Sky Dungeon

Chapter 453: Resurrected puppet

Civilian players insist on their dreams, thinking that one day they can reach the top and defeat the powerful krypton gold players and strive to become stronger.

Sky Dungeon is really not only a game for making money, but also a game that allows players to have dreams and struggles. Anyone can successfully become the protagonist of the game. As long as you keep playing, there is nothing. impossible!

Of course, everyone may have a question, can you really look forward to that day in the game?

Has the Krypton Gold Party fallen to the same level as civilian players?

Naturally, Jing Tian had considered it a long time ago, and the answer to this question must be: definitely!

However, does the same equipment represent similar strength and combat power?

The answer is naturally: definitely not!

The same equipment has different gameplay, the same equipment and different comprehension skills. Not to mention that there are differences between each profession. There are also quite big differences in this profession. Everyone will continue to work hard to become stronger. Will continue to krypton gold in order to be stronger.

Even if one day everyone is so strong that there is no gold, wouldn't it be possible to open new levels and produce new levels of equipment and new skills?

What's more, the same equipment does not exist at all. Most of the equipment in Sky Dungeon is freely customized. When you entrust NPC forging, you can freely customize the attribute requirements. Although the overall attribute points are capped, most players It is almost impossible to be exactly the same when equipped, unless it is premeditated.

In summary, even equipment of the same rank cannot be completely equated with strength.

Jing Tian believes that the grade of equipment is just a symbol of what everyone has paid, and whether it is time or money, everyone has received a signal of return. To be truly powerful, you still need to think about how to find the most suitable gameplay for you. Just like the sister who doesn't eat mice, if she didn't play as a mask shaman at the beginning, then she might have abandoned the game now.

Let's talk about her equipment rank, although she is not high, but her full agility attributes plus points, only focusing on the speed of equipment matching, make her outstanding in actual combat.

Of course, she also has many years of successful FPS experience, which cannot be easily replicated.

I still return to Nan Lingxi. Fortunately, Nangong Lingxi died in battle. All the puppets will be automatically recycled and have not been destroyed. Those undamaged puppets will resurrect with her, otherwise Nan Lingxi will have to resurrect every time. It is too much trouble to spend money on puppets and equipment.

Thinking of this, Jing Tian looked at Nan Lingxi again with a surprised look. How did this shrewd and beautiful woman drive seven puppets at the same time? You know, just ran back from the resurrection point to the fifth floor of the underground city. Surprising enough, this woman actually died several times. After all, the spirit puppet did not follow such intelligent instructions. All operations must be given by Nan Lingxi himself. How much time was delayed on the road?

However, at this time, Nan Lingxi also looked at Jing Tian, ​​and his eyes met. Nan Lingxi seemed to see Jing Tian’s doubts and quickly blurted out and asked: "Why, is this profiteer doing something wrong or operating Is there any problem? Is there not enough puppets brought by the profiteer? I feel that the setting of the puppets cannot be resurrected in the game is too unreasonable. The puppets are completely disposable consumables, and the daily consumption is too large. The profiteers have communicated with Tengyi's full-time customer service to let them launch the function of reviving the puppet as soon as possible."

Not enough puppets?

The function of resurrecting puppets?

Everyone is really sweating. This woman is too crazy and too abnormal. Even Liu Yaya is ashamed of herself. She has not been so shameless as to directly communicate with the people of Tengyi Company, so she can make any changes for her convenience. This woman is really Too self-righteous, the princess is very sick!

So Liu Yaya put on a curious tone and said, "What is a full-time customer service, does that guy agree?"

Everyone nodded separately, indicating that they all wanted to know the answer to this question.

"I just asked someone to contact the executives of Tengyi Company and said that I had a problem in the game and asked them to solve it. Tengyi Company arranged for me a full-time customer service, and I can talk to her for all problems afterwards. , I told her about the inexplicable killing of me by the demons in the game, and then she explained it to me. Then I understood why the demons wanted to kill me. Finally, I Asking them to improve the setting of adding resurrected puppets, she replied in less than three minutes and agreed, saying that their main policy agreed, and the game will add this setting in one hour."

Nan Lingxi spoke like gossip, and everyone's eyelids twitched.

Sure enough, this world is unequal. Some are born to be the second generation of princes and generals, and some are born to be poor people who don’t care about their parents. Even playing a game is so unfair. Rich women with backgrounds even have customer service. It's a full-time job. Most people don't talk about sharing customer service, but they may have to wait in line for a long time to solve a problem.

Jing Tian also feels a bit inexplicable. If the profession of the puppet master is very powerful, if he can resurrect the puppet casually, wouldn't it be against the sky!

It only takes a one-time krypton gold to obtain a strong combat power, so what is there that the krypton gold party is not willing to, how many people should be clamoring for a career change?

Therefore, there is probably only one answer.

But thinking of the insidious guy kicking Tian felt that things would not be that simple. Even if the skills of resurrecting the puppets were increased, or the puppets were resurrected by other methods, there would be What restrictions must be paid at what price, this is just to make the spirit puppet master a little more players, it is impossible to let the spirit puppet resurrect without limit.

"Oh? One hour, maybe this puppet’s resurrection setting has been tested long ago, right? I’ll wait for it to be released. It’s probably not the first one you asked this question, it’s just a blind cat caught Dead mouse, just coincides with the system update."

Liu Yaya can see clearly that it is impossible for Tengyi Company to consider the cooperation with Nanjia, and make this change due to the face of Nanlingxi. You must know that the mysterious kicking Tiannongjing is definitely not that casual. The person who changed his mind, he agreed that he must have thought so long ago, and he had already planned this way.

"It's very possible! Although this setting modification does not seem to be a big deal, the spirit puppet's resurrection setting will naturally also consider the restoration of the spirit outfit. What to do if it’s gone, don’t you still have to be scolded and complained by your puppet masters? But don’t think that Tengyi Company is a soft persimmon. You can squeeze it as you like. This resurrection puppet can never be unlimited, if there are no restrictions. How do game companies still make money? They don't do business at a loss." Jing Tian explained in a simple way. Sky Dungeon

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