fun conveyed by the game itself.

After meeting with the king of swordsman, the group drove to the destination: [Linlilar Peak], this mountain is relatively remote, and generally no player would choose to level up on that mountain, after all, there is no setting there. If there are monsters in the leveling area, most of them are generated by the task. Even if you kill the monsters generated by other people's tasks, you can't gain much experience.

There is only a cave covered with snow all the year round on the mountain, and the cave is also empty, without any gold and silver treasures. Many players will be disappointed when they arrive here, and don't understand what this cave is for.

This is a special setting of the game. Only players who meet the level can trigger the NPC to appear.

Sitting on the well and watching the sky took the lead and stepped into the cave of Linlilar Peak. The cave is not deep. It is not like a place dug out by hand to bury the treasure. It is more like a nest dug out by some lazy monster. Why do you say that, because this cave is really It was too shallow, and the eight people walked to the bottom of the hole in a few seconds. At this moment, the cave suddenly trembled, and rubble fell from the top of his head, but no NPC appeared after a while.

"Huh...what about the NPC?" Yang Mimi asked in confusion.

"Stupid sister, whoever says to enter the dungeon must have a guardian, maybe we have entered the dungeon!

Yang Miaomiao is not an alien, and his thoughts are jumping enough, and he actually got a small part of his guess right!

Everyone looked around, but did not find anything. Jing Tian thought about it: Level 32 dungeon is indeed not an ordinary dungeon, and there is indeed no guardian, but there should be a remnant soul of a divine beast. The 32 level copy is also through the remnant of this divine beast. Only the soul can enter, definitely unlike Yang Miaomiao said, just take a few steps and enter the instance.

But where is the remnant soul of that beast?

This cave is only such a big place...Wait, I remember this beast Yun Yiyi designed a butterfly dragon, a dragon...

Thinking of this, Jing Tian looked up, and there was a regular mural on the top of the cave!

Jing Tian managed to sit and watch the sky and walked directly under the mural, and then tried to press the dialogue button. Sure enough, a dialogue popped up. The mural above his head suddenly became clear, and a lifelike butterfly dragon appeared on everyone’s VR screens. The shape of the butterfly dragon is very special, with the huge body of the dragon and the butterfly wings that do not know how many times it has been enlarged, it flies freely among the mountains.

Especially the pair of butterfly wings, there seemed to be shining magical powder on them, and these magical powders drifted down all the way, making the whole world colorful.

The other seven people naturally watched them curiously, and after everyone gathered around, the butterfly dragon in the mural actually moved!

"Oh my God, playing games is too long, my super big eyes are spent, how do you see the butterfly dragon in the mural just moved." Zhao Jiaxue blinked after finishing her words, seeming to treat blinking as a health exercise .

"I'm doing it! It's not hell, why did I see the butterfly dragon move?" Luo Xia said gruffly.

After Luo Xia finished speaking, the butterfly dragon in the mural seemed to be alive, and he kept inciting his giant butterfly wings in the mural, and the magical powder kept spreading from its wings, rendering the whole mural beautifully Beautifully round.

Everyone was watching curiously, as if they had forgotten the purpose of this trip.

This situation can be described as: lingering and dancing with butterflies, just swimming freely in the painting.

Of course, it is possible for anything to happen in the game, but the things in the mural come alive and can speak. It is indeed the first time everyone has seen each other.

While everyone was indulging in this peculiar mural, they just listened to the butterfly dragon's inscrutable voice: "You can actually see my existence, which is enough to prove that you are not an ordinary creature, at least you are the best among ordinary creatures. How, Do you want to know my story?"

This single-player 32-level copy has no pre-requisite tasks. It seems that the remnant soul of the butterfly dragon in this mural has been lonely for a long time. I hope someone will listen to its story. I am not happy to arrange other tasks for At the same time, the world channel, the system channel, and the dungeon channel simultaneously popped up a headline message: "Important reminder! Player [Sit on the well and watch the sky] discovered a mysterious cave in the Terran territory [Linlilar Peak]. Players with level 32 or above can challenge it after activation. A special daily single-player copy of "Butterfly Dragon Fantasy Land", players who meet the level requirements can challenge it!"

"I'm going to your sister, it's not level 30 yet, but someone is level 32?" ID [Mengmie Shenma I] said with a sad look.

"I just found the copy, is it the first pass?" ID [Qian Yi] smiled lightly.

"You know a wool, a single copy, it's definitely not difficult. The first kill is probably gone today." ID [Yueran Fenghua] said sarcastically.

"Single player copy? How to play? I am a priest, shouldn't I kill monsters, please spare us, system god." ID [trick] is full of doubts about his profession.

"Hurry up and upgrade, go in and take a look at that time, take the first kill!" ID [I don't blame my uncle's candy] is full of curiosity, obviously an unrelated person. Sky Dungeon

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