Sky Dungeon

Chapter 455: Consultant, knowingly ask

"It’s more expensive to repair white-tiered psychics than buying new ones. How much more expensive is it? How about repairing orange and purple tiers? It’s impossible for the system to fix a very expensive price for orange-tier and purple-tier psychic equipment. After all, the equipment above orange has not been sold clearly at NPCs, and the system will never be priced according to the market price of the magic core. After all, the market price is fluctuating. I am afraid that repairing the orange and purple tiers will be very favorable. It's just that these spirit puppet masters deliberately took out the white rank and said something." Jing Tian said lightly after thinking.

Indeed, many people just like to have nothing to do, for fear that others will know what they have gained, and have to cry about what they have lost, as if they have gained nothing. Especially for things like vocational skill modification, people always cry about weakened skills, and few people will blatantly tout that a certain vocational skill has been greatly improved.

"As the saying goes, making a fortune in a muffled voice, I am afraid that even players who know the number of gold coins needed to repair the orange and purple quality spiritual outfits will not say it. Otherwise, other professions are not willing, why let a powerful puppet? Resurrection is so simple?" Zhao Jiaxue was very quick this time. After all, she was very concerned about money-related matters.

"This is simple, you will know after the profiteers are online. I believe the system will not come up with a completely unnecessary setting. Although there are many rich people, it does not mean that rich people are stupid. Sometimes they are very smart. Although I was cheated by you once for the sake of face, but the next time I have the same business, I will definitely not look for those who cheated me. This is a question of favorability." Nan Lingxi said righteously, it seems to be She has been in business for many years.

However, what she went through was all the big scenes, and it was a little different compared to the daily economy of some small troubles.

"You're not right. We **** also have a good impression. If someone sells me something that is more expensive than the market, I find out that I will not go to him to buy it again, and I will smash his storefront. Now! Those who buy and sell fake goods, can't let it go, see a family smash a family!" Luo Xia showed a look of hatred and hatred, it seems that he has become an angry youth with a sense of justice, but in fact he is a mixed society. The smell of scorn left over.

"Oh? Now, does this mean that Tengyi Company has to lose a lot of money? The consultant fees will not be affected?" Liu Yaya stared at Jing Tian with questioning eyes, and her voice became charming. When she got up, especially the word "renjia" was deliberately used by her to make Jing Tian feel itchy.

It's as if Liu Yaya is begging to support herself. It really reminds me of what you said before. Isn't it true that you don't ask for money from your family, do you live on such a small amount of consultant fees? The key is whether your consultant fees are so much that it can feed you?

"What kind of idiot question is this? Your consultant, Fei Tengyi, dare to be less? If you are less, you will not go and shoot them? It is natural to lose money. After all, the money for puppet skills is big. Now the puppets can be resurrected. , Don't need to re-play the skills again and again." Nan Lingxi couldn't understand Liu Yaya's intimacy signal to her brother Jing, and said angrily.

Even if Liu Yaya is really Jing Tian's fiancée, Nan Lingxi firmly believes that as long as she is not married, she has a great chance of winning. In her heart, her brother Jing is definitely not a violent muscular woman. Although Liu Yaya can't see a trace of muscle, the turbulent waves are definitely suppressed and hidden by her deliberately. As the saying goes, paper can't keep the fire, the country is easy to change, and the nature is difficult to change. Is it still afraid that Liu Yaya will not have the opportunity to reveal the truth?

However, Liu Yaya was not angry, a trace of violence was not exposed, as if he had not heard anything from Nan Lingxi, unmoved, still staring at Jing Tian tenderly, although Jing Tian wanted to avoid Liu Yaya However, this woman stared directly at herself, and it meant "If you don't answer, I will keep staring."

Sister, how do you feel that you are asking knowingly? Consultant, consultant, knowingly asked, it turned out to be such a meaning!

Therefore, Jing Tian coughed awkwardly: "Actually, Tengyi Company can't lose much money, but earns it. If I change it, I will also introduce such a setting. After all, as you said before, most wealthy people actually Very shrewd, otherwise they will not become the real rich generation. However, I can add that many times rich people just get along and make a difference, and even disperse their wealth to eliminate disasters and spend high prices to buy better To pretend to be confused with the idea of ​​better service and better status. Even if you cheat them for a while, you can’t cheat them. Naturally it will make the rich people disgusted and even cut off consumption in your place. This is why many people have changed jobs from puppet masters to other professions. It is not that they can't afford it, but they feel that the experience is not in place!"

Jing Tian paused deliberately to let everyone digest what he said, and then continued after two seconds: "Why is the experience not in place? Everyone can imagine if a puppet had worked so hard. Skills, completed the spiritual outfit, but it didn’t take long for it to be completely destroyed. There was no time to get any satisfaction, dare, and sense of accomplishment. The spirit puppets that I had worked so hard to create disappeared... I spent a lot of money and didn’t make any money. With enough sense of status and superiority, this money naturally feels wronged and squandered. So even if most of the so-called rich people insist on playing puppets, they directly use primitive skills instead of throwing them away. Any skills. Lingxi also said that smashing skills are big heads, but everyone doesn't give babies smashing skills. What else is there to earn?"

Continue to give everyone some time to think, Jing Tian continued to say indifferently: "And now launching the resurrection of the spirit puppet will not reduce the income of purchasing the spirit puppet, because the resurrection of the spirit puppet is more expensive than the purchase of the spirit puppet. Not only that, but it can also promote everyone. The desire of smashing skills brings more benefits. After all, everyone now understands that only smashing skills can make the puppet truly powerful, and the skills will not suffer any loss due to the resurrection of the puppet. Although only once, every time Only the spirit puppet only invests once, but it is a huge profit compared to no one before. Also, if you want to give your baby skills, everyone must go to the magic core, the magic core itself is not enough, the spirit puppet master Most of them will choose to recharge to buy, which will bring a large amount of income and promote the development of the game economy. It will drive more professional players to survive, and allow more moneymakers to serve the puppet master in the game." Sky Dungeon

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