Sky Dungeon

Chapter 454: Repair cost

"I'm doing it! Frog, it won't be you who kicked the Tiannongjing, are you doing a part-time job for Tengyi Company without telling us? No wonder the main strategy of the game, which should have been so fascinating, shrunk its head and did not show up, I see Don’t you dare to show up? Afraid of being recognized by us!"

Luo Xia was a serious look who had seen Jing Tian, ​​angrily questioning Jing Tian, ​​and a fierce gaze burst into her eyes, as if she wanted Jing Tian to be brought to justice or executed on the spot.

Yes, if you ask who in the world is closest to that mysterious game master kicking Tiannongjing, it must be Jingtian!

"Hehe, this profiteer can pack tickets. This kicking Tiannongjing and Brother Jing are definitely not the same person. Let's see the updated content."

Everyone turned their eyes on Luo Xia with the gaze of "reporting military affairs, it deserves death." Luo Xia had already taken the initiative to open the official website of Sky Dungeon with his mobile phone, and the bulletin board of the official website was naturally quiet. There is a game update announcement, the content of the announcement is about some changes to the puppet.

"I'm doing it! This is too amazing..."

"Stop talking nonsense, dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water, be careful I adjust the temperature of the natural gas water heater to two hundred degrees while you take a bath, read it!"

Zhao Jiaxue naturally wouldn't believe Luo Xia's inferences. After all, she was in the same room as Jing Tian most of the time. To put it in an unpleasant way, she knows that Jing Tian farts now.

However, the fat man came up with such ridiculous inferences and wasted everyone's time, and he has not repented at all, and he is ready to speak out, really: strangers can bear it, acquaintances can't bear it!

Now everyone is most concerned about the content of the announcement, but now Zhao Jiaxue has said that with a leap thinking, everyone is starting to think about whether the natural gas water heater can be adjusted to a high temperature of two Baidu. Even if it is possible by special methods, the water heater can really boil water to two. Baidu? Know that the normal boiling point of water is about one hundred degrees.

Everyone's thoughts were inexplicably deflected by Zhao Jiaxue. Fortunately, under the pressure of Zhao Jiaxue, Luo Xia honestly read the game announcement.

"Dear players, in response to the suggestions and requirements of the majority of puppet master players, the following changes are now made to the puppets in Sky Dungeon. 1. Cancel the settings that cannot be restored after the death of the puppets and change After fighting for the spirit puppet, a core of the spirit puppet will be formed and fall into the master's task package. 2. The puppet master player can find the NPC spirit puppet creator by going to the smelting hall and submit the core of the spirit puppet in the form of a task. And after paying a certain amount of gold coins, the puppet will be resurrected, the level of the resurrected puppet will be reduced by one level, and the skills will remain the same. 3. After the resurrection, the puppet can choose to restore the puppet at the puppet creator, It takes a certain amount of gold coins to restore the spiritual equipment, and the restored spiritual equipment has a certain chance to reduce the properties or quality of the spiritual equipment." Luo Xia slowly said.

"Frog, you are still more black-hearted. Look at people. You can resurrect the puppet with a little money, but you can go down one level without relearning skills. Don't you feel ashamed? And the spiritual outfit can be restored, this But it saves a lot of expenses." Zhao Jiaxue smacked.

"Uh... I designed it in this way at the beginning. It's a good idea to pay more money at the beginning. Tengyi company has a lot of money and changes." Jing Tianfeng said lightly, it seems that the culprit is not him at all.

You must know how many puppet masters have scolded the man behind this setting thousands of times. Although the Krypton Gold Party is not short of money, it does not bring such money-burning puppets. It was directly knocked out of the world, and you had to spend money again. After that, no one was willing to spend money. They all used the spirit puppet’s initial skills and a tattered spiritual outfit to make the spirit puppet master this. The god-like profession has become a poor god's profession that everyone dislikes, and the saying that the three generations of the puppet of the spirits play is even more widespread.

However, all players who play puppet masters also understand the power of puppets. Naturally, they complain and give feedback while continuing to play. After all, all puppet masters have the great ideal of "one person controls thousands of troops" and paranoia. , I always dreamed that one day I could break through the limit of operation and control the puppet army to kill the Quartet, and the city could be wiped out by raising hands and feet...

That is to say, such an unrealistic ideal has caused so many puppet masters to work hard for it, even if they are lingering, they have not changed professions.

Now, the puppet masters finally ushered in the so-called spring?

Probably not, the spirit puppet master's spring should be right after possessing the ability to resurrect the spirit puppet...

"How much?" Yun Yiyi asked coldly.

How much is it?

Yun Yiyi, the icy queen's character like gold, is really helpless. Everyone didn't react for a while. Jing Tian naturally opened his mouth and explained: "Go to the forum to see. There should be a puppet master who will discuss the resurrection of the puppet and the puppet. The price of the restoration."

Everyone immediately understood, Luo Xia even opened the official website forum page and browsed it. Sure enough, it was the setting of the resurrected puppet that was so noisy.

Although the modification of the spirit puppets has improved the survival status of the spirit puppet masters, the spirit puppet masters do not buy it. They still curse Tengyi as a black heart. Resurrecting a spirit puppet is more expensive than buying a new one. Repair The price of the spiritual outfit also disappoints the players of the puppet masters. The repair costs are different depending on the level of the spiritual outfit. The most unacceptable thing is that the repair cost of a white spiritual outfit is even more expensive than buying a new one. Let all the spirit puppet masters curse the game's main strategy and brain damage, profiteers want money crazy.

"Insatiable Yun Yiyi spit out these four words coldly. Obviously, she vented her dissatisfaction with those Puppet Master players who were not satisfied with the discount.

This is actually a very western setting. In some European and American countries, repairing your own laptop is far more expensive than buying a new one, but many people still choose to repair it.

Needless to say, there must be important information of oneself in it, or that you already have feelings for your computer.

Of course, most of this happens outside the warranty period. Many countries in Europe and the United States use replacement repairs, but there are still a small number of people who require repairs instead of new ones.

"That's right, the cost of resurrection is higher than the cost of purchasing a new puppet. It is a normal setting. Compared with the previous death, it is necessary to repurchase the puppet, reprint the skill book, re-level, and rename these troubles. In terms of things, it is indeed a lot more cost-effective and convenient."

Nan Lingxi has the most say. As a puppet master, she did not join the condemnation army, but rather calmly thought out the gains and losses.

But can renaming things like this be a hassle? Sky Dungeon

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